Down by the Lakefront

Alexia Evenstar

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Alexia sat with her legs out stretched in front of her feeling the water lightly splash them. Her dark black hair was let down like normal and she had on a dark red, strapless corset top and black jeans which she had pulled up. She was glad she did not have to wear her robes because she hated them. Her usuall "goth" style - as people like to lable her - sometimes got her teased as people thought she was weird. Alexia watched the water and wished she knew how to swim because going for an adventure in the lake would be fun. But she did not, so the only way she could get in the water was when she could still stand on the ground. Alexia turned up her i-pod and began eating one of the two apples she had taken from the great hall at lunch a few hours before hand. With the other one she practised some magic "wingardium leviosa" She spoke clearly in her french acsent, making the apple float around her in the air. She was really good at making them float if they were still when she started but after about half an hour she tryed throwing it up in the air with one hand and using her wand with the other. Alexia laughed and decided to throw the apple out into the lake and then try to stop it with the spell "wingardium leviosa" Alexia said again just before the apple hit the water. She laughed loudly and began bringing it back towards her. Just as her fingers were about the grab the apple someone behind her startled her and it fell to the soft dirt below.
Boredom. A thing greatly despised by Bella White. Having not seen Xavier for a while, Bella was growing increasingly restless; with not having anyone to motivate or encourage her, Bella's second year hadn't been the best so far. Her eleven year old happy smile had quickly been replaced by a scowl, and a look that could kill.
Venturing out of the Slytherin Common Room, Bella made her way towards the Lake front, her blonde hair perfectly framing the face of an angry girl. As she grew closer to the lake, Bella noticed an odd girl practicing her magic. She rolled her eyes, not resisting the urge to pick a fight. Her legs carried her closer to the girl, and she drew her wand as she neared the girl. Bella snickered as the girl dropped the apple. With ease, Bella flicked her wand, "Accio apple." The apple flew straight into her open hand, and she threw it up and down, catching it without difficulty. "Nice outfit." Bella laughed. "I didn't know Hogwarts had people like you."
Kate walked towards the Lakefront to have a read of her book she was nearly there when she saw Alexia. she walked over to her she nearly there when another girl came up.She started talking to Alexia, Kate had never met the other girl before she decided to introduce herself "Hi"she said
Alexia was quite suprised when she turned to look at the girl behind her. Watching as the apple she had just levitated back to her flew to the person standing there scowling at her. Standing up to face the girl she slid her wand into the side of her jeans hoping that she would not have to use it. She kept her expresions light and casual "What ... 'People like me' " Alexia quoted unable to keep the anger from her voice "And what exactly do you mean by that?"
Bella looked at the new comer with a look of disgust. She rolled her eyes, and turned back around, ignoring her.
She faced back to the odd girl and smirked as she heard the girl's voice of anger. Bella didn't miss a heart beat in explaining what she thought of the girl. "People like you, you seem like you're bring some sort of evil into this place. I mean, how did they allow you out? Did someone leave your cage open?" Bella smirked. "You are, without a doubt, the worst dressed thing on this planet."

OOCOut of Character:
I feel like such a terrible person!
Sam had wandered down to the lake seeing a few girls standing together but not recognizing any of them. As she walked by she couldn't help over hear the conversation and slowed down to listen. As one of the girls commented rather nastily on the other Sam glanced up a frown on her face as she saw the girl making the comment was a Slytherin. "Excuse me," Sam butted in unable to stand this girls comments "But bringing evil to this place it's people like you that give Slytherin the bad reputation for being the evil house. And I very much doubt you have seen everything on this planet." She finished a small smirk on her face wondering slightly if she should have kept out of it.
Kate overheard the conversation and was about to say something when another girl came over and started to give out to the other girl Kate was unsure wether to join or not but decided she would because Alexia was her friend "Hey No need to be so mean everyone should be allowed to express themselves you have no right to make fun of her"Kate said angerily Kate agreed with the other girl "Ya she's right this is why Slytherin gets a bad reputation because people like you make that rumor come true about the people in the house being mean not every Slytherin is but there isn't that many!!"Kate said a bit flushed she had never said things like that to a person before and hoped she wouldn't have to again in the future.
Alexia felt anger rise up inside her, "Oh, and being a blonde bimbo makes you better than me?" Alexia said, she hated being mean to people and dissing them but she could not just leave it there and walk away. She was about ready to speek again but it was another voice that cut her off. She smiled slightly as she seen Kate and some other girl she had never met stand up for her "Thanks" She said quietly to them and turned back to the other girl. "At least my clothes are unique and I'm brave enough to be myself and stand out" She smiled, this girl may try to make her feel bad and at the moment it was working, but Alexia refuesed to show that it did effect her.
Kate was glad that Alexia was standing up for herself "Your welcome "she whispered back
"Don't mention it," Sam said sending a small smile in the girls direction "I'm Sam." She added quickly on the end guessing they wouldn't know her name seen a she was unsure of there's.
"A blonde bimbo?" Bella laughed. "That's the best come back you can think of? Oh and yes, the way that I look, and I dress, does make me better than you. Hell, the fact that I'm in Slytherin makes me better than you; the fact that I am who I am, makes me better than you." Before Bella could go any further, or the other girl could make any comment, two other girls joined in, backing the first girl up. She furrowed her eyebrows, trying to think of a reason why the other girls were even talking to her. She smirked, hearing what they were saying to her, as if what they were saying would make Bella stop. "Oh, I am so sorry, please forgive me!" She replied sarcastically. She snorted, and looked at the Hufflepuff girl, the second one to talk. "Okay, you are pretty, and I don't really want to mess up your face. So I suggest you, and your little friend here," She pointed to the Ravenclaw, "get out of my face and mind your own business, before I get angry. Go on, shoo!" She said, motioning her hand for them to leave.
Bella turned back to the odd girl, and listened to her talk again. She laughed and replied, "Yes, but what is the point in being yourself if no one is going to love you? You aren't unique. You are odd. You will soon find out that no one will ever want to be friends with a freak like you. Why, I am just here to, enlighten you to this fact, so the pain later when you realize what scum you are, will not be so harsh." Bella smirked.
Alexia jaw set as she heard how narcissistic and crule the girl was being, "Being Slytherni makes you better than me?!" She scoffed, "Woah, you really are as dumb as you look, arent you?" She smiled innocently, ignoring the strong temptation to hurt her. "You think I am the freak with no friends, Look arround you!" She used her arms to point out the people behind her, Her voice getting louder with every comment she makes, "I'm the one with people here to support me, I have friends because I'm a good person and you..." Alexia looked the girl up and down with an evil glint in her eye "...Well just look at you, you a snobby, narcissistic girl, who's own 'friends' " She used her fingers to quote the word friends "are probably only friends with you because they think you will hurt them! - well I'm not scared of you!"
"Oh i'm so frightned" Kate said sarcasticly""And your all talk you know as well as I know that you'll be in alot a trouble if you even try to beat me up and you'll have to deal with all my friends later"Kate said smiling icily "You think your so great because you scare some people with threats but your all talk"Kate said with an evil glint in her eye "Alexia has loads of friends and I'm friends with some of them"Kate said her anger rising
Sam laughed and rolled her eyes as the girl threatened them wondering why she appeared so confident at winning a fight when there were three of them and only one of her. Sam wasn't very comfortable at the fact they appeared to be ganging up on this girl but she persisted to insult the first girl making any guilt she felt vanish. "I think you should maybe just shut up before this goes too far, it's not like she done something to insult you. It was you that started this perhaps you should mind your own business and shoo!" She then mimicked her hand movements.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it took so long girls, was waiting for another reply from Bella's bf, but he's taking too long ;)

Bella smirked. An eyebrow was raised as she listened to what the Hufflepuff was saying to her; most of the words having no effect on her, though a muscle did twitch when the word dumb came up. Bella blatantly ignored the other girls having a go at her, but her ears did prick, hearing the Hufflepuff's name. She took a large step closer to the Hufflepuff. "Listen, Alexia, for one, being a Slytherin does make me better than you, for we are cunning, and much better looking. Second, I don't need some pitiful little girls here to back me, because I can stand my own ground. Third, you may call me narcissistic, but that is purely because I have a reason to be; whereas you use that word because you do not - I mean, look at you. And fourthly," Bella took a step closer, so she was nose to nose with the girl. "I know that you are scared of me." She whispered darkly, digging her wand into the girl's stomach. "Because I am so much more. . .knowledgeable than you, better than you, and you have no idea, what I could do to you."
"Well if you think Slytherin people are better looking than the of us you need your eyes checked"Kate said wondering why the girl thought she could win "you may be more knowledgeable but you can't exactly beat the three of us"Kate said
Alexia rolled her eyes as she listnened to the pathetic babble comming from the Slytherin girl. She ignored everything she was saying and made it obvious that she was not paying attention - that was untill the other girl stepped closer. Feeling the stab of a wand in her stomach Alexia refuesed to take her eyes from the other girls face. "I don't even know you or what your problem is" Alexia said without moving back "And you dont know me. Because I am not scared of you and I dont care what you could do to me." Alexia said angrily, deep down she knew how badly she was lying and actually how frightened she actually was, fighting with magic was something she did not want to happen but she also did not want to seem like a push over. Quickly deciding what she was to do she used her arms to push the other girl half a pace backwards, it was a gentle push but hopefully it would give her enough space to move away further "So back off!" She yelled forcing her voice to be strong, but as soon as she said it Alexia knew how feeble it sounded.
Sam watched things unfold in front of her and really didn't like where it was going. She really didn't want to use her wand to hurt someone or end up getting hurt for such a stupid argument. "Whoa there I think maybe you should just calm down unless you want expelled," she said all this with her hand resting over her own wand.She put her other hand on Alexia's shoulder trying to calm her down to and get her to back off a bit or they could both end up with the same fate.
Some of Kate's anger left her when she saw what was going to happen she agreed with Sam "Okay girls this is such a stupid fight yes Alexia is different but its none of your business to comment"Kate said pointing at the girl "You might think the way Alexia dresses is weird but don't say it her face thats just cruel and mean and you wouldn't like it if someone said it to you this is such a stupid reason for getting in serious trouble"Kate said looking at the two of them walking in between them she knew this was a bit stupid but if it got them to stop it would be worth it
Xavier wasn't in the best of moods right now. It was ticking him off that he
had to deal with his abusive father once again. That jerk was tossing around
Xavier like no other, asking him to do his bidding like he was a slave. Xavier
wasn't the type of guy that would deny any request given to him, but when
he is being taken advantage of, that's when Xavier steps in and starts to
retaliate against others wishes. Xavier thought it would be a good idea for
him to take a stroll down the lake front today, seeing as classes were just
about over, and it was time for holiday's. Xavier was not looking forwards
to going back to his parents house, and so, he had asked his mother if he
could spend some time with his aunt in Bulgaria and meet an old friend of his
that attends Durmstrang. He was still yet to receive an appropriate response
from his parents, but soon enough, he would get an answer of a yes or a no.

As he strolled down the lake front, he was lost in his own thoughts when he
was hearing some noises from not too far away. The noises sounded like
some people were having an argument with each other and that they had
a big disagreement on something. Usually he wouldn't care about seeing
other people in disagreement, but he was hearing a familiar voice. A voice
he had not heard from in a while. As he walked towards where the voices
were coming from, he noticed four girls, one of which looked like she was
from Ravenclaw, two of which from Hufflepuff, and the last one looked like
she was from Slytherin. Looking at the girl who was from Slytherin, he
instantly recognized her. It was Bella and seems that she was having an
argument with a bunch of girls. Xavier thought it would be a good idea for
him to go and check out what exactly is going on, and so, he started to
talk towards the girls and interrupts by saying, "Long time no see
Xavier smiled at Bella and then smiled at the other girls as
well. "What seems to be the problem here?" Said Xaiver looking
at Bella and the other girls. It would seen that there was a disagreement
of sort, and the girls were ganging up on Bella. Xavier was not going to
stand for people going towards Bella and hurting her, so he started to
interrogate and see what the problem is here and try to solve it.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it too a bit to reply. :( School was taking too much of my time.
Bella laughed cruelly as she heard the girl named Alexia yell. She knew that the girl was scared of her and what she could do, no matter what she claimed. She watched as the Ravenclaw moved towards Alexia and placed a hand on her shoulder, with a smirk growing bigger. Bella rolled her eyes as she heard what the Ravenclaw said. "Yeah right, expulsion for doing Hogwarts a world of favor. And in answer to your statement, Alexia," She spat the name, "You, are my problem. The way you look, the way you talk, the way you dress. You are such an eye-sore, it would be better for everyone if you just disappeared."
Bella went to take another step towards Alexia, but before she could, the other hufflepuff stepped forwards inbetween them. A snarl grew on Bella's lip as she reached out to push her, but a familiar voice near-by stopped her. Bella turned around and to her mighty joy, she saw Xavier. Every feeling about him that she had pushed away came streaming back, and Bella beamed at him. "Xavier. . . It really has been far too long." Before any of the other girls had a chance to answer Bella jumped in with her own story. "These girls have all decided to gang up on me Xav. I barely did anything wrong, and now Alexia here," She motioned to Alexia, "has to be restrained by some Ravenclaw girl. She clearly has anger issues, we should see a Professor about that." Bella stated, moving over to stand close to Xavier.
Alexia could not help but notice yet another person join the conversation, or better put as an argument. Hearing him call her by a name Alexia stood silently watching in horror as she pawned off a fake story to make him feel sorry for her and to paint Alexia as the bad peoson. "You lying..." She forsed herself to stop talking and swallowed almost as an attempt to swallow her anger. "Bella, you and I both know that that is not the truth" She felt slight satisfaction in knowing her name but she knew she must keep her temper in check because as Sam said she really did not want to get expelled. Alexia was glad that Kate and Sam were there she told herself to thank them later because she felt bad that they had to hear everything.
Kate was quite glad she had stepped in between them but she could see the other girl wasn't happy Kate saw her coming up toward her Kate was ready to stand her ground when they heard another voice they all turned around and Kate looked in horror as the girl called Bella ran over to him telling him a huge lie saying Alexia had been mean to her Kate realised how sad this girl Bella was here she was lying to her friend just to get Alexia into trouble that was low and Kate decided to tell her "Wow you are so sad you lie to one of your friends no probably your only friend just to get Alexia into trouble"Kate laughed "that is so pathetic" Kate said almost amused by the fact but she decided to back of a bit or Bella might have a real reason to tell on them. "And what proffesser would believe you?"Kate asked a hint of sarcasm in her voice then she turned herself to the boy named Xavier "Will I tell you the truth"Kate said not bothering to wait for an answer "Alexia was lying down minding her own business when Bella here decided she would pick on Alexia for her clothing and whatever else she could think of "Kate said cutting the story short but sadly she didn't think Xavier here would believe her.
Bella raised her eyebrows as the two girls fought back with their answers. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. Faking a sad look, she lightly held onto Xavier's hand. "I can't believe you girls are saying these things. First you all gang up on me, then try to make me look like a bad person? I am quite hurt." She turned directly to the other Hufflepuff. "And why wouldn't any Professors believe me? Where is your proof? Is it just because I'm in Slytherin? And you say I'm prejudice." Bella turned back to Xavier, and tugged on his hand. "Can we just leave Xav? These girls aren't worth it."
Alexia frowned and was outraged at how fake Bella was being. Alexia had never seen someone change so quickly and lie so easily. "Are you kidding me! Us make you look like a bad person - you do that just fine yourself" Alexia scoffed unable to hide her suprise and anger. Taking some deep breaths in she continued "I dont care what your problem is with me, just leave my friends out of it" She indicated towards Kate and her new friend Sam. Alexia only wished she could have met her when things wer not so tense.

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