Dustin Bolitho-Ginyard

OOC First Name
Dustin Curtis Samuel Bolitho-Ginyard​
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Name meanings:
Dustin: Warrior
Arthur: The follower of Thor (God of thunder)
Bolitho: A distinguished family name from Cornwall, the south west of England. It is a local name, the first part derived from the old Cornish “Bod” or “Bos” meaning “Dwelling place”. The second part is thought to be derived from an unknown personal name.
Ginyard: Probably English origin, but full meaning unknown!
Nickname: His friends tease him with the name ‘Dusty’, it doesn’t really bother him, just makes him laugh. But it’s not what he would call an actual nickname.
Play By: Enver Gjokaj
Age: 22
Birth date: October 16th 2005
Place of birth: A rundown apartment on Bloomfield Terrace, Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand.
Current residency: An apartment on Tacy Street, Kilbirnie, near Wellington, New Zealand.
Blood status: Mixed blood
Blood Type: O-
Favourite colour: Blue. Mainly Navy or pale, not a bright shade.
Animagus (If he were to become one): British Bulldog
Why?: Because even thought they appear tough, they are really very sweet animals, and with the right training will become the best friend you’ve ever had. They are also incredibly protective of those who they love, and will do anything to ensure the happiness and well being of their loved ones.
Bogart: Seeing loved ones in pain and being unable to help them, and being labelled a failure because of it.
If he looked into the mirror of Erised, what would he see?:
Basic Appearance:
6 foot tall, well built and sturdy looking.
Medium to dark brown hair (lightens in the summer months) with Eyes the same colour. His pupils are slightly larger than average, giving him a curious and enchanting look.
He has an expression of a loss of reality on his face most - if not all - of the time, making people suspect him of being confused of worried.
He has a tattoo on the top of his back between his shoulders to remind him to look forward in life, and not to dwell on the events in his life that could and most probably would crush many other men.
General choice of attire:
He usually wears something quite smart but comfortable, he likes making a good impression on people. As he is quite reserved toward people, he doesn’t wear things that would get him noticed too much, so he tends to steer clear of Blight or pale colours, going more for dark or natural shades.

Usual choice of clothes
Shirts: Button-up, medium smart, usually with a t-shirt underneath
Trousers: Jeans, usually dark blue denim.
Shoes: Clean trainers, usually black or white, not coloured.
Sweater: A decent ‘respectable’ jumper.
Coat: Smart, he is particularly fond of long, double breasted ones.
Work clothes (Horse stables)
Shirt: A polo top which has the stable logo on it – navy blue with a small orange crest with a horse emblem on the left of his chest.
Trousers: Either jodhpurs or old jeans.
Shoes: Depending on the weather, Jodhpur boots, trainers or wellingtons.
Sweater: Usually a hoodie with the stable’s crest on it.
Coat: An old, water proof one.
Going out with friends:
He always tries to fit in with at the time, so he will try to match what he is wearing to something similar what they would usually chose.
Smart occasions:
Usually when he has to dress up ‘posh’ he is with his parents, who although they are not very well off they do keep their pride.
Shirt: Smart shirt and tie
Trousers: Smart, ironed, fold down the middle!
Shoes: Smart and shiny!
Sweater: If he has to wear one, it would be very smart.
Coat: His usual long double-breasted one as its quite nice  but just cleaned up a little.
- People who are who are stronger than him – so he can follow them, but not overly domineering.
- Nights out with friends, or general social situations – he likes to feel included
- Snow, because it looks nice and he loves playing with his son, Nephews and niece in it.
- Routine and knowing what is going to happen when. He plans everything and always has to know the time and exactly where he is and where he’s going.
- Horse riding, it gets him away from feeling that he has to comply, even though they cannot speak with them, he feels he can confide in them. Especially Cleo, a 15h3 Dapple gray.
- Veggie burgers, French fries, yorkie chocolate bars, lemonade, Bacardi breezer.
- Films with meaning, and books which don’t follow the standard scheme; one area where he does like things being different!

- People who use him TOO much, he likes it to a certain degree, but there is a line in which cannot be crossed.
- Having to attend family events. He feels crushed and pressured by them to be everything they want and to do his ultimate best all of the time.
- Having to make major decisions by himself without any help, anyone to follow or just being told what to do.
- His general schedule changing without prior planning and full details made. Spontaneity is all very well, but in moderation.
- Feeling like he is not good enough, he always wants to better himself – more than most people.
- Meat or fish of any sort (He is a vegetarian), cabbage, neat whiskey (Or any neat spirits), Things with too much oil, peanut butter-jelly sandwiches.
- ‘Chick flick’ films, books with no clear story line, or one he’s heard too many times before.

Five words that describe him – Follower, Aloof, Routine-lover,

- Calming animals (Horses in particular)
- Sorting out other people’s problems.
- Complying and doing as people want him to be.
- Knowing what to say when, what people want to hear.
- Speaking Bulgarian, Italian, Mandarin (And of course English!)

Bad at:

- Actually training animals.
- Sorting out his own problems
- Having to think too much for himself.
- Seeing the real truth.
- Latin. He tried to lean in Muggle primary school, but never could get his head around it.

Favourite places:
The stables – even though this is his job, it relaxes him and lets his mind run free.
Corner of the pub – He loves being with the few friends that he trusts and having a good time.... getting drunk. But not too regularly.
Worst places:
The place he used to live (where he was born), because it was where his sister died.
Best memory:
His 18th birthday party where he got drunk for the first time (properly). He was able to express himself and let himself go more than he’d ever done before. He also met a few people then who have become close friends.
Worst memory:
The death of his little sister Annie to Meningitis.
Best Muggle subject:
English and learning other languages.

Worst Muggle subject:
Maths and science, he gets confused between the rules of magic and what Muggles think is ‘real’ and possible or impossible.

Best magic subject:
Charms and Herbology. He just understands the way his teachers taught these subjects, also they were relaxing and he could focus on his work, as the people who bullied him weren’t in his class, and the ones who were, didn’t generally pick on him in these subjects.

Worst magic subject:
Defence against the dark arts and potions. He didn’t get along with the people in this class, or the teachers who taught the subjects. Also he never really understood them and couldn’t learn the facts, even though he was alright at the practical.

Past injuries:
- 3 broken ribs on the right side of his chest where he was kicked by a horse when he was 19. He now has minor respiratory problems where his lung was damaged (punctured) underneath the broken ribs.
- dislodged disks in his back where he fell off a horse awkwardly when he was 17. They are in line now, but he has been left with a weakness.
- Dislocated knee where he fell down the stairs in his old apartment when he was 5 years old. This causes him very little trouble now though.

Tattoo and meaning:
He has written across the top of his back (Across his shoulders):
‘Don’t look at the past with anger’
It’s main meaning is to do with the loss of his little sister, also the bullying he had through Muggle primary school, and when he attended Durmstrang.

Typical Libra
Diplomatic and urbane
Romantic and charming
Easygoing and sociable
Idealistic and peaceable

On the dark side....

Indecisive and changeable
Gullible and easily influenced
Flirtatious and self-indulgent

The final portion of Libra occurs between the 14th and 23rd of October. Were you born during this time frame? If so, you are the type of Libran who is constantly on the hunt for knowledge and information. You are an eternal student who will never tire of learning new things. As well, you will never grow old as Mercury's co rulership of your life ensures a sprightly and youthful attitude.
Libra is a movable air sign, which means there’s creativity in you. You are quick to grasp ideas, and you have a need to produce works of art and unusual or original things. You bring a touch of art to anything you do. Remember to incorporate this part of you into all your life’s activities; you’ll be richly rewarded.
Year of the Rooster
The Rooster can be quite a flamboyant personality, feisty and obstinate when given the chance. He is quite the extrovert who loves to strut his stuff and is proud of who he is regarding he has the option to be. Outwardly confident, the Rooster is also a trustworthy, hardworking individual. He’ll tell it like it is with no qualms or reservations.
Roosters are very loyal individuals. They do not like dishonesty or mockery of any sort. They are blunt, up front and honest people and expect those around them to be the same. Roosters are happiest when they are surrounded by others, at a party or just a social gathering. They even enjoy the spotlight and will exhibit their charisma and wit in a minute. This star quality can be overbearing, for a Rooster expects you to listen to him while he speaks and can become agitated if you don’t. Roosters do have a tendency to brag about themselves and their achievements and demand an attentive audience when doing so. They know when they need to be heard, and even if it is a bad time, they will share their feelings if they want to, and only if they want to though.

Significant family
Mother: Lilia Allie Marcie Ginyard
– Mixed blood
Father: Curtis Samuel Peter Bolitho
– Mixed blood
Sister (3 years younger): Annie Lilia Tiffany Bolitho-Ginyard
– Mixed blood
– Deceased
Brother (5 years older): Delbert Curtis Randolph Bolitho-Ginyard
– Mixed blood
Grandmother: Allie Marian Amanda Ginyard (Melott – maiden name)
– Mixed blood
Sister-in-law: Acilia Giordano
– Mixed blood
Nephew: Damocle Giordano
– Mixed blood
Nephew: Quintino Giordano
– Mixed blood
Niece: Mariella Giordano
– Mixed blood
Son: Jayden Dustin Curtis Bolitho-Ginyard
– Mixed blood

Dustin lived in the house where he was born until he was 7 years old, he has very few memories from before then other than the usual family gatherings at Christmas, the odd birthday, not wanting to go to Muggle School etc. His first major memory was the death of his little sister; she became suddenly very ill with meningitis when she was 4 years old. Dustin was also ill, but being older and stronger he survived while his sister died. He has never forgiven himself, as he and her never got along, and he wishes with all his heart that he had been a better person and got along with her, and that she had survived instead of him – her being the younger more innocent one. Of course the arguments he had with her as children were only sibling fights, over toys, who did what etc, but he still holds it against himself.
After the death of Annie, Dustin’s mother felt unable to keep living in the house where her only daughter became ill and died. So they moved to an apartment on Tacy Street, Kilbirnie, near Wellington, New Zealand. It was a smaller but less rundown apartment and they soon made a new life, of course though the trauma of Annie’s death never completely left any of them, and all have suffered with panic attacks, depression, breakdowns and such due to this.

He attended Durmstrang when he turned 11, he was quite withdrawn and from the few friends he made none of them stuck beyond school.
When his brother, Delbert, turned 19 he had his first child with his partner Acilia Giordano. They have had three children now, Damocle, Quintino and Mariella. They live in Acilia’s apartment in the same building as Dustin, who still lives with his parents and children.

When Dustin was 19 he had a relationship with a woman called Hannah Williams, she was two and a half years older than him and when the relationship reached 5 months she left him for another man. About 8 and a half months later she came back to him with a baby boy, saying he was Dustin’s child – proven by DNA testing. She left the boy with him saying she couldn’t cope, and has not come back or had any contact with him since. The boy, Jayden Dustin Curtis Bolitho-Ginyard is being raised by Dustin’s parents mainly, so he can focus on working in the horse stables and trying to find a more permanent and better paid job, so he can get his own house and look after his own son.

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