Dorian Warwick

Dorian Warwick

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OOC First Name
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
The Basics
Character's Name: Dorian Warwick
Character's Birthdate: 1st of May 2019
Blood Status:Mixed
Wand:Currently shopping
Hogwarts House:Slytherin
Hair:Medium length straight hair, brown.
Height:5 ft 1-inch
Style:Quirky, funny but cautious and not that brave
Other Distinguishing Features:broad shoulders
A Little Deeper
Dorian is kind. He has ambitions and is willing to work very hard to achieve them. This is why he is a hardworking individual. He is distinctly individualistic in his studies and achievements because he has always been too bashful and shy to get to know enough people to be able to enjoy the team working experience.

He has recently upon reaching a certain age came upon a realisation that his farther is a very profound and powerful wizard, as any farther commonly does to their son. This has made him create pressure upon himself to be if not as equally brilliant as his dad some day, but perhaps greater. Dorian is oblivious as to how he will create or muster this strength and ability at his time at Hogwarts however he knows one solid fact that he has always believed in.

It is the most wise words he has ever heard, and they are from his infamous farther himself. "There is always a light at the end of the tunnel and good things always come to those who deserve it."

This is the main body of Dorians current phycological position, it will surely develop and perhaps alter over time but only his experiences will change that obviously.

History: Dorian first discovered magic when he was old enough to be able to understand it. His mother and farther are both wizards and both fully capable ones. He has one younger sister who is also magical who is awaiting her acceptance letter from Hogwarts excitedly. Dorian was not so eager to explore the wizarding world beyond his own confined walls due to his insecurity around people he does not know or fears will ridicule him.

Other than that his childhood was lovely, he grew very close to his mother and farther and never particularly had any arguments with them. He has been raised to respect others and treat them fairly however he often gives people too many chances. sometimes out of foolishness, the other times out of interest to see how things unfold.

He is quite protective over his little sister, even though she has quite the wild streak in her that often lands her in trouble and by connection himself frequently. Regardless he loves his family and is glad he was born their son, even if it came with it some self-induced pressure.


Farther: James Warwick
Blood Status: Half Blood
Occupation: (Ex)Auror
House at Hogwarts:Gryffindor

Mother: Jess Warwick(Formally Aniseed)
Blood Status: Unknown
Occupation: Currently Mother
House at Hogwarts: Hufflepuff

Sister:(Still to name her :p) Warwick
Blood Status:Mixed Blood
Occupation: Mischievous Sister

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