Dorothy Howard

Dorothy Howard

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Sexual Orientation
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood

Meet your worst Nightmare


Full Name:
Dorothy Howard
Dorothy- Gift of God
Howard- Noble watchman

Date of Birth:
September 14th

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Blue eyes

Dorothy has no interest in muggle borns, at all. She thinks that it's unfair that they get to learn magic. The girl underestimates them and bullies them. She calls each of them mudblood, not caring if they're offended or not.

Overall, Dorothy is mean and cold toward people that she doesn't like. Even sometimes to her siblings, she fights a lot with them but had never got into a serious one (at least not yet). She can be a pain in the @ss and is not ashamed of admitting it. She only likes those who is one of a kind. But everytime she meet anyone new, she'll be very cold toward them and think of them as her enemies. She has an anger management problem and is not afraid of crying and shouting when she's mad. Dorothy is also very strong for a girl on her age especially when she's mad.

Recently, Dorothy lost her in learning. She's actually very smart and a very quick learner. But lately, she'd rather hang around her siblings than being tutored by the professors. But like it or not, her parents forced her to learn. Dorothy never listens to anyone else except her parents. She doesn't like taking order from other people, not even her siblings. She never let them control her beside her parents.

Obeying her parents wasn't too hard. She respects them and is afraid of crossing them. She's spoiled by them, and is allowed to buy anything she wants as long as she listens to them and do whatever they says. So the more she obeys her parents, the more spoiled she is.

The relationship between Dorothy and her siblings is tight, she spends a lot of time with them bullying other kids. Sometimes she'll get into fights with them and it's more to physical fights than verbal. The oldest usually stops them from fighting. They never behave when their parents aren't around. And sometimes they'll make up an excuse to not attend classes. But of course, a lot of time they ends up getting lectured by their parents for days. After all, their parents are so much smarter than them.

Having her time all to her self or with the siblings in her own manor was what she liked. Dorothy wasn't a big fan of the Huberta's manor. Not that she dislike her cousins, but she had to act smart and perfect when the she was with the Hubertas. She was used to shout at her siblings and run around the manor trying to hurt them or being hurt by them but she couldn't do this in her cousin's home. The reason why her parents let her did this was that they were never home, they were always somewhere else so they had no time in disciplining their children. But if they are home, the Howard manor is exactly the same as the Huberta's.

Young Dorothy is also very good at fashion just like her cousins. She hates seeing people who doesn't look perfect.


Rupert Howard, Father, 38
Ruper Howard is the older brother of Abigail Ace Huberta (Howard). He was born in London and went to Hogwarts Scotland. He was sorted into Slytherin and had been good friends with his wife, Rachel Howell. He's a businessman who is never home, he's pretty much an ignorant, he's never around his children when they need him because he's too busy working. Both Rupert and Rachel hates muggles and they underestimate muggleborns.

Rachel Howard, Mother, 38
Her surname used to be Howell back then. She was born in New York and used to attend Salem. But when she was 13, she had to move to London along with her parents. So she was transferred to Hogwarts Scotland and was a Slytherin. Rachel is very smart, this is one of the reason why she force her children to learn as much as they can. Just like Rupert, she's rarely home. She's always with her husband, working together.

Donavon Howard, Older Brother 21
Donavon is very mean and cunning, he dislike muggleborns as much as his parents. He's never around; he's rarely at home. He spends most of his time, wandering in the dark alleys. Donavon keeps his younger siblings away from danger or trouble and loves them more than anyone else.

Dakota Howard, Older Sister 20
Graduated from Hogwarts Scotland, Slytherin.
Dakota places herself above everyone else. She's very brave and isn't afraid of anything. Back then in school, she was one of the bullies and one of the top student. She takes care of her siblings very well. Unlike Donavon who is almost never home, Dakota is always home in the morning and late night to check on her siblings. Dakota is very beautiful, and is very perfectionist. So sometimes, she's driven crazy by her younger siblings who fights all the time and scream or yell whenever they want.

Devlin Howard, Older Brother 16
Ex Slytherin (Hogwarts Scotland), currently in Durmstrang. Douglas was transferred to Durmstrang on his fifth year. The main reason is that he wants to learn the dark arts.
Just like Dakota, Douglas is very smart as well, he's a quick learner and is one of the top student. He's very quiet but very dangerous, if anyone annoys him, he'll blast and will be casting spells at whatever's in front of him. Douglas is also one of the psychopaths in Durmstrang, he often lose his temper and he often bully other students not caring if they're older than him or younger or even on the same age.

Danielle & Danton Howard, Older Brother& Sister 13
Slytherin, Hogwarts Scotland
Who can stand the twins? No one, I repeat No one. They're just so arrogant, they're the worst in the family so far. They never think before they do something. They order their younger siblings a lot just because they're older than them. And both are very rude, they don't care if they offend other people. They're very athletic and are into Quidditch. Danton is more quiet, and he's very strong, he's not afraid in hurting other people and he will attack them physically if they mess with him or his family. Danielle is the natural arguer, she attacks other people verbally more than physically. She's bossier than Danton because she's the older twin.The twins are smart but they lost their interest in learning, they find bullying much more interesting than attending classes.

Dancel Howard, Brother 11
Dancel is cold, cruel and cynical. He can be quite arrogant at times, but is usually able to back up his statements with his intelligence and his own abilities. He is usually distrustful of others outside of his family and he often provokes anyone that he would happen to have some interest on. Dancel views everyone as his toys, so when he gets bored of someone, he'll leave without a word, as harsh as it sounds, that's just the way that he is.Though extremely arrogant, Dancel had equally impressive intelligence, and was shown to be very wise. He was exceedingly sharp and observant to any situation at hand, as he was rarely surprised or caught off guard. He also displayed great intuition, as he was almost never deceived and even then almost instantly realized the truth. But as intelligent as he was, he hated studying. He would often ditch his classes and he is often suspicious of the intentions of adults.

------ Howard, -------- 11

coming soon

Andrew Huberta, Uncle 34
Andrew works in the ministry and he's also a businessman. He's a prejudiced pureblood who hates muggle as much as Dorothy. He's always at work but comes back home at night. Andrew is German and moved to England when he marry his wife.

Abigail Ace Huberta, Aunt 33
Abigail's name used to be Abigail Ace Howard but since she marry Andrew, her surname had to change. She's a model and has a boutique in France. She's also working in the ministry just like Andrew.

Hayley Huberta, Cousin 13
Hayley is perfectionist and independent. She is picky when it comes to friends. It's hard for her to get along with other students but some of the Slytherins pleased her. She is very arrogant, she places her self above other people. The only two best friends she has are her siblings, she has several new friends in Slytherin or other houses. House wont matter but the condition of the family matters, including the financial condition.

Casper Huberta, Cousin 13
Casper is the younger twin brother of Hayley Huberta. He's extremely friendly and doesn't discriminate because he'd seen how bad the effect is. He's obviously the nicer twin of Hayley Huberta and he dates pretty girls. He's pretty much a Casanova.

Heather Huberta, Cousin 12
Is the twin sister of Candy Huberta, and they don't get along very well. Heather is very arrogant and is Dorothy's favorite cousin. She's spoiled brat, and looks down on other people that she hates. She as beautiful as Caroline and as sweet as Caroline. Both Heather and Caroline are spoiled by Andrew, but Caroline still get to be the princess of the family because she's the youngest while Heather is trying get that position. So this is why they fight all the time.

Caroline Huberta, Cousin 12
Her nickname is Candy, because she's as sweet as a Candy. She's the spoiled little princess in the family. She's known as daddy's little girl. Andrew had always love her and give whatever she wish. Candy is also perfectionist just like her siblings and parents.</COLOR>

<COLOR color="#5a70b3"> Pets:

Area of Residence:
London, England

Blood Status:

Special Abilities:
Interests or Hobbies:
Spending time with her siblings
Quidditch (soon)
Wrestling with her brother

Additional Skills:


Anger management

Describe your character in three words:
Beautiful, Strong, Arrogantt

Favourite place to be:
The manor


Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:

Best school subjects:
Potion, Charm

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:

Current Job:
Future Student

Plans for your future:
To graduate Hogwarts, Become a deatheater or in the ministry

Your Patronus:
A White Tiger

Your Patronus memory:
The party that was held in the manor, when Dorothy was only 6

Your Boggart:
Stormy night

Your Animagus:
A white Tiger

Mirror of Erised:
Gathering with her family

A page from your diary:

Dear diary,
Both mama and papa are out, I don't know where they are but what I know is they haven't been around for a month now. They do send us money but they're never here when we need them. Donavon comes only at night and check on us, if we're lucky enough, he'll be home during the days. And as for me, I'm trapped in the manor, forced to learn the theory of magic and other languages. When will I be able to get away from this kind of situation?


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