
Edward Newton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Edward Newton

<B>The Basics

- Full Name: Edward Micheal Newton
- Birth Date: May 17th
- Current Age: 22
- Pets, if any: Pork and Podge the two pigs and chucky, mable, tina, leslie and horace the chickens.
- Area of Residence: Flat outside of Obsidian.
- Blood status: Half blood


Mother: Keighla-Maria Stiffon (42)
Father: Seamus Finnigan (40)
Siblings, if any: (Half brothers)
Ezekiel Cambridge Newton (12-deceased)
Kristoph Sebastian Newton (7)

Other important family members:
Zed Newton - Step Father

<COLOR color="#000">History

Edward Micheal Newton was born to Keighla-Maria Stiffon and Seamus Finnigan when she was 20 and he was 18. When he was seven his mother married a man called Zed Newton, Edward took his surname, he liked Zed and accepted him as his father and called him dad. Three years later they had a son called Ezekiel Cembridge Newton. Five years after Ezekiels birth, the couple had another son called Kristoph Sebastian Newton. The family live on a farm in the fields close to Obsidian Harbour, within walking distance, and make their living by selling crops and produce from their animals.

During March of 2024, Edward had a one night stand with a woman, Odette, and managed to impregnate her. He had refused to take resposibility and left her on her own. His mind was changed when, in August, a tragic incident happened. No-body knew what happened but the body of the middle son, Ezekiel, was found speared to a wall in blek street. It seemed he had been exploring the street with a girl, Carter Taylor, who was also killed. This tragic experience taught him that family is important and he returned to Odette and claimed full responsibility.

During September, 2024, Eddie proposed to Odette after realising that he did love the woman. During the same month, Zed and Keighla-Maria got a divorce. She was told to leave and to take Kristoph with her. Luckily, she found a home with her ex, Seamus Finnigan and the two of them moved in. Eddie visits often, staying there until he finds a home good enough for him to live in with Odette and the baby, which they learnt was a boy and called Connor Zeke Newton, the middle name after Eddie's brother.


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