Edmund Thomas Sable Houghman

Edmund Houghman

Active Member
Edmund Thomas Sable Houghman

First Name: Edmund
Meaning: Rich Protector
Middle Name: Thomas/Sable
Meaning: A Twin/Black
Last Name: Houghman
Meaning: A person who lives in a hollow

Birthday: June 20, 2015
Age: 11
Horoscope: Gemeni/Cancer
Relatable Characteristics (Gemeni): Short attention span; Affectionate; Kind
Relatable Characteristics (Cancer): Protection of loved ones; Medium build; Round face
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Goat
Relatable Characteristics: Indecisive; Sensetive

Heritage: English/Serbian
Country of Birth: England
Languages Spoken: English

Physical Characteristics: Black hair; Blue eyes; Pale skin; Medium build.
Scars: A line underneath his right eye</COLOR></FONT></COLOR></COLOR></FONT></COLOR></COLOR></FONT></COLOR></COLOR></FONT></COLOR></COLOR></FONT></COLOR>
<COLOR color="darkred">Family</SIZE><i></i>​
<COLOR color="black"><COLOR color="darkred"><COLOR color="black"><COLOR color="darkred"><COLOR color="black"><COLOR color="darkred"><COLOR color="black"><COLOR color="darkred"><COLOR color="black">
<SIZE size="75">Father

Name: Richmond Houghman
Heritage: English
<FONT font="batang"><FONT font="batang"><FONT font="batang"><FONT font="batang"><FONT font="batang">

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