Edmund Kreuz

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Edmund Kreuz

Well-Known Member
Hornbeam Wood, 8' ¨ö" Essence of Phoenix Feather

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Distant Friends
Family Friends
Protective Over Me
Protective Over You
Former Enemies


Mortal Enemies
Hardcore Enemies
Average Enemies
Mutual Dislike
One Sided Enemy

Romantic Relationships

Puppy Love
Like Family
Mutual Crush
I have a Crush On You
You Have a Crush On Me
I look Up To You

<SIZE size="150">Other

Former Friends
Name Basis
Met Once
The Form said:
Relationship Form:
[edit where appropriate for adult and student characters: ]


Thoughts on Me:
My thoughts on You:
Our History:
Link to relationship thread:
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<FONT font="Georgia">Witches


Name: 'Romy'
Occupation: Personal Assistant to Edmund Kreuz

Relationship: I Have A Crush On You/Acquaintances
Thoughts on Me: You are good at what you do.
My thoughts on You: I enjoy working for you, but I wish you'd notice me.
Our History: We met in 2018 at your birthday celebration. I was eighteen and you were thirty. Your music career was just beginning to hit the top and you were in need of a P.A. We got talking when you ordered your third drink and the previous waitress had just gone off duty. You flirted with me, initially, but I found myself informing you that I was in a relationship. You seemed to leave off and you and the other band members began to talk. Every time any of you ordered something, I was there to serve. It was just before leaving the restaurant that you expressed your need for a P.A. and asked me if I was available for the job. I dropped my job as a waitress and came to work for you. I have been working for you ever since and I have developed a crush on you.


Name: Roswitha Kreuz
Occupation: Healer

Relationship: Family/Protective Over You
Thoughts on Me: I care about you, but you can be a right old pain.
My thoughts on You: I wish you'd hurry up and give me some grandchildren to spoil. I'd like us to be close again, like we were a few years ago.
Our History: I always knew you would be a boy. We never tried to find out your gender before you were born, we just knew. For the first few years of your life, you were well behaved and we got on fine. When you were six, you and your father grew close. I can honestly say that I was jealous. I was so proud of you for becoming a judge, but we fell out over your music career. I'm still upset that 'Mama' was your third word and 'Pretty' was your first. How amusing.

<FONT font="Georgia">Wizards


Name: Alban Kreuz
Occupation: Retired Arithmancy Professor (Durmstrang)

Relationship: Family/Distant Friends
Thoughts on Me: You were always strict, but you supported me when I most needed it.
My thoughts on You: You were always a troublemaker who enjoyed winding people up and legging it from fights. You never cease to amuse me. I'd like to see you settle down and get married, for a change.
Our History: We first met when you were born. I couldn't have known what you'd become, but I knew you were destined for greatness from the moment I first held you. 'Papa' was your second word. We got on okay as you grew up, though I know we fell out for a while when you were a teenager. I took you to your first Quidditch game when you were six. It was quite a journey, but you enjoyed camping out. If memory serves me right, you hung around with a little blonde girl, who you kept telling was 'very pretty'. Not much has changed there.


Name: Ignus Kreuz
Occupation: Unknown

Relationship: Family/Distant Friends
Thoughts on Me: We argued a lot as kids, but I did like you. It's a shame about what happened. I haven't seen you since we were first adults.
My thoughts on You: I like you, and I have always looked up to you. It was your choice not to go the same way as me. Maybe, some day, you shall convert your way of thinking. I hope so. I miss being around you, however annoying you are.
Our History: We grew up together. You were the annoying elder brother, but you inspired me in so many ways. We both attended Durmstrang, though we only really bothered with each other in the holidays. Just after my finishing Durmstrang, I argued with mother about my chosen path, trying to help her to see that it was right. I was given an ultimatum: Stay and remain a prisoner in the family home, trapped within the acceptance father tried to push upon me, or leave and be forgotten. We both know the option I chose is not preferable, but I could not stand to remain a captive. We haven't seen each other in many years, and I hope it does not remain that way.
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