Eddie Bliss

Eddie Bliss

Active Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust

"It seems to me that all the things we keep in sealed boxes are both alive and dead
until we open the box, that the unobserved is both there and not."

Full Name:
Eddie Gavreel Bliss

Eddie, Ed, Gavy

Current Age:
Eleven Years Old

Blood Status:
Muggle Born

Area of Residence:
Ontario, Canada


Hogwarts New Zealand

House and Year:
Slytherin, First Year

Half-Canadian, Half-Irish

Face Claim:
Robert Sheehan</FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT>

Interests or Hobbies:
Pranking People, Annoying people, Mocking People,
Collection Comic Books, action figures, swimming, joking and dancing

Describe your character in three words:
Arrogant, Confident, Energetic

Favorite Place to be:
Along the corridors, Theme Parks

Basic Appearance:
Brown Curly Hair, Wide Hazel Eyes, Thick Eyebrows,
Slim Figure, Fair Skin Tone, Pink Lips.

Eddie maybe lacks of useful talents, but he knows how to make people laugh. Some people would probably call him dumb, but he doesn't care about other peoples opinions. He's very sarcastic and really open, he always says what's on his mind. That intimidates some people. He can't be serious about anything and likes to annoy people, young or old. He's an only child, so in his mind he gets what he wants. Eddie can be brutal to a point that some people can really loath him, but he's not bothered by it like really. Eddie is on of those class clown, not always paying attention to what his professors try to teach him. He's smart but too lazy to use his mind, and likes to fool around most of the time. Is someone who you either get along with, or you don't. He can be vain and likes to look at himself on the mirror form time to time. But in a lot of situations, his cocky attitude and sometimes rude words, can make you dislike him before his opinion can even come about. He did what he wanted with life in the most arrogant way. He loved to get under people'ts skin. It was what he does in his free time. People think of him being the most confident arrogant human being that ever walked upon this words. He has a way with words and he knows it. Eddie is manipulative and can get people to do things he wants them to do.

Eddie never met his biological parents. His mother died giving birth to him and his father died of a drug overdose before he was born. It never really bothered him he told others. But some would often see the glimpse of sadness cross his eyes when he spoke so simply about them. Afterwards he was taken care by his relatives, his aunt Mabel Bliss and uncle Benedict Bliss. Eddie being officially and legally adopted by the two. They took care of him and raised him as their own child, all these years Eddie knew that his aunt and uncle aren't his true parents but loved them both equally. The couple doesn't have a child of their own and is incompetent to even have a child, so when they got Eddie, it was big miracle for them. Mabel is the identical twin sister of Eddie's real mother, Eden. Mabel is a dressmaker and own a shop of her own while Benedict is a broker, they strive hard to give Eddie's needs and wants. Showering Eddie with true love and pure kindness, though Eddie grew up to be spoiled and mean boy, he's always nice around his parents. It is said to be that he got his mean side through his father, as they shared the same interest as a kid. Eddie's biological Mother is Canadian while his real father is Irish.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To meet a lot of interesting new people, annoy some and graduate to make his parents happy.
Best school subject
Muggle Studies
Worst school subject
Extracurricular Activities
Muggle Sports Club
Plans for the Future
Patronus Memory
Climbing up one of the biggest tree and able to see the whole city.
Mirror of Errised
Being able to see his true biological parents, Eva and Nolan.

Page from his Diary
I am awesome. Should I say more?

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Hey Mintzy, this is a really good start to a development! I love Nathan from Misfits, so I love the PB you've chosen, it also seems to fit the character really well.. I just have a few questions that could help you. You can answer them IC, or OOC.

1. Do you think that Eddie, would ever wonder about if either of his parents had magic?
2. Does he enjoy Slytherin house?
3. If he had the ability to change his house would he?
4. Why is his favourite place to be a theme park? Is it the sounds, the people, the attractions themselves?
5. Does he have a favourite theme park?
6. He likes comics, what is his favourite Marvel hero/heroine and/or DC hero/heroine? Why?
7. What is his favourite villain in Marvel and/or DC?

Thats all! Thanks!
Thanks for the lovely compliments and helpful questions Emzies!

1. Do you think that Eddie, would ever wonder about if either of his parents had magic?
Always. During his early years he would wonder why things turned out differently with him, like why magic is always connected to him. He would annoy his parents ask why, until they got a letter from Hogwarts telling him that's his a wizard, in which answers his questions.

2. Does he enjoy Slytherin house?
So far, yes. He seems to fit in a lot with the house, but there are some students that thinks low of him
for being a muggle-born but he isn't bothered by it too much.

3. If he had the ability to change his house would he?
Hmmm, that's a hard one. He could never fit in with Ravenclaw. As for Hufflepuff, it would be a great house to annoy all the students sorted there. So, I'm thinking there's a slight possibility that he may somehow, like a tiny chance be for Gryffindor. But he'll take Slytherin all the way.

4. Why is his favourite place to be a theme park? Is it the sounds, the people, the attractions themselves?
Eddie loves theme parks. As it makes him feel that he's going to stay a kid forever. The fun rides, scenery, attractions excites him a lot. Also, seeing a family that is complete inside the theme parks, makes him wonder if his parents were still alive, will such thing happen to them.

5. Does he have a favourite theme park?
Yes. Disney Land, Universal Studios.

6. He likes comics, what is his favourite Marvel hero/heroine and/or DC hero/heroine? Why?
He does not like comics, he loves and lives it. Definitely, Dead Pool. He enjoys the fact that he's a hero at the same time villain. He can totally relate to Dead Pool being 'Merc with a Mouth', with a talkative nature just like Eddie himself. Also he professed himself to be a Canadian.

7. What is his favourite villain in Marvel and/or DC?
Deadpool and Loki.


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