Early Morning Run

Andrew Bruke

Well-Known Member
Andrew had a rough night because he had got a bad cold and thus couldn't sleep no matter what he tried. Finally around 5.30am he got out of the Slytherin Common room dressed in a jeans and a simple white t-shirt but he was wearing his jumper on top. He couldn't believe that he was dressed this way in summer. Hoping no one would question his fashion sense he quietly walked out to the grounds wanting to breathe some cool air of the morning.

The waters of the lake were still and beautiful as the sun rose behind the cliffs.Pulling out his jumper he began jogging around the long coastline of the lake. It felt so good to breathe in the cool air after being suffocated due to lack of air in the cold dungeons.
Hadan stretched her arms up, as she loosened her tightened muscles of the morning. How lovely this morning appeared to Hadan; her white skin covered by a special sunscreen that allowed her to be outside for longer than she normally would have been in a tee shirt and jeans. While at home at the holidays, she dyed her white-blonde roots back to brown. It was better than her blonde hair, at least. Hadan ran her fingers through the brown waves as she gazed over at the water of the lake. It caused the corners of her lips to curl into a sweet, subtle smile.

Her head turned to see someone jogging. It took a moment for Hadan to realize exactly who it was. Is that...Andrew Bruke? inquired Hadan in her mind. Oh, it was! Hadan could not remember the last time she had seen - or spoken to - him. With a wave of her hand, Hadan called out a greeting, "Morning, Andrew!" Hadan just couldn't help but wonder how many people jogged in the morning, or if he could even hear her.
As Andrew jogged a million difernet thoughts ran through his mind. Different sounds of animals were now being heard as the planet started its day, early in the morning. The Giant Squid adjusted itself in the lake making the lake water to be broken into waves. He smiled at the sight. Just then he heard himself being greeted by a female voice. Turning to see who it was so early in the morning.
He recognized her as Hadan, she was his classmate.

"Hey Hadan" he said with a smile. Jogging to her, panting a bit to catch his breath he asked her "You up early too?" Of course, that was obvious. Did he think it was her ghost roaming in the grounds? It was such a hopeless start of conversation. "Thought I'd breathe in some fresh air" he told her.
Hadan grinned to herself in her mind, when he indeed had heard her. From the last information that she heard from others, he was the Co-Captain of the Quidditch team, the sport she feared for good reasons at that. Hadan placed her hands behind the nape of her back, and she nodded at his question. She was usually up early, because she did not sleep as much as some students did. Perhaps three to five hours at the most. "I'm usually the first one out of my dorm, so yes, I am up early." Her ruby-colored eyes gazed softly upon Andrew, non-judging manner, unlike what she did with others upon meeting them repeatedly.

Hadan laughed softly, "The dungeons rather musty or something? Not that I blame you though, fresh air is perhaps the best in the morning, my opinion." Hadan moved the brunette hairs that fell in her pale face, before inquiring rather curiously, "How is Quidditch nowadays? I haven't heard anything as of recently." Not that it really mattered to her, though she cheered for the Slytherin team and Ravenclaw - because of Raffael of course. However, it was so odd that neither of them liked Quidditch, which was swell.
Andrew heard Hadan tell her reasons for being early. ''That must be cool, I wouldn't wake up before time also if people were dancing beside my bed with loud stupid music'' he said chuckling slightly. Andrew noticed that Hadan looked different from the last time they had met. It took him a while to figure out what had changed because he wasn't good at such things. ''Your brown hair looks cool''he commented finally figuring out the difference. It was good to compliment girls because thats what they liked but this had been a genuine complement, it did suit her.

As Hadan asked about Qudditch, Andrew sighed as he ran a hand through his wet hair. ''I couldn't play in the first term cause I had a knee surgery but know I'll be helping again as Captain together with Isabella. I don't quiet know how the first game of the season went, as far as I heard we got in all goals but the Gryffindor seeker caught the snitch so we lost'' he said with disbelief that Zoe-Hope hadn't been trained well to compete against whoever was playing for Gryffindor. Now that he was here, he'd have to set it right.
"I would have hit someone with a pillow or spell if that happened to me, to be honest." Hadan gave a soft laugh, even though it was more than likely true. No one should ever wake Hadan up without fear of being hit by something. Everyone needed their beauty sleep, even her. Hadan smiled fondly when she received a compliment from him. Her blonde hair before just did not go well with her look. "Thank you, Andrew." Hadan was not used to compliments from other people excluding Raffael, so she just could not hug him for such lovely words without it feeling a little awkward. She frowned a bit about the surgery. She herself never been through one, and from what it sounds like, Hadan would not go through with one. "I'm sorry about your knee. I just hope it doesn't falter your Quidditch skills." Someone who was Captain had to have good skills in that game, right? "Shows that all a Gryffindor can really do is find a ball. Chasers need more credit in the game, even though I don't watch anymore." Hadan shrugged. Why was it that Seekers got the glory? It seemed like that to her. It probably would have bothered her if she enjoyed Quidditch, but she was moreover confused.
Andrew smiled and laughed with Hadan as she mentioned hitting anyone that disturbed her sleep. As Hadan mentioned to him that his knee surgery shouldn't ruin his Qudditch skills, he gave it a thought. It was a delicate subject now that Andrew considered it. He had got his knee treated in St.Mungos with good healers so he had always thought that it wouldn't be a problem. What if there was something about the surgery that would hinder his flying. Nah, can't be, his mind told him to chill.

"Why is that?"he asked Hadan as she told him that she didn't watch Qudditch anymore. People had their own reasons for dislike or no interest in the game, but Andrew never understood any of those reasons fully as he simply loved the game and couldn't find a problem with it. "So what do you do, besides studying that is?"he asked her.

Andrew couldn't think about what he would do for time pass when he was free if he didn't fly. Okay, he did read but other than that there was nothing to do here at Hogwarts. You couldn't go mountain climbing whenever you wanted, could you? "What are you hobbies?"he asked.
Hadan shook her head, her brunette hair falling around her. “I am afraid that is personal. I have only shared it with one other person, and I trust him with my life. They are not over the game itself at all, but over what happens in the game…” Hadan lost two family members by the violent game of Quidditch. She could not bare to watch it, without receiving some sort of flashbacks to her cousin’s and uncle’s games. It bother her – no, it perturbed her so much, she would run out of the stadium. She hated the sport, because it took the lives of two of her closest people, blood related to her.

“I watch over my adopted cousins that attend here. Without Jaken, the next oldest has to watch over them.” Hadan smiled graciously. She was the last one to receive the symbol of the Zhefarovich family on her back, and it was still painful to the touch. The next of her family would have to wait two or three years before they could receive theirs. “Some need more guidance than ever before.” Hadan rolled her eyes with a smile. Of course, she was talking of none other than Aleyha herself. “Oh, my hobbies are writing and reading. I also enjoy the art of potion making. And what are yours?”

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