Durmstrang's Please. :)

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Zac Mathews

Well-Known Member

Zac Mathews was home-schooled by his Mother in Australia until he was 13, when he moved to New-Zealand to start a new life by himself, with the help of his cousin Adele Smith. After being in New-Zealand a year, Zac has joined Durmstrang and needs rp's with Durmstrangers.

Zac is a talented guitar player and singer, but he mainly needs friends to begin with. And even though he has just joined a band, some people who share Zac's love for music would be great to. :) They can jam every now and again. :)

No Enemies just yet. - There will be an opportunity for that in the future. ;)

Thanks Guys. :)
Gwenneth-Adrie, She's a pretty sweet girl, too nice for her own good at this school. She used to go to Hogwarts Scotland as a Ravenclaw till last year when her life started to tumbled down. Now with new walls in her mind she is back to her usual bright self and at Durmstrang as a 5th year :)

Adalyn, She's closed off and only feels the need to get close to her bandmates or older students, she feels like kids her age aren't at the same level of feeling as her. But Zac would be an exception because he's in the band :)
Carson Griffin: Miss. Sweet & Innocent but secretly evil.

Hetty Riveon: Lives with her cousins, she's mischievous but her hearts in the right place.
Steph. - They both sound good to me. Zac can get along with anyone. :)

Gwenneth - Zac is also too nice for his own good and point-blank refuses to compliment himself - Maybe they can both be good-influences on each other. :)

Adalyn - It'd be great if these two became really close-friends, them both being in the band and all. :) Obviously, Zac is taken so they can't be anything more than close-friends. But they can get to know each other really well, ready for when the band gets going. :)

Domino. - I don't really want evil people for Zac yet as he has only been at Durmstrang for like...half-a-day. So Carson is a no for now.

But Hetty sounds cool. :) Another friend for Zac. :)

I forgot I have this guy ^_^ as well. He's pretty much a jock and enjoys the occasional flirt but currently has no guy friends at the school. He's an overall nice guy to talk with and knows alot of about Muggle sports and Quidditch. :)
(isn't Hetty in the Family group not Durmstrang?)
Kaname is a happy-go-lucky and bubbly guy who's good at nothing but singing. He befriends everyone and doesn't get irritated most of the time (although he is irritating since he keeps talking and talking). He's pretty optimistic. :D

I'm not yet done with his character development, so that's all I can say for now. :r
Steph - WOW Loads of offers. :D Jotham sounds like he could get along with Zac. :) I'll start the one for Zac and Adalyn. :)

Kaname - He sounds great to me. - Especially the singing part. :) And don't worry about the C.D. His friendship with Zac can help him build that if you want. :)
Zac Mathews said:
Steph - WOW Loads of offers. :D Jotham sounds like he could get along with Zac. :) I'll start the one for Zac and Adalyn. :)
Alright do you want me to start one for Jotham and Zac or do you want too?

I'll start the one for Gwenneth in alittle bit :)
Sorry this is really rubbish, my posts are usually a bit longer. :)

http://hogwartsnewzealand.com/topic/7397906/1/#new - Enjoy. :)

And thanks, could you start the one with Jotham to, cause my posts with Zac seem to be rather short today, :( maybe a post to respond from might give me some inspiration for a longer-post. :p :) :D
Awesome, il start then link you :D
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