Drew Hanson

Drew Hanson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kingswood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair

<COLOR color="white"><FONT font="Times New Roman">Drew Hanson
Name: Andrew Ryley Hanson
First Name Meaning: Manly, courageous, brave
First Name Origin: Greek
Middle Name Meaning: Valient, War-like.
Middle Name Origin: Irish/Gaelic
Last Name Meaning: Carer, Nurse, Helper
Last Name Origin: Jewish/German
Nickname: Drew
Nickname Origin: Drew is the short form of Andrew, Drew prefers this form of his name, and will not answer to anything else.

Favourite Colour: Red (all shades)
Favourite Season: Winter
Favourite Month: August
Favourite Holiday: Christmas
Favourite Number: 7
Favourite Sport: Soccer
Favourite Writer: Bathilda Bagshot
Favourite Smell: Lilac
Favourite Flower: Rose
Favourite Fabric: Silk
Favourite Metal: Titanium

Least Favourite Colour: Blue (all shades)
Least Favourite Season: Autumn
Least Favourite Month: July
Least Favourite Holiday: Halloween
Least Favourite Number: 13
Least Favourite Sport: Football
Least Favourite Writer: Kennilworthy Whisp
Least Favourite Smell: Cheese
Least Favourite Flower: Lily
Least Favourite Fabric: Cotton
Least Favourite Metal: Silver

Date-Of-Birth: 2 September 2016
Place Of Birth: Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Current Area Of Residence: Metz, Lorraine, France
Birth Parents: Harry Handler (father) and Alice 'Hanson' Handler
Heritage: American/Australian
Starsign: Virgo
Element: Earth
Ruling Planet/s: Mercury
Symbol: The Virgin
Stone: Sapphire
Life Pursuit: To do the right thing
Vibration: Compassion and caring
Secret Desire: To love and be loved in return.
About Starsign Virgo: Creative and sensitive, Virgos are delicate people who, like rare and special orchids, require individual treatment to fully blossom into their true unique beauty. Shy, they are happy to allow others to take centre-stage and often generate their time and energy into making those they love happy or successful. Virgos are givers and when the chips are down and you need a friend, the one available during those testing times when you need advice or companionship the most, is likely to be a Virgo. Virgos understand human frailties better than most, because they are so deep and reflective themselves. Many Virgos can be found working in the "service to others" industries, ranging from welfare work, doctors, school-teachers through to practising natural forms of healing like massage, herbal remedies etc. One of the most magical characteristics of the Virgo is no matter how many times life or romance turns sour on them, they still manage to maintain faith in others, refusing to become cynical.
Chinese Zodiac: The Monkey
About Chinese Zodiac(Monkey):The Monkey is the most versatile sign of the Chinese zodiac. They have natural quick-wittedness which enables them to understand what is happening and then make a right decision. Even during a conversation person born in this year is aware of what is going on around him/her, and then make a mental note of who said what and store it away for future reference. In general, with their agile minds and multiple talents, monkey type of people can master any subject. These people are also honest in their dealings. Monkeys know how to listen closely and work out solutions at the same time. Monkeys have flexible principles and serene self-confidence so they are completely content; but they usually manage to complicate the lives of others.
Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 5, 7, 16, 23, 34, 45, 54
Equivalent Western Sign: Leo
Element: Metal
Colour: Water
Yin/Yang: Yin
Direction: South-West-South

Gender: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 155 lbs.
Dress Code: Relaxed and easy. Drew does not put much effort into his outfits. He goes for stylish comfort.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Skin Tone: Olive
Skin Type: Smooth
Hair Colour: Light brown
Dyed?: No
Nautral Colour: Light brown
Hair Type: Straight
Hair Length and Thinkness: Thick and a little spikey, falls past his ears.
Eye Colour: Vibrent blue
Eye Description: Gentle and bright.
Playby: Kyle Ellison
Distinguishing Marks: His tattoos and piercings.
Health Status: Healthy
Blood Status: Muggle-born
Blood Type: AB Negative

Educated At: Hogwarts New Zealand (1-5) Beauxbatons (4-7)
Hogwarts New Zealand House: Hufflepuff
Feelings Towards This Outcome: Drew liked Hufflepuff, though he was bullied often because he was a pacifist, a muggle-born, and a Hufflepuff. However, due to family issues, Drew was removed from Hogwarts New Zealand at the start of fifth year and placed in Beauxbatons when his family moved there. He found himself happier with the change and had to catch up on some fourth year, and restarted his fifth year at the new school, meaning that he had to do a lot of catch-up, but managed to pass with good marks and continue with school at the normal rate.
Wand: Kingswood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Wand Description: Kingwood is aptly named - a rich and regal exotic rosewood, it is treasured for its strength and protective properties. This wood is an excellent healing wood, closely tied with willpower. This wand is not for novices or the untrustworthy.
Interests and/or Hobbies: Quidditch. Although Drew is a pacifist, he loves the game quidditch and is an avid supporter. He played a little at school - funnily enough he was a beater.
Beliefs: Drew believes in peace.
Boggart: Dementors
Animagus: Dove
Patronus: Chipmunk
Languages: English and French
Piercings: Spider bite on this lower lip and his ears.
Tattoos: Numerous
Fear: 'Making love', as strange a fear it is, Drew is not scared of the act itself, but from what can come of such an act. Making a girl pregnant would be his worse fear, not because he would have to give up his life to care for a child, but because Drew fears childbirth. Having been in a difficult birth, resulting in the death of his mother, Drew fears this ever happening to a woman he loves. He felt that his birth ruined his family. He would not want a child ever feeling that.

<COLOR color="white">Personality: Drew is an outlandish person. Although he can be a little shy when in a foreign place, once he is comfortable he can be very bright and playful. Being a pacifest, Drew stays away from all violence. He tries to support and encourage others to not support violence also, and generally keep a bright demeanour to help encourage this. Drew is a genuinely generous and caring person, but he is also loyal. He loves having friends near and adores his family - even his slightly difficult older brother. Being a Muggle-born, Drew has copped a lot of flack for going to a magical school, and in the past he had been oblivious to magic - this caused him much bullying, but he took it in his stride. His affectionate nature has gotten him into some trouble with jealous lovers of friends thinking that he was more than a friend to people. However, Drew is incredibly shy when among someone he likes - making it difficult for him to get girlfriends. Drew is a very stubborn boy, and this gets him into a lot of trouble, as he refuses to be ignored and swept away by people when he knows that he is right or is not doing a bad thing. Drew is not usually one to feel down, as he is usually too stubborn to be upset, but sometimes the pressures of the world just push him down and he feels the pain he has felt since he could talk - the loss of his mother during his birth is an event that has haunted him his entire life - to the extent that he has gone to therapy. The loss of his father when he was a boy was also hard. Then the loss of his step parents when he was a teenager made him form closer ties with his older brother and younger half sister. These two constants in his life are his salvation and his rocks.

Drew likes climbing and playing with animals, he loves all animals and magic. He is an animal lover and generally is found befriending animals more than humans. He uses his magic perhaps an unhealthy amount, but he does not mind. It was his first and final gift from his mother - well, that is how he sees it. He takes a very spiritual outlook on ife and this has helped him remain positive. Drew has a self-blaming habit, he tends to blame himself for anything that goes wrong, and will be down on himself until it is corrected. It usually takes a quiet talk over hot chocolate to make him feel better. He takes insults very well and usually allows things to roll off his shoulders and carry on with life, though they do effect him, he always tries his best to not show that he's effected by things and believe strongly in self preservation and self support.

Drew made the conscious decision to become a vegan when he was twelve, and has remained with this lifestyle since. He enjoys being a vegan - often feeling healthier and cleansed. His habit of feeling guilty has also been helped, now that he knows he is not using animals as a source of food. Drew chose this lifestyle to try and promote a more humane and caring world - he acknowledges that he is not perfect, but he feels that it is his responsibility to try and promote a more loving world if he wants it that way. Even if it means he only influences one life with his decisions, it is worth it. Drew is a bit of a hippie and has been called such. At first, he thought it to be an insult, but now he is rather comfortable with the term and is happy to flip the insult on its head and appreciate the title.

<COLOR color="#fff">History(Before School): Drew Hanson was born on the second of September, twenty sixteen, named Andrew Ryley Handler. He was the second child of Harrison Handler, and Alician 'Hanson' Handler. Born in Los Angeles, California, the United States of America, Drew was an American citizen by birth, but rarely identifies himself as American. During his birth, there was a complication. Unfortunately, his muggle mother lost her life, and his own was just barely saved. He had one older brother, Alexander, who held him responsible for their mother's death for many years. And, while Drew understood that there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop her death from occurring, he too held himself responsible for many years of his life.
Drew grew up much in his older brother's shadow. Drew was a quiet boy, never speaking much. He was bullied by his older brother, and their relationship was very rocky. His father worked many hours as a policeman, never quite overcoming the heartache he felt when he lost his wife until he married again when Drew was three and Alexander eight. Amelia Ainsley was a kind woman, and Drew grew very attached to her, being only three and wanting a mother his entire life. Both he and Alexander were treated well by Amelia, as she loved them as if they were her own. However, a new addition was made to the household when Drew was four, a baby girl named Hannah, the procreation of his father and Amelia, who happened to be a witch and picked this time to tell them. Fortunately, his father took the new in stride, and was excited to find that his little girl would most likely be a witch as well, though he was concerned for the feelings of his sons. Drew spent a lot of his time with Hannah, cooing over his new little sister. Unfortunately, a few months after her birth, his father lost his life in a police raid. Being only four, Drew did not quite understand that his father was not coming home, while his older brother understood quite well and further secluded himself from the family unit. This was around the time that Drew had to learn French, because he was moving to France.
Drew spent much of his time trying to befriend his older brother, but their relationship never took off. Being fed-up with Alexander, Drew associated himself with their younger sister, and decided to become more helpful to Amelia, bidding for her love. When Alexander left for magical school, however, Drew could barely believe that his brother was a wizard, and a small amount of jealousy began to build inside of him. And when Amelia began bringing a man home a few years after the death of his father, the seven year old Drew was not sure of what to think of him. However, Jerome Dunn soon grew on Drew, and within a year, Amelia and Jerome had tied the knot, Jerome taking Amelia's last name. Drew grew close to Jerome, as did Hannah and Alexander. For a rare moment of his life, Drew felt that he was in a proper family unit.
Whenever Alexander returned from school for the holidays, Drew would pester him about life in Beauxbatons and about magic. He grew closer to his step-parents, and his two younger sisters. This was when his family decided to move to New Zealand, meaning that he would have to brush up on his English. Drew continued to go to non-magical schools, because his step-parents were unsure as to whether he was magical or not. However, when ten he began to show magical talents - making himself very, very happy indeed. He got his letter to attend New Zealand, barely able to wipe the grin from his face. Drew felt that his entire life was coming together - even if it would not be the same school as his older brother, he did not mind. He fought with him too much anyway.
History(During School): To come
History(After School): To come

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