Open Downside of Growing Up

Naomi Wu-Maxwell

Unique | Talkative
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
*After Jenna*
Naomi was chewing on a laffy taffy as she walked down a graveled road toward near a playground. Since her family found out about her magical abilities, they took her out of boarding school in Surrey, England. They thought that focusing on her magical abilities and learning to control them was a must for every Maxwell in the family. The fact that both Wu and Maxwell family lines are well-known in the world, she wanted to make sure she brings honour to them. That's when her parents decided to relocate her and her older brother to New Zealand. The school was much near Singapore than being in Scotland.

As the young girl got near the playground, she spotted a garden that was seems still blooming even though it was autumn already. Naomi was fascinated by it and went to investigate. The flowers were such a beauty that she wanted to take one for herself. But she thought it was wrong of her to just get it without asking. Like what her dad told her, she was growing up and needs to learn rules and be responsible.
After a weary walk, Jenna had finally found a place where she could go to the flowers, where she could be allowed to photograph and not worry about anyone killing him, about the fact that a stranger in the photographer had his flowers. Yes, there were a lot of people here, so there were witnesses, and there were free places at the well. She walked over to the beautiful flowers and squatted on the road, turning her chamber against the lovely flowers. She often liked photographing the sights of nature and enjoying the cool autumn days, which meant she should go to the new school soon.

With a low sigh she watched the flowers and pressed the camera but to make beautiful pictures. It was a very responsible position for Jenna,only her purse over her shoulder bothered to focus. It was so peaceful, people laughing, the animals issuing sounds that a girl near Jenna was also watching the beautiful flowers.
As the young girl watched a butterfly flew on one of the flowers, she heard a familiar shutter of a camera. She looked around to find another girl her own age snapping photos of the same garden she was looking at before. Naomi opened another packet of laffy taffy and ate it, chewing as she walked near the girl. "Nice camera. Must have been expensive." Naomi's brother was an avid photographer and had won several pieces for National Geographic Magazine. Although, it wasn't her brother's career, he still loves doing it as a hobby. Naomi also knows how much these cameras goes. "How long have you been into photography?" She asked as she chewed on the last bit of her candy.
She smiled proudly at the girl who addressed her and complimented heron the camera, but inside she knew that photographing was her favorite hobby. She was really happy to be here, and she really couldn't wait for school. I mean, I couldn't fast forward a little time? Maybe she was worried about it. -Thanky, so much! Not too expensive, but I've always liked photographing. I'm Jenna and what your name?- She gave her name to the girl and then introduced herself. Jenna never considered herself arrogant. She belonged perfectly well to big friends,even in a smaller company, she always found a way of talking and cheering her friends. -Tree years, i got this camera! She answer the girl.
Naomi wished her brother still lives with them, he always takes her everywhere he wanted to take photos of. One time, he apparated her at the U.S Botanic Gardens to see rare flowers in their collections and to take photos of them as well. "I'm Naomi but everyone calls me Mimi but whichever you feel like calling me." Naomi chuckled slightly. The nickname was made by herself when she was little and was just starting to talk. The nickname was also easy to write in Chinese than her whole first name. "I would love for you to meet my brother but he's back in Singapore. He loves photography just like you." The young girl mentioned but it saddens her about her brother. Firstly, he resents their parents for sending him to a wizarding school and secondly, he wanted to take her away from their parents because they're sending her to a similar school but closer to home. Naomi didn't quite understand the hate-thread her brother takes on for being a wizard.
Every day, though, Jenna was fond of what was spent here and she could not imagine seeing such a great friend as Naomi, who was so pleased and easy to talk to. She looked around from time to time and could only hear the laughter of the children in the square, somewhere a bumble-bee flew in, making her own sounds buzz and rolling into one of the flowers to pick up the juicy nectar. The sky was pleasantly blue, and she really enjoyed the conversation and didn't want it to end. Nice to meet you Mimi. I always like meet new people around! Do you to going to Hogwarts? She realy wanted to know about Mimi, becouse if she going to Hogwarts, that would she will be happy and she wanted be with her in shcool time.

Ouh, it's sad a little, becouse he is so far, but you realy think he would be happy to meet me? I can show you my photos, if you want!She took the camera in her hands cheerfully and found photos of the afternoon that she could show to her new girlfriend. Hope she likes the pictures and who knows when one day in the future Jenna will perhaps open her photo studio, where she will invest a lot of her work. 1, 2, 3 Jenna was loked about her picture and was smiling to remember the grate time with her friend and her brother.

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