Don't Let the Fire Die

Isaiah Jeffreys

Unspeakable | former head boy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14" Sturdy Yew Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2025 (36)
Isaiah was sat in the student lounge absolutely surrounded by school textbooks. He took studying very seriously, he didn't think it was a laughing matter and even more to that, he didn't understand why some people wouldn't study for the exams. While, Isaiah was quite naturally intelligent he did a lot of work to be sure that he would get the best grades possible, he would expect nothing less of himself. It was why he was sat in the student lounge surrounded by books, trying his best to study. He wasn't sure how best to study yet although his usual method seemed to work perfectly, Isaiah just did a lot of reading, he would read his notes and then books, and then go back to his notes and add things that he'd read in the book. But, currently for these exams coming up Isaiah was just reading, book after book after book, no writing but this was not through choice. The teen had been at quidditch practice a few days before and fallen off his broom at one point, landing badly on his dominate hand and damaging his wrist, it had not been broken, but he had a slight sprain, so he wasn't really able to write, and teen didn't want to further injure the wrist and not be able to write during exams, thus he was resting it. So, the ravenclaw teen was just reading, book after book.

The teen had always enjoyed exams, he'd always enjoyed studying, but he was getting bored, his wrist being unable to really take writing, meant that studying was significantly more difficult than anything else. He loved reading yes, but because he wasn't writing anything, he was growing occasionally bored, and his attention was being divide to other things in the room, textbooks were interesting sure but apparently not all of the time. He knew he should study, but reading and writing, had always helped him stayed focused when he entered hour three or four of just straight studying. Soon, the back of this teen's mind was begging for a distraction of some kind, just something to do rather than this dull studying. Isaiah tried to pull it back, switching sitting position, switching book, nothing seemed to work. Motivation in the form of a reward of food or something didn't bring his mind focus. He just couldn't get himself to stop his mind wandering away, he was getting short bursts of concentration but they barely lasted ten minutes. Every time his mind wandered and Isaiah realised it had, he cursed his mind, cursed to the high heavens, he needed to do well, he wanted to do well. Isaiah let out a long exacerbated sigh, as he attempted to study with another book. He wondered if anyone else in the student lounge was having as many difficulties as he was.

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