Dymetris Kozlov

Dymetris Kozlov

Al. Hufflepuff 🌿 Healer ✨ Part Veela ✨ Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Faxen's ❤
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring


( 'r u n n i n g t h r o u g h t h e m o n s o o n
b e y o n d t h e w o r l d )

name:dymetris yakov kozlov
nick name:dee, baby face, baby
date of birth:november,11, 2013
birth place:moscow,russia
blood status:mixed blood; both mother are part veela, his donor a wizard that's half blood
sexual orientation:straight;partnership with faxen lowart
wand:alder wand 13 3/4" essence of dragon heartstring
school:hogwarts new zealand
house:hufflepuff graduate

( 't i l' t h e e n d o f t i m e
w h e r e t h e r a i n w o n 't h u r t
f i g h t i n g t h e s t o r m ')

hair color:blonde
eye color:light blue to a teal green
body type:medium and lengthy. he's a bit slim and a bit muscular when it comes to viewing his entire body. well and all, he's fit due to the healthy eating back in russia, he also doesn't eat meat. vegetarian completely;
voice:tom k/his own.
personal style:often wears clothes loosely hanging from his entire body; style>>1+2;influence;american urban style<<
overall description:he's a boy not tall but lengthy; though he still growing. his veela blood made him look younger than his age; he has an olive tone complexion and his eyes much like his family can phase to oceanic hue to teal green. he has blonde dreadlocks that's either held tight with a band and a hat. or let loose when he needs them to be.
likes:-being around those he care about
-showing that's he capable of doing anything despite his height
-traveling with both his parents in new countries
-being a hufflepuff
-making new friends and hanging with old.

dislike:-he doesn't dislike many things, except being told that he can't do something because of his height, besides people trying to discourage him, dymetris typically dislike the very things in life. which would be anything normal to a teenage boy.
goals:-to graduate hogwarts
-to find his place in life after he's done with hogwarts!

favorite place to be: quidditch pitch-it's where he could see most of his potential in school and it always bring joy to life when he feeling let down.
home- it's where he feels most safe and where trouble most likely not to happen.
her embrace- his ex girlfriend now friends hugs, he could never hate that she cares about him.

worst fear:-public speaking and dying. death just something you can't break out of and he knows death will always be promise; public speaking because he's never been outspoken, unless he's with just one person.

<FONT font="monaco">(,a n d w h e n I l o s e m y s e l f
I t h i n k o f y o u , t o g e t h e r
w e ' l l b e r u n n i ng so m e w h e r e n e w')
<COLOR color="grey"><COLOR color="grey"><COLOR color="grey"><COLOR color="grey"><COLOR color="grey"><COLOR color="grey"><COLOR color="grey"><COLOR color="grey"><COLOR color="grey">
maleena kozlova

[blood status]- - mixed blood
[born]- - moscow, russia
[formally known as]- - maleena dementyev
[status]- - married to asenka kozlova

anya kozolva

[blood status]- - mixed blood
[born]- - moscow, russia
[related to]- - dymetris's cousin and asenka niece

kiril michail kozlov

[blood status]- - mixed blood
[born]- - new zealand, july, 21 2030
[related too]- - asenka and maleena's second child, dymetris's brother.
[status]- - to young
[td]asenka kozlova

[blood status]- - mixed blood
[born]- - moscow, russia
[status]- - married to maleena kozlova

lukyan kozlov

[blood status]- - mixed blood
[born]- - moscow, russia
[related]- - dymetris uncle and asenka kozlova brother
[status]- - taken
[off-springs]- -melina kozlova

isidora kozlova

[blood status]- - mixed blood
[born]- - moscow, russia
[related too]- - asenka's niece, anya's sister and dymetris cousin
[status]- - single

history: life was always different for dymetris, only because he was brought into this world in a different way than what other would consider normal. See both his parents are female, they met in their younger years at hogwarts . asenka kozlova a Ravenclaw born in smolensk russia, fell in love with a woman name maleena dementyv a hufflepuff from moscow, russia. both girls had shared a lot in common before they started dating; however asenka at first didn’t like maleena from the beginning. asenka came from a family who thought the wealthy always cheated their way to the top. The typical stereotype of one person wealth blinded them to see someone from what they truly were on the inside. yes it’s true, maleena family were rich, though she grew up in believing her own beliefs and shared a different life than that of her parents. they misunderstood her difference for independence; maleena really was living her life without the riches. whatever she was given, she’d trade it for something simple or gave to someone else who needed it more than her. that’s one of many reasons; asenka and Maleena came to be, asenka poor judgment on her future wife dissolved when the girls started to get to know each other better.

askena had always been attractive to girls all her life, and for that she had thought there was always something wrong about her. she had known about her her veela blood and the way they were betrayed in books and facts, askena believed truly she had been with abnormal attractions to the same sex. She struggle during her younger years about self-identity and why she thought it was so wrong to like a girl. She went by life trying to find answers, hoping to make sense with her feeling towards the same gender. In the end with struggles and putting herself down to a breaking point where she had almost contemplated of losing her sanity, askena gave up feeling bad for herself, she turn around one night after running to the cliffs to only see that she couldn’t change who she wanted to be and the only way to being happy was to accept it right there and then. Instead of giving up, she had accepted her difference and fought off those who disagree with her ways. When she truly understood herself more, she was able to come out freely and not care what anyone thought about her. Because of her stubbornness as she got older, it took maleena a while to confront askena of her feelings. till this day, maleena still teases her partner how she was so quick to shut anyone down, askena often scowls her wife playfully for bringing it up.

dymetris was a result of two years of marriage and a donor’s gift of life. maleena was going to be the holder, while she carried asenka’s egg and the donor whom were close friends to the couple, offered to help the couple as long as he wasn’t a part of the upbringing of the child. they agreed it would be a close case sort of situation and if the child wanted by the time he became seventeen, he was given permission to look for his father. He was brought into this world in november of 2013. birth in the city of moscow in russia, both maleena and asenka were proud to welcome their first given child. through their entire tough situation and trying to be strong, Dymetris had been the result of balancing the good and bad facts about life. He was certainly loved by two lovely women, whom both played role models as parents.

best memory growing up: his old neighborhood with his old friend. it was group of them always hanging out and having fun. he was the smallest of the group, his weight barely kept him up, but he was super strong and super fast on bikes. the greatest memory was probably the last memory he had with his friends before they moved to new zealand. they all had a going away celebration for him, just in case they never see him again. the last time he saw them, was two years ago as of 2030. he sees them frequently throughout the years but never together as once, like last time.
worst memory growing up: his parents getting attack for being what they were, still lived prejudice amongst the same gender role as parents. so his parents always use to get attack, some would not bother them, but there was still who thought little of their family. that was their main reason to moving out of the country for good, they wanted a fresh start in new zealand.

r o l e p l a y s ;

I thought I find you here- - dymetris sees isabella his best friend has move to NZ
Peaking In- - dymetris goes to the yule ball first time ever and meets a girl name roze
The Klutz want some food- -dymetris runs into another gryffindor girl
Trees - - he meets another gryffindor girl whom has a pet bat
Letters Between Friends- - he sends letters to an old friend back home
Found a new room!- - dymetris buys his first broom!
Taking Flight- - dymetris flies with a fellow ravenclaw</COLOR>
<COLOR color="darkgoldenrod">
Card Games- - the day he meets tara and starts dating her the same day
Stumble Upon this Room- - dymetris wanders the trophy room
Three Years and We never Talk- - at meal time one day he meets this girl he's never said anything before.
Don't Want to Keep you Hanging - - he meets up with his girlfriend
When you feeling Down- - dymetris meets a perfect
Leaving Notes Behind- -dymetris sends letters to his ex girlfriend; tara
The Future Just a block Away- -dymetris out and about
Bored and wandering- - dymetris meets a friend and sees an old one
The People who March together- -Dymetris tries to welcome a few new students at Hogwarts, total fail.
The Butterfly Effect- - the beginning of a new friendship after he was almost run over by cyclers.
Nature and It's Magic- - he meets cosette again and they start off something brand new
Ballads and all- - dymetris date for the yuleball and his current girlfriend, cosette
The Stars are Calling Our Names- - probably the one and only night dymetris and cosette share together.
Time Wasted - -dymetris falls lustfully in lost with his best friend faxen, cheating on cosette with not regretting at the time and place.
Dirty Little Secret - - he starts to see faxen undercover.
Rumor Has It- - their secret is revealed because of a damn gossip magazine. dymetris walks out chasing after his friend sapphire.
Up in Flames- - dymetris tries to help a friend only to avoid his own situation.
Bumming Out- - dymetris tries to avoid the entire school, kate finds him alone, he doesn't see past her words towards him.
You and I walk A Fragile Line- -first few days back, dymetris runs into faxen playing music, he apologize for what happen.
Rumor Has It V. 2- -magazine strikes again and tries to make dymetris look like a manwh*re. it becomes somewhat trash when he tells faxen he loves and they are together finally.
Feeling Higher then the Moon- -dymetris and faxen are hanging out together as a couple.

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