Dorothy Ollivander

Dorothy Ollivander

Well-Known Member
The Basics

Name: Madame Dorothy Maureen Ollivander
House: Formerly, Slytherin
Birthday: 09/08/1949
Hometown: Hogsmeade, Scotland
Pureblood/half blood/muggle born: Unknown
Five words that best describe your character:

Strict; Dorothy is remarkably strict, and if anyone tries anything funny she will give them a good slap or wave her wand to jinx them. She will not stand for shouting or acting like a hooligan in her shop, it is very special to her, so for the safety of students, she strongly advises not to mess around. She had also taught at a school in Brazil at one point due to the standards of education falling, and they certainly paid attention when Dorothy was teaching, they would be scared not to.

Disciplined; She is very patient, organized and has a lot of self will, she will wait as long as she needs to for something. So she won't mind rummaging through all her wands to find the one a student needs. She doesn't eat much either, but she does seem to drink a lot of coffee, but limits herself and actually manages to stay awake for long periods of time, so that is wear her disciplinship comes into play.

Stern; Her family on her mother's side were very posh and well mannered so she grew up having standards at which she intended for people to be. But seeing as cultures change, she is left behind, and feels like people are meant to be living up to the standards she grew up with, but obviously not everyone comes from a wealthy home. She has a kind side, but she only opens up those who she deems 'worthy', but she won't stand for immaturity or selfishness.

Witty; She is one of those people who at a dinner party will always break the silence with a funny remark, she always has a response to something, weather it be an insult or a compliment. It probably comes from her father, he was always one for comments and come backs, that always did get the family chuckling. However, this can be a weakness for her due to the fact sometimes, her come backs get people upset, but not to often, only those that are feeling rather sentimental.

Helpful; She will do anything to make someone get what they need, a lot of this is expressed through her determination to succeed in a task for someone, she seems to always be the one to carry all the bags at the end of a shopping trip. If someone needs something, what ever it be she will do her best to get it done.


Hair Color: Grey
Hair Style: Long
Eye color: Grey-Blueish
Height: 5ft 1"
Other distinguishing details: None to amazing to mention.


Father's name: Thomas Ollivander
Brief description (occupation, blood, etc): Pure blood
Mother's name: Anne-Marie Ollivander (nee. James)
Brief description (occupation, blood, etc): Half blood
Siblings (names and descriptions): No siblings.
Other key family members: Mr Ollivander (Uncle)

At Hogwarts

Your best subject: Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration
Your worst subject: Astronomy, Flying
Extracurricular activities: Duelling, I did love a bit of duelling.
Favorite place at Hogwarts: I have to say the Library was a charming place to be located.
Least favorite place at Hogwarts: Astronomy Tower
Do any of the staff members scare you?: Albus Dumbledore, scary man he was.
Do any inspire you?: Professor Sinistra was a nice lady, just taught in the wrong subject.


Interests/hobbies: Wandlore... not much else... arithmancy isn't that bad I suppose.
What you might like to do after Hogwarts: I am a shopkeeper now, never would of imagined.
Someone you look up to: No one really, every one is a complete lunatic around Obsidian Harbour.

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