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Double Kings Cross
born April 25, 2015
10 years old
born April 25, 2015
10 years old
Double's unusual name comes from his mother's sense of what is appropriate. She likes the fact that his first names work with his surname to give new meanings. (Double Cross and King's Cross) Most people call him Dib.
Basic Appearance: Skinny and blonde with blue eyes.
Personality: A bit of a kleptomaniac, Dib often steals his sister's belongings, in particular her clothes. He does this because it gets her attention. He has some strange beliefs, inherited from his mother, and isn't exactly mainstream. He takes life as it comes, he'll do almost anything anyone suggests, and he loves playing games more than anything. Even if no-one else realises it's a game. He doesn't let anything bother him, other people and their actions and reactions are like water off a duck's back.
Sister:Kenzington Cross is a year older than Double, and recently got sorted into Ravenclaw. Double idolises her, and wants to be around her all the time. He gets on her nerves a lot.Mother: Maite Cross. Witch (possibly pure blood) Profession- to be decided. She hooked up with a bad boy 12 years ago (thus creating Kenzington) and then a string of guys, falling pregnant a year later. She's flighty, kooky, and a little out there, can never remember where she puts things, often forgets to pick up Kenzington and Double from school, leaves the kids alone a lot and has some strange beliefs. She loves her kids, but she's not the most dedicated mum.
Father: unknown
Area of Residence: Originally Northland, New Zealand. Recently moved to be near Brightstone.
Blood Status:
Heritage: to be decided
Special Abilities: Double is quick. He's the best pickpocket he's ever met, and can take almost anything without anyone noticing.
Interests or Hobbies: Whatever Kenzington's into.
Strengths: Thinking outside all polygons.
Weaknesses: He's not exactly clued up to everything that's going on.
Describe your character in three words: Strange, fast, ambivalent.
Favourite place to be: Wherever Kenzi is.
Friends: Kenzi, the King-Dixon girls.
Hogwarts House: Double wants to be in Ravenclaw next year, cos that's his sister's house.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: To find out more about those pesky nargles.
Best school subjects: Probably Herbology and anything obscure.
Worst school subjects: Probably flying.
Extracurricular Activities: Trying to hang out with Kenzi, stealing and wearing Kenzi's clothes.
Graduation: 2033

Current Job: Double sometimes does odd jobs for the neighbours, but mostly he just waits around for his mum to come home and feed him. He goes to school sometimes... when he can be bothered or when Kenzi makes him go.
Plans for your future: To be like Kenzi.
Your Patronus: a rabbit, because they're fast and harmless.
Your Patronus memory: Kenzi, Mum and he all together last Christmas.
Your Boggart: Kenzi or Mum dead
Your Animagus: A squirrel.
Mirror of Erised: His father.
A page from your diary:
Mum hasn't been home for two days. Kenzi says she'll be back soon, but we have to go to the supermarket. I don't really like the supermarket. Everyone there is so busy, and Kenzi won't let me play games. Kenzi is going to Hogwarts soon. She'll have to leave some of her clothes behind, she can't take them all. Hopefully she'll be able to visit lots. Otherwise I might have to learn how to make 2 minute noodles all by myself.