Don't Let Go

Kayleigh White

Well-Known Member
The sky was going into the phase between day and night the colour changing into the soft shade of darkness soon about to fall into the blackness. This blackness was what Kayleigh found comforting about the night. This comfort was something that Kayleigh needed at least once a day. Not only the comfort was something that this blonde eleven year old needed it was the small tint of excitement that she accomplished when she had managed to relieve herself from her own home without the knowledge of her mother or siblings.

Tonight was different than the other nights though. Something about it was much different. Not only the time in which Kayleigh had managed to smuggle herself out of the house that was not like the rest of the escaped made by this blonde. Usually Kayleigh left the house early morning after both her parents and siblings had drifted off into the dream land in which they loved. Now Kayleigh had decided to put up a fight and just storm out of the house at about nine at night.

The fight that Kayleigh had created was not needed at all. It was nothing but a way to get some excitement. A way to storm out of the house. A way to get away. The negative aspect of the whole outting was simply known. Upon arrival back home, Kayleigh's mother would be the monster that this blonde child knew her as. Her mother would be more than furious yelling at the top of her lungs. Not like this bothered such a girl as Kayleigh. Kayleigh was known for yelling right back until the whole neighboor hood could hear the contents of the conversation that was going on in the White house. Almost as if the fight was experienced first hand on everyone's televisions just much much louder than the highest volume that a muggle television could ever reach in any hopes.

Her bare feet walked along the streets. No need for shoes this evening. Instead she was fitted in a gray skirt with a white tee shirt belted around the mid section. The cold weather however was fixed with her lovely leather jacket opened and not zipped. Not zipped for fashion reasons of course. If the temperature did however dropped to a certain low temperature than the zipping of such a fashionable jacket would have to be done. Even with a soon to be zipped up jacket Kayleigh was sure she would look perfect.

The blonde child continued to walk down the streets in silence listening to the people wonder around and chat amongst themselves. Glances always drifted in the direction of Kayleigh yet she paid them no mind. No one here seemed worth her time. No one that Kayleigh noticed at least. Maybe she would be lucky and meet someone who seemed worthy. The chances of that were slim to none. Not that Kayleigh cared too much about this fact. She was never one for making friends.

Back home she had one group of friends and that was it. Leaving them was not a problem at all. Why would it matter. Deep down Kayleigh was never able to make friends at all. Those people that followed her or those people that considered themselves friends were nothing in her mind. Only one girl back home seemed to make their way to her heart, that red head that Kayleigh knew she would never speak to again.

Her hazel orbs feel on a nearby park bench that allowed her to view the streets of people. Shrugging her small shoulders, Kayleigh wondered over to the wooden stop sitting upon it and crossing her thin legs. Her eyes barely focused on the passing people paying no one really any mind at all.

Word Count: 624
Tags: Open
Outfit: Outfit
As time began to slowly slip away, Tony was sat at the small dining table; which boasted four leather backed chairs and a small bench. His auntie, being an interior designer, was one of good taste.

Another tick of the clock passed as Tony sat, staring at a wall. A wall which, for a reason he was not quite sure of, was the only one without a portrait of any family members hung from it. He simply chalked it up to a design feature, and let out a soft sigh. He missed Peaches. Peaches was Tony's devoted cat, who was mostly black in colour, but sported white paws.

Thoughts drifted into memories of his cat, who was playful, yet mysterious. Tony always found this quality interesting, especially in people, as he could often explore their personality without risking too much. Too many times he's trusted people, only for them to cause him pain. In half the time it took for the clock hand to tick away another second, Tony's thoughts shifted towards his farther.

The hatred boiled up inside. It doesn't take much. "No!" Tony screamed to himself. "No! He is worthless."

"The moonlight is beautiful.". "You haven't been out for a walk today. Maybe you should go. View the town at night?" his auntie half asked, half suggested. Tony hadn't heard her. Nor had he felt the sweet wrapper hit his cheek. "I wouldn't mind going to this world of yours." auntie Joanne proclaimed, as she gave Tony a shove.

"Huh!?". Tony almost suffered heart failure.

"Moonlight." "Beautiful." "Walk.". Joanne spoke single words. "Oh just grab your jacket and get in the car, I'm heading to dinner with a few friends." she said with a smirk, kissing her nephew on the same cheek the sweet wrapper hit moments before.

Heading into town in the black, five-door car; which didn't scream expensive, but wasn't cheap either, Tony had no real plans for what he was going to do with the night. A night that held a cold chill. After a few minuets, Tony was clambering out of the car as Joanne waved, before setting off again into the night.

Laughter rung out on the air, as couples walked along; joking merrily with each other. Tony felt the pain inside start to tingle. Shaking his head, he set off along the street. This night felt different now. There was something. Something different. "Get a grip Tony.". He couldn't stop himself shouting. A young couple, around their mid-twenties, stared at him. He stared back. Waiting. Nothing would make him move. Seconds ticked past, and the couple moved on, whispering to each other. Tony never flinched. He didn't care.

As he was about to set off again, he noticed a young girl sat on a bench.
Strangers passed walking at their own speed. Most of the strangers walked in pairs or groups. This blonde child could see why people would like to walk along side another human being, another friend so to say. Kayleigh understood this for she used to walk along the streets of Sydney with her so called group of friends. The days however had changed since this Aussie moved over to New Zealand, now friendless and uncaring. The question begs to differ whether Kayleigh ever did have true friends or if this blonde eleven year old child would ever care to make new friends. It doesn't matter either way She thought absentmindedly as her fingers ran through her hair once not making a difference in the style almost as if it hadn't been done in the least. Those fingers that were supposed to be musically gifted on none other than the piano.

The piano was the goal that Kayleigh's mother had planned for her eldest daughter. This plan took hold of the young girl at an early age of four leading up until the move to New Zealand. No matter how much time her mother threw into fighting with Kayleigh to practice or attend lessons, nothing worked. This blonde child knew very little more about playing the piano as she did when her mother forced her into the teacher's arms with the simple words 'make her worth something, make her great'.

Kayleigh had taken up something other than the musical side of playing an instructment much to her mother's dismay. Instead Kayleigh had decided to take the wonderful art of dance, ballet to be exact. Years passed and now Kayleigh worked almost every day on this task of being the best at the dance, the one thing she loved. Yet this activity was kept a secret from the whole world and would remain that way until Kayleigh herself thought she was the best, good enough to show her skills and impress the millions. Until that day the girl would practice in secret and alone as she did most things in her young life. Alone seemed to be the most important fact about her dance as it seemed to apply to daily life. Alone now on the streets even when surrounded by people.

Yet the blonde witch soon realized she was not as alone as she thought. A young boy about her own age had made his way to her surrounding area. Her hazel eyes narrowed slightly as she looked the boy over sizing him up. Was he worth a simple word that would come out of her mouth or was he just another face that Kayleigh would forget not caring if another appearance or meeting took place.

Her eyes broke away from the boy not sure how to read him. Usually Kayleigh could tell a person by appearance and how they held themselves under her glare. This boy however proved to be difficult for Kayleigh to pin point his worthiness in her own eyes. Her effort may now have to be spent actually holding a conversation, something that Kayleigh rarely did nonetheless taking even more effort to start such an event. "Are you just going to stand there all night" Kayleigh wondered aloud her eyes shooting back to the view of the boy, her eyes not completely cold yet not anywhere near warm and friendly.

Test number one was already in play. How the boy acted to Kayleigh's comment would hand her valuable information on the boy himself. One of many tests that this young girl would act upon in hopes of finding just one simple person who she would not be ashamed to have as a friend or the very least a tag along. Her mouth remained blank not a smile nor smirk in sight as she awaited the boy's answer.

Word Count: 637
Characters Thus Far: Kayleigh and Tony
Notes: None
The brown haired young boy was never one for socialising, much un-like his auntie Joanne. During the early years at home, Tony would never be seen with friends. In fact, he never really had any. There where people with whom he interacted, these where people he felt deserved at least a little acknowledgement on his part. No-one, though, could understand where his distancing came from.

On October 09th 2015, the small Alraur household, situated in a quiet street in the northern part of the UK, was bustling with over sixty relatives from all across the globe. At least, it was small from the outside. Family members from all continents had embarked on a relatively short journey from their own homes, into the grand fireplace of number 17, with one common aim in mind.

Whilst this strange event was occurring, Tony was half walking, half stumbling to keep up with his mother, who was bustling around town in her regular cheery mood. Stopping at nearly every store window for a glance at their contents, Laura was on the hunt for something special. The crowd appeared from no-where, as a short, black haired man shouted "Free toasters for everyone!". Laura had disappeared. Tony was now alone. Despite the small crowd of muggles, seemingly desperate for a free toaster, Tony was alone. He wasn't afraid. He didn't panic. He didn't care. He never understood why, but nothing seemed to phase him.

"There you are. Come along, we have things to do." His mother gleamed, now holding several large bags of shopping. She had, after all, over sixty guests coming to stay.

Sounds where escaping from number 17, travelling along with the wind that carried them into neighbours gardens. "That's strange." said a tall gentleman, who had took charge of his families barbecue. "I didn't know they had guests.". This was a simple mistake to make, as not a single one of those guests arrived by car, or on foot. They had, in fact, travelled through the floo network.

"Shushh, they're here.". "Eee, look at him. He's grown.". "Someone should help her with those bags.". "Everyone in position?". Where the voices that travelled around the living room. Everyone of them excited. Their owners a mixture of sizes and shapes. Laura placed the key into the lock, and turned it forty-three degrees to the right. Tony pushed open the familiar front door, and wandered inside, to the cosy living room.

He stopped. Feet rooted to the ground. Time suddenly slowed to a crawl. This. This was wrong. "Surpriiiiise!". The whole room seemed to scream at him. This time, Tony was afraid.

A familiar voice whispered into his ear. "Happy birthday sweetheart.". It was his mothers voice. A voice he knew and loved. The fear began to slowly melt away, as he saw his mother face, beaming at him. It was Tony's fourth birthday.

As the cold air pierced his skin, Tony pulled his jacket closer to his slim body, not bothering to fasten the buttons. The cold was something he could bare, not like the heat of New Zealand; which he still hadn't gotten accustomed to. The thoughts running through his mind where interrupted by the sound of a small voice. The voice, it seemed, came from the girl on the bench. The girls face appeared blank, somewhat non-caring, as she seemed to be awaiting an answer to her question.

Most days, Tony would interact with someone who spoke to him, but today was different. He could still sense the darkness. Something still wasn't right.

Casting a look towards the girl, Tony answered. "Yes."
Kayleigh let the silence fill the air as the boy didn't seem to answer right off the bat. This whole place, this New Zealand, was so odd. Back home if Kayleigh would talk to any boy the boy would literally fall apart. The boy would give answers right when asked a question and would buy Kayleigh a drink or meal whenever the blonde even hinted. Boys here were not like that at all. This young witch had meant many people already mostly male and none of them acted as she would have liked. This boy seemed just like the rest of New Zealand boys. Maybe not though, maybe Kayleigh would be able to break him or at least get more than a silence from him.

Her legs were crossed now, right over left. Her left foot tapping in the air just the slightest tapping almost as if she was counting the time. Tap a second passed Tap another second gone. Tap Tap Tap three seconds drifted away never getting that time back. Tap Tap Tap Tap. Though her taps made no noise unlike the clock in her bedroom that ticked and tocked every second creating an annoying second yet at times extremely comforting sound. It was when the night was so silent that she missed the sound of her clock. It was when the night was like this that she found company of someone to take up the time that was filled with nothingness.

Yet those nights when the crickets would sound than the noise of the clock nor talking of a useless friend was not needed at all. Sadly in this case the crickets would not sound. Of course Kayleigh was not that lucky. Straining her ears slightly not showing that she was listening for anything, the crickets were not heard. Truthfully Kayleigh had not heard crickets since arriving at New Zealand. Did they have crickets here? If not this blonde would have a heard time on her hands. If not crickets what would fill the silence when no clock nor annoying person was there to fill it.

Finally the boy spoke. A simple word. One word. Yes. Who did this boy think he was? No explaination as to why he was just standing there randomly. No explaination as to why he was out? No introductions. Nothing. Kayleigh brushed a stray strand of her hair away from her face as she keep her hazel eyes on the board. Her eye however narrowed slightly wondering if the boy would come closer or go off in his way.

"Yes?" Kayleigh repeated her eye brow raising ever so slightly. "You intend to stand there all night?" Kayleigh questioned her voice not surprised, not amused, not friendly, yet not monotonous. It was almost a tone of pure coldness. Almost as if she thought the boy was trying to be smart with her, giving her one word answers. Who did that other than the strange boy ahead of Kayleigh? Her head tilted ever so slightly to the side, a barely unnoticable reaction to the boy.

As Kayleigh waited for another moment, she watched the boy sizing him up once more to the best of her ability. His appearance was not horribly unappealing to Kayleigh which was saying something for this blonde child. Her eyes remained on the boy almost in a staring contest unafraid to look straight into his eyes. Just like the complete opposite she felt no fear looking away. He didn't seem threatening. Even at this time, Kayleigh did not fear bumping into a boy like this unlike a few she had bumped into in the past. Stories of those boys flooded her mind, a chill going up her spine as she physically gave a shiver. Pulling her jacket closer to her body, she played the shiver off as the coldness in the air surrounding her.

Word Count: 640
Notes: None
His eyes now un-moving, fixed upon the young girl, Tony could see them clearly. The tell-tale signs of someone with attitude. As she repeated his answer, he decided to have a little fun with this girl.

Many times, the group of boys attempted to provoke him. Every time, they had failed. Was this girl about to try the same. Or was she different. This, Tony decided, was something he could find out. Choosing to ignore her latest question, and in-fact, half ignore the girl herself, Tony emptied his mind; removed any sense of emotion from his face, and stared directly at her. Her own eyes where locked onto his. Her own stare un-faltering. She was good.

How good depended solely on how she handled the silence. Could he trust this girl to stay.

A shiver now. The coldness of the air around them had touched her too. Was this a sign of her weakness. Tony waited.
A small laugh escaped the young girl's lips as the boy seemed to keep eye contact with her. It was a contest to him and since that seemed to be the face Kayleigh had decided that it would be as well. Her face once more went blank. It almost was like she had never laughed at all, as if she had never shone any emotions for months on end. This look came in handy in the past and even more in the presence.

It was hard to believe but Kayleigh was not always as distant as she found herself to this day. When she was very young, she was a perky child who laughed almost consistly and talked without a breath. Things changed dramatically with certain situations almost could be called accidents. With each accident she began more and more distant and more and more cold. This finally lead to the person Kayleigh found herself today. Moving down this path one step at a time as the days went by. Never seeming or wanting to turn around. Clearly this was who this young blonde witch was and it wasn't going to change.

The only time in which people ever doubted this was when she happened to slip up, make a mistake, mess up and show an ounce of emotion such as a smile not a smirk or maybe let a laugh that is not as cold as ice out of her lips. Many times she has messed up always making up for it in the end. Back home very few people would doubt her heartless nature. Here she had to start new, prove to people she was this b1tch that people was not exactly fond of but respected. So far Kayleigh was finding this job relatively easy.

Continuing to keep her gaze, Kayleigh didn't want to look away from she wasn't sure what the boy was thinking. He could be thinking that it was odd that Kayleigh wouldn't look away. Or the boy could be thinking that she was amusing by not breaking the eye contact. Maybe this boy wasn't thinking about anything at all.

Carefully she pulled the jacket closer to her once more not quite sure knowing why she was. It wasn't that Kayleigh was cold at all. The previous shiver had not been due to coldness it had been due to an unpleasant memory. Though the boy did not know that and maybe Kayleigh was bringing herself to think that it was the coldness of the air.

Finally her green hazel eyes narrowed once more. "May I ask what you are staring at?" Kayleigh asked her tone cold. Obviously Kayleigh knew there wasn't anything wrong with her. Right? At least she hoped there was nothing that was wrong with her. Absentmindedly she ran her fingers through her curly hair still not looking away from the boy. "If you would give a name that would also be considerate" Kayleigh added finally break eye contact and bringing her hazel eyes directed towards her own feet.

The so called contact game was pathetic and easily boring. There really was not a single need to keep eye contact with a boy who seemed like a complete waste in her own time. Hopefully this boy would finally talk and say something important or Kayleigh would consider him nothing but dumb and not worth talking to at all. If this thought was something that was completely true, this blonde witch would take her leave.

Word Count: 578
Notes: Sorry This Reply is shorter
There where few moments in Tony's life that where worth remembering. Most of these related to family, very few relating to other people. One person, as much as he tried to forget, would dominate his memories forever. Today, however, held a different memory.

On his fourth birthday, Tony had been informed of his heritage; his ancestry; his magical ability.

Not braking his gaze from his mothers, Tony stared deeply into her soft green eyes. Something she had told him hadn't made sense. Magic was something only fairy-tales held. His bed-time stories. No-one in the real world could cast a spell. Could they.

Seeing the confused look upon her sons face, Laura pointed her wand towards the kitchen and spoke. 'Scourgify'. Suddenly, the kitchen sprang into life; and, to Tony's amazement, and dis-belief, began to clean itself. All of his senses where numbed now. He was sat on the carpet, frozen. This was a whole new world.

The throng of voices rose, becoming louder as every second passed. There was an air of excitement. At least, that was the case for the sixty or so relatives, whom; and from the outside it would have seemed im-possible, where all standing in the living room of number seventeen. Tony, however, wasn't excited. The four year old, still rooted to the carpet, held no emotion. The fear he had felt upon arriving home, some time earlier, had vanished. Never to surface again, as he often found it easy to suppress common feelings. Had all of this been due to his magic abilities. Was he closed off from the world around him, distant, often un-caring because of the power yet to develop inside him.

Magic. A grin made its way onto Tony's face. The room was empty. He was alone. Thoughts flooded his mind. He could use this new found ability. He could make people afraid. Go where he wanted. Do what he wanted. Nothing, his grin widened, could stop him now. Or at least, he hoped nothing could.

"So how does it feel little man? Or should I say, little wizard?". One of his uncles had spoken. Tony sat in silence. "You will have to wait a few years before you can use magic yourself.". An auntie spoke this time. Tony remained silent. "Those years won't pass soon enough." he thought.

Laughter came from the girl on the bench. Had she heard his thoughts. Had he spoken aloud. No. Maybe she was covering something. Or maybe she couldn't hold well in silence. As she pulled her jacket closer, it became clear she was still cold. Tony wasn't. The chill in the air no longer bothered him. Two new questions escaped the girls lips. "Maybe I should answer.", he thought.

"Just testing a theory.", Tony said with a calm tone. He gave a small grin. "Would you care to share your name?" he asked her, noticing her eyes focus towards the ground. A sign of submission. A sign of weakness. Was this girl, then, able to hold his trust.

Stepping forward; Tony decided, for the time being, he would give her a chance.

Shorter? My previous reply was tiny. xD
This boy was seemingly getting on the nerves of this young witch. Doesn't he know better than to tick off a witch Kayleigh thought not knowing if that was even a threatening thought. After all Kayleigh knew no magic of her own. Even through all the books she had secretly read under the covers she couldn't do anything without a wand. A wand would solve everything. With her wand than she would be a real threat to the boy who she doubted could be a wizard. You never know The voice in her mind reminded this blonde child. Even so, if this boy didn't say something intellegent soon she would leave wizard or not. However this young witch was slightly curious to see whether the boy was a magical child or not. If not than he would be more pathetic than she ever thought.

Twirling a strand of her own hair, Kayleigh waited for the conversation to progress, her eyes on the boy almost not wanting to miss anything, if something even exciting happened. Dropping the strand of blonde hair to the side letting it slip off her finger in which moments before it had been twirling about, Kayleigh listened to the boy's words. Her head tilted to the side ever so slightly when he claimed to be testing a theory. "A theory you say. What am I a test dummy?!?" Kayleigh said her voice cold. Normally would have sent shivers up the spine of who ever the comment was directed at. Yet Kayleigh wasn't sure if this boy was normal or even sane. Would the comment bother the boy or would it just go right through one ear and out other of the boy.

Her temper was short yet she was not going to get all worked out about this face. Not even balling her hands up, she looked at the boy her gaze cold her eyes distant. Yet the distance between her and the boy decreased as he stepped closer to her moving into an actually zone of communication.

Rolling her eyes as the boy directed the question at her, she couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed at the boy's actions. Showing no annoyance in her face. "My name is Kayleigh White. Eldest daughter of the White Family" She said pride in her voice. This blonde doubted highly that the likes of this boy would know the White Family name, not many people here in New Zealand did unless of course they were from Sydney as well.

So far Kayleigh had not noticed one single person from her Aussie home. The chances of meeting someone from the same place as Kayleigh was slight to none. What a sad thought that was. Yet even with the tinist chance of meeting someone from the same place, the thing that killed her chances almost completely was meeting someone from back home that Kayleigh could at least stand or be friends with. Now if that wasn't a one and a million chance than nothing was. If only I could be that one she thought not dwelling on the fact.

"And since you have my name I request yours" She said her eyes still on the boy her tone not the friendliest it had ever been yet wasn't quite as cold as this blonde child wanted it to be. Maybe the next comment that came out of her mouth would show no mercy, full of coldness and sarcasism. Yet it all mattered what the boy said next. He was decided whether Kayleigh was able to unleash her annoyance or keep it burried within, for now at least. Kayleigh was not promising either way she would react. Maybe his comment would be kind and she would still unleash her emotions or maybe he would say something completely annoying well then she would be sure to unleash something or another.

Word Count: 641
Notes: My normal word count is usually
600 so I was a little short for me at least =D
Seconds after he had spoken, the girl shot back another question of her own. This time, it was rather cold. "Theory tested." Tony thought to himself. This young girl was just another person who seemed to think they where better than everyone else. Someone who expected people to answer their every question; bow at their feet; or follow their commands. Being told, or expected, to do something didn't sit well with Tony. He had always had his own free choice in the matter.

"I wouldn't specifically say you where a dummy." Tony replied, the blank expression still upon his face. He noticed the girl seemed to be slightly distant now. Like she had something better to do. Tony didn't, so he was going to stay and see how the evening played out. "The White Family you say?.." Tony queried the girl, who was still seated upon the bench.

Indicating his intentions to sit along side her, Tony introduced himself. "..and feel free to call me Tony.".
Theory Tested The words that the boy had just said rolling around in her mind as she thought about them. Was he putting her through a test? Obviously. It was odd to think about. Usually Kayleigh was the one determining everyone else's worthiness around her. Now it was in reverse order and the blonde child was not sure if she cared for it a bit. This new realization would probably make any other person think about judging someone the next time they were in the presence of another living human being. Not Kayleigh. Instead she curiously wondered which theory the boy had tested. Had Kayleigh passed the test? Yet one question that seemed to be more important than the rest, the one that was burning inside Kayleigh, the one that confused her the most. Why did this young witch care what that boy thought? Opinions rarely mattered to her. It was amazing and curiously annoying to think that she cared whether or not she got off right with the boy.

His next comment however made a small smirk appear on her face. Her hazel eyes turned to the boy, the smirk still slightly there, though it was disappearing slightly as the seconds ticked off. Why had this comment that could be considered an insult amuse Kayleigh so? Simply because she found it a good thing about the boy. The boy must not be thick at all if he was willing to throw such a comment in the direction of Kayleigh White. The comment did not sting at all. Not sure if the boy had meant it to anyway. Her shoulders were brought up slightly into a shrugging motion as they were brought soon back up to the formal position, her straight back no slouching position. Tall and mighty was what her mother had told her when she was young. Sloughing shows that you are not confident. It shows that you are of the lower class system. It shows that you did not deserve the attention of anyone.

Back in the day when she was about five and heard these words from her very mother's mouth she believed every once of it as nothing but the truth. Still to this day she believed the statements against the comfortable sitting position. If her mother would have told her this later on as in the time from ages nine to now her eleven year old self would not believe a word of it. Probably Kayleigh would make a point to slouch more often just to annoy her family mostly her mother. Yet this fact was pounded into her young mind from an early age. From then on it stayed. Nothing but fact. In a way almost brainwashed into her the effects of her society life. The effects that this young witch did not realize had grown on her so. The only queston that remained would be whether she ever grew out of society's standards. If anyone looked at the blonde child now, they would highly doubt it. If Kayliegh was asked personally she would laugh in the face of the questioner. Though Kayleigh did not know the future nor did she ever think she would until the time came.

Carefully Kayleigh uncrossed her legs only to cross them once more in the opposite direction. Hoping that the change in position would help from making her legs fall asleep as they were prone to do in long sittings. Nights like these Kayleigh usually didn't mind. She was alone and the small numbness of her thin legs and small feet almost was nonexisted against the rest of everything, against the sky and the moon. Yet she was in the presence of company, whether it be worthy company or not. Time would only tell that fully. So far time was telling Kayleigh that this boy was looking up in her eyes, getting closer to the closing the line from thick to actually worthy of her company. The line was not yet crossed. The blonde witch wondered if the boy had it in him to actually prove to her that he was something. Even if he didn't know he was meant to prove anything at all.

"Tony" She repeated nodding her head once. She had known a boy named Tony once. Pain in her butt if she could remember corrected. He had dated one of her close 'friends' and both had been smitten. The exchanges between the boy and her friend were enough to make Kayleigh want to stranggle the two. Annoying and clingly, giggling all the time. Pathetic was the only word Kayleigh found to fit that old situation. Utterly and completely pathetic.

However, the boy sitting next to Kayleigh on her bench was nothing like the Tony she used to know. He didn't have the long shaggy black hair nor did he have the amazing yet cold gray eyes. The Tony sitting next to Kayleigh didn't seem the type that would laugh out loud in an awfully annoying fashion. The two Tony's were different which was glady taken by Kayleigh. Never would she have to deal with the black headed Tony again. Though it was hard to get the image out of her mind as she heard the name. Soon the memories would fade. All memories did. Maybe she wouldn't even see this boy again and the memories would have no reason to fade. Or maybe this boy sitting next to her would replace his face with the name Tony. Would that be any better? Kayleigh would have to actually say that it would be a step up.

"Yes I am from the White Family. Back in Sydney" She explained thinking off home in a flash of a moment only seeing her old house. The house wasn't what she missed. Yet she wouldn't allow herself to admit that she missed anything. Not to anyone and mostly not to herself. There was no point in missing something that can never be returned, never be gained again. "You never gave me your last name, Tony" Kayleigh said her eyes focusing away from the boy and towards the sky above her.

Word Count: 1034
Notes: None
Sitting next to the girl, Tony caught a glimpse of a smirk. She had seemed amused by his previous comment. Even though this girl had proven his theory correct, he had no intentions of insulting her. To insult someone would be a waste of time; and time, Tony knew, was always important. Some people, however, where not. Decisions of whether this girl could be important would have to wait. She had failed test number one and test number two. Thoughts of ignoring the girl flickered across Tony's mind. If she really held any interest in him at all, she would surely pass that test.

As the girl re-crossed her legs, Tony choose to indulge her a little. At least she wasn't acting childish or ignorant.

Listening as the girl mentioned her family name, Tony wondered why it was of importance. He had certainly never heard of it before. He could only guess that names meant everything to this girl, like it was some sort of status. Was she about to have him walk away forever, because she seemingly saw herself above everyone else. At this moment, if Tony was to leave, all thoughts of this girl would simply vanish; as if she had never existed. Nothing she had said to him was worth his time, but yet he somehow wanted to stay. Maybe there was a part of this girl he could relate to.

As the moon continued to shine, the girl once more spoke. Again, her words seemed to reference the importance of a family name. Tony's family where mostly adventurers, spread far and wide across the globe. Exploring new and hidden dangers; teaching; learning; working for the Ministry of Magic. Tony was un-sure if any of that meant anything. He had never met many wizards or witches to know if his name meant anything. If it didn't now, and if his future followed the wrong path, it would some day.

"My last name? .." Tony finally spoke again. How long had he been silent. The girl remained seated, looking up at the sky now. Not too long it seemed. ".. Alraur.". Tony finished his sentence before pausing. He was looking for some sort of reaction now. Maybe he had a distant relative who invoked fear into everyone they met; or a late relative who invented something great; or his family name was just simply known to many people.

For the first time, Tony was conflicted. He hated those who thought they where of a higher status than everyone else, mostly due to their own family names; yet here he was, wondering what was in his name. Surely he couldn't be one of those people he himself would ignore.

"Would you care to inform me of the importance of your family name?, .." Tony asked, turning to look at the girl; slightly un-sure as to whether his words had sounded polite when spoken aloud. ".. Miss Kayleigh White." he finished. Even though Tony was someone who could cause people to boil up inside; explode with anger; or even lash out, he was always polite.
There was a small silence. Something that for once Kayleigh wasn't minding terribly. The moon light continued to shine beautiful, almost beautiful enough to paint a picture of. Of course a scene like this had probably been painted a million times before. Why wouldn't someone what to hang this image in their living room or parlour or even the waiting room before actually entering the house. With this logic panning out little flashes of images such as the one she was staring at came to mind. It had to be from the class field trip that she attended, the only one she was ever allowed to go on. All the others, this blonde witch had been left behind, a punishment of sorts as to show that disrespect was not tolerated. Back then and still to this day, Kayleigh claims that she wouldn't have wanted to go on the dumb outings with her annoying and immature classmates. Yet there was a small part of her, mind you it was a very very small part, that wished she would have gone.

However the one field trip that she was allowed to go on was to an art musuem. In which this whole trip, Kayleigh had spent in the night time exhibit. The exhibit with the star pictures, moon pictures, and even a few about noturnal animals. Owls included. As her classmates bustled about looking at pictures of older people or famous people, Kayleigh knew what art really was. Of course she still claimed she was right. Just the memory of it wanted to make a smile appear on her face. Though luckily Kayleigh caught the motion before it appeared pressing it down until it existed no more.

Finally the boy spoke, a last name that Kayleigh had never heard of. Well of course you haven't heard of it. It's a new Zealand name not an Aussie name She thought to herself finding the few mili seconds searching her mind for a memory of the boy's name. Was it well known here or did the boy's family name seem almost non existent? Kayleigh wasn't sure. Surely she could ask, but even this blonde child knew that wouldn't end in the best situation. Deep down she felt as if the boy didn't care about status. Not many people around here seemed to. Pity. That just took out one threat that Kayleigh had entering this world. The threat she had used plenty of times before; I'm from the White family. You know that family with the huge house in town. Now Kayleigh had to abandon that threat. Luckily she had plenty more where that came from.

"Tony Alraur" Kayleigh said repeating the name just to see how it sounded coming out of her own thin lips. Unlike many people before, this blonde child knew the name would stick in her memory. Slowly but surely the old Tony would disappear from her memory creating room for the new boy. Who made enough of an impression for that at least. Her own throughts being put aside however when she heard the boy's question. Miss Kayleigh White she hadn't been called that by anyone around her so far. Maybe this boy did have some class after all, just maybe. It was looking up as the seconds progressed.

Nodded her head once, Kayleigh began to speak wondering just how exactly she was going to phase the importance to a boy who seemed clueless about that status of families. "In the past, back home that is" Kayleigh began her hazel eyes turning their attention to the boy looking away from the picture perfect night sky. "The White name is highly known. My family is large and a very important part of the community of Sidney. It is just odd that people around here did not know the surname." She added the last part bugging her though she hoped she hadn't shown it. Even to add to her point she shrugged her shoulders lightly. "We were always the White's that lived in the huge White house" She said a ghost of a smile flashing across her face momentarily. "Do you have a large family around here?" She asked almost curiously. Why this girl was actually trying to hold a conversation was beyond her but at the moment it didn't seem to matter if it was completely out of the normal range of the girl's normal daily life.

Word Count: 753
Notes: None
As the girl gave a small nod, she was still focused on the night sky. A night sky which continued to hold the light of the moon, and was in some way quite peaceful. Tony had heard stories of werewolves from various members of his family, several of whom had worked for the Werewolf Capture Unit within the Ministry of Magic, and wondered if the current moon was full enough for anyone to transform. A visit from a snarling beast would make the situation a little more interesting at least.

The girl had begun to reflect on her family name. "Sidney." Tony thought. "She isn't from this country either.". It became apparent that her name meant nothing here, and likely in other countries too, as the girl gave a slight shrug. This development seemed to bother her. Tony's interest levels increased slightly. She had nothing in her name now. A sense of superiority would mean nothing. The girls final comment seemed to ease the tension. It wasn't humorous, but it was enough for a smile; one of which had briefly appeared across the girls own face.

As the cold breeze in the air seemed to return, Miss White asked another question of her own. Not fully certain of how to respond, Tony thought of as many family members as he could. Each of whom lived in far regions of the world; with families of their own. Deciding it was best to start with those of whom he was closest to, Tony began a short description of his family tree.

"My Grand-Mother was born in this country, and still lives here. She owns the Alraur estate. Ever since my Grand-Farther was killed.". Tony trailed off. His Grand-Farther. A man he never knew. Surely the Alraur name was known through the wizarding world. If not for its previous Pure-Blood status, then certainly for this great mans accomplishments.

"My mother lives in the UK. I'm not from here.". Thoughts of home flashed across his mind. As much as he enjoyed spending time with his auntie, Tony just wanted to leave. "Many of my relatives live in various other countries, either exploring; teaching; or working." he explained. Tony had to be slightly careful here. After all, he had no idea who Kayleigh really was. Could she be a young witch. Not many parents would allow their children out this late at night. He knew now he had to remain in her presence, if only to confirm his suspicions. Had he finally met someone close to his own age with similar abilities buried inside, waiting patiently for their release.
The night seemed to grow slightly colder. All of a sudden a shiver came over Kayleigh. Carefully she crossed her arms tighter against herself knowing that it was a rather pathetic attempt to say warm. It didn't help, yet it did help slightly. Enough warmth to keep this young blonde witch in the darkness and coldness that surrounded the now on going conversation. Her fingers slowly rubbed up and down her air, making the few goosebumps that were appearing to become non visible. This of course only helped for a few minutes. Mind over matter She thought Mind over matter She thought again knowing that it was the fact. If Kayleigh made herself believe she wasn't cold, she wouldn't be cold. The hard part of this new technique was making oneself believe that they were not cold.

Instead Kayleigh found it was easier to put herself into the conversation. If one did not think about the coldness surrounding them than maybe just maybe they wouldn't be cold in the first place. The boy named Tony spoke about his family. Mentioning his grandmother first. This blonde girl's heart stopped at even the mention of a grandmother. Memories of her own grandmother came into her mind. Haunting memories and then happy memories once more ending in the haunting memories and bright lights of the fire. Memories of her grandmother teaching her how to sow wanted to make the young girl smile. Yet visions of the fire, the very fire that Kayleigh had started by herself, the very fire that had set the house alight, the very fire that had caught her grandmother in the mist of it, the very fire that caused enough damage to end the life of the elderly women made the young blonde child want to break down in tears. Neither of those actions did Kayleigh act on. Shaking herself slightly to get her mind off that topic, Kayleigh passed it off as another shiver. Later. She could think about her grandmother later. Not know. Not when she was around someone. Not when she could look vulnerable. The distant mask was placed upon her face as she turned to the boy, her hazel eyes blank of any sort of emotion.

The boy finished his statements, Kayleigh tried to bring herself to say something. Anything. Though this young witch was worried that her voice would not hold the confidence that it normally did. Funny how one word could make this girl lose everything. Taking a breath, she spoke keeping her tone normal. "I'm sorry that you lost your grandfather" She said simply knowing that those words were meaningless. No matter how many people said them, it would never hold the power to bring said person back. No matter how many times someone conforted you about the death, it never helped. Never.

Though for some reason this young girl felt like she should at least give the boy that much. She would expect it in return if the situation was in reverse and in the open as so. "Your mother lives in the Uk" Kayleigh repeated getting back to her own self mentally now. As the thoughts passed and were forgotten for this moment she was fine. "So you moved here from the UK?" Kayleigh asked through the boy's wording confused her slightly. He used the present tense of the verb live. His mother lives in the Uk. Did that mean that Tony did not live with his mother or was it a mishap of the confusing English language. Would it be too personal to ask? When had Kayleigh ever cared about such a personal matter before. "Do you miss your old home? "She wondered. Keeping the conversation going was keeping her mind off other things, the coldness being the easiest to forget.

Word Count: 639
Notes: None
After finishing his brief introduction to the whereabouts of his family, Kayleigh expressed her apologies towards his late grand-farther. Tony smiled at her kind words. At least she seemed to be respectful. Maybe she wasn't too bad after-all. If Tony could say anything about this young girl, other than any of his earlier thoughts, it would reflect the steady stream of questions escaping her lips. Tony's eyes now focused on Kayleigh's, as she spoke again; seemingly confused.

Pulling his jacket closer to him once more, in an attempt to stave off the coldness in the air, Tony wondered how long it had been since his auntie had dropped him off. He had never found a use for a watch; since climbing over rocks, or through caves, always ended up with them becoming mangled pieces of metal. There was no sign of daylight, so it wasn't early. Laughter had subsided now. The town appeared to be empty from both directions. Was this normal at this time, or where Tony's earlier feelings a warning. A slight shiver made itself known. Not bothering to disguise it, Tony responded politely.

"Yes. My mother lives in the UK. And so do I. Or I used too. I'm staying with one of my aunties before I..". Tony paused. He couldn't out-right tell someone he knew very little about what he was. Not until he owned his own wand at least. "..well, it's complicated.", he finished. Thoughts of going back home returned. Tony wasn't overly excited to be heading to Hogwarts. In fact, the only reasons he had accepted the letter where to learn about his abilities; how to control them; how to use them; and to follow in his families success, setting him up for a good future.

"I miss my home. Yes.". Tony's face was blank at this point. His voice held little emotion. He wasn't going to show any weakness. Given the subject matter, he had non to show. "And yourself? Do you miss Sidney?".
The wind gave another dreadful blow, this time Kayleigh pulled the little layer of clothing that she had closer to her body. Carefully she uncrossed her legs for a moment only to switch legs, the left over the right or right over the left. Tapping her foot slightly, Kayleigh wondered how long she was going to be able stay out here in the cold. No matter how much she wanted to get out of the cold, Kayleigh didn't want to go home. Dealing with her mother right now was not what this young blonde child wanted. Later that day, or would it be the next day now. Kayleigh wasn't sure exactly. Time was just something that was around. Usually this blonde witch didn't pay much attention to it when she was out on her outtings. Of course right before she left the house she paid more attention to the time and the ticking clock than anyone else in the word. Yet once this young child left the house, finally felt the freedom of her escape, time didn't matter.

Though even Kayleigh could admit that knowing what time it was would probably come in handy at this moment. Would this cold seriously make this young child go into the shelter for the night, breaking her normal evening of staying out all night. Just pay attention to the conversation. Forget the cold Kayleigh thought to herself pulling her layer of clothes tighter once more ignoring the shiver that ran through her once more. What the hell it's never this cold back home She thought almost angerily as the boy's voice once more ran through her ears.

So Tony wasn't living with his parents. Well actually he hadn't mentioned a father. How on earth could someone live without a father. If Kayleigh's mother was the only one in charge of her, Kayleigh would surly find someone else to live with. Though her own father wasn't much for giving directions or punishments, usually he just went with whatever Kayleigh's mother said, it was still nice to have him around. Have someone that totally didn't mind if Kayliegh was a little out of hand. He had even caught Kayleigh sneaking back into the house one early morning. Without a word he acted as if he hadn't seen Kayleigh at all, though this young witch was ninty nine percent sure that she had saw a small smirk on her father's face that day.

"I didn't catch an accent" Kayleigh said simply when the boy stated that he used to live in the Uk. Usually people had accents if they were not from a certain place in which you grew up in. The Aussie accent didn't seem to stick out in Kayleigh's ears for she had heard it from birth. The American and English accents however were usually very well known and stuck out the most. However in this case, Kayleigh might have just passed it off. Sometimes this eleven year old had other things on her mind than accents.

Aunties Kayleigh repeated in her mind hiding the chuckle within her that wanted to be free. What an odd word. Why not just say aunt. More proper less babyish. Instead, Kayleigh decided not to say anything. As cold as she was and how much her body was telling her to go into the house that was supposed to be called home, Kayleigh didn't want to mentally. Instead she knew that this conversation was the only thing keeping her out of the dreadful house which in all reality wasn't so dreadful.

The breaking off of of the boy's words caught the interest of the young girl. Complications were always interesting. Don't push. You will seem like you actually care The young blonde's mind reminded her. Did she care? No Kayleigh White never cared. Yet she was interested. Interest that she would not show, at this moment at least. "Many people seem to be moving up here. Before school" She said wondering if that was what the boy meant. If so she was going to drag it out of him. Her words were going to be chosen carefully. Not that she cared about the major secret of the school. If this boy was a muggle than Kayleigh would just find some older witch or wizard to cast a memory charm. No big deal. She had heard about memory charms and they seemed like no big deal. Not that this muggleborn witch knew too much about that sort of thing.

"That's why we moved up here. The whole family though. Just so I could go to school. It better be a good school for all this trouble" She continued running her fingers through her curly hair for a moment before once more crossing them in front of her feeling slightly warmer as she did so. The outside was clearly bitting cold. It wouldn't be long before it did force this young girl to take cover.

Word Count: 821
Notes: None
Kayleigh's words where carried within the air once more. This time, they mentioned school. Could this be Hogwarts. So she was a witch. Interacting with other people within his age bracket was limited to a certain few. A few who knew what trust was. These where not people Tony would turn to with his problems; but they where there to talk about the latest television programme; play various games; head to the cinema; or even clamber over the old ruins down towards the river.

Not one of these friends knew who Tony really was. Or what he really was. How would the three of them react if he was to allow his secret to escape. Could he have continued to trust them. At least now, in the presence of another magical being, Tony could forget about his secret being known; or rather, he hoped he could.

Heading in to his first year at Hogwarts, would Tony still know who this young witch was. Even though she had held his interest slightly, there wasn't any reason to call her a friend. There was little reason to place his trust in her. Maybe tonight was just like any other. Simply a conversation in passing. As he re-spoke the girls last words in his mind, Tony was becoming slightly tired. "Which school are you going to?" he half-heartedly questioned, turning his head away slightly; as he looked into the distance. Maybe it was time to head back. After-all, Tony hadn't eaten anything for some time.

This was really really difficult! And my apologies for it having took so long, and being lame. :shy:
The boy seemed to blow off Kayleigh's comments as if they were nothing. How the hell was she supposed to learn about his family complications if he refused to take the bait that she was providing. Seriously maybe she was completely wrong about the boy being not so thick. Or really in reverse maybe he already caught on avoiding the situation as a whole making him not a ounce dumb. Kayleigh wasn't sure which one but this green eyed girl was going to figure it out soon or a later. Her gripped tighted slightly around her waist pressing slightly harder against her stomach in effect to keep warm. Though other than the few shivers that had previously passed through this young girl's spine moments before, she showed no other sign of coldness. Well exterior coldness of the body. Surely Kayleigh Meghan White was cold. Cold hearted, cold in appearance, just plain cold. Yet deep down unknown to most people expect for two, Kayleigh had a small amount of warmth within her. Those two people no longer could share this with anyone though. One was dead and the other miles away back in Aussie. Here no one knew the secret of the blonde child. No one knew that it may just be possible, even if the chances were almost slim to none, that Kayleigh had the smallest soft spot. Though a soft spot it was.

A question was soon directed in the way of Kayleigh, the boy Tony seemed content on having her answer it. What school did she go to? Was she allowed to disclose that information? Truthfully Kayleigh couldn't care about getting in trouble or exposing the secret to muggles. After all what was the worst that could happen? Another Salem Witch trials? Not likely here. That stupid show of dumb muggle reactions happened in North America with the bloody Americans seeming to think magic was a bad thing. Stupid muggles were probably just jealous not even burning just witches but muggles on the stake. All the witches seemed to survive, yet the muggles thought to be witches didn't. This at least was what Kayleigh had read in a book while she browsed through the bookstore. No point buying a book when you can glance through it for free. Though it was only five galleons. What ever the hell galleons were.

Thinking back to the conversation, Kayleigh turned her eyes on the boy who for moments was looking into the distance. Did he want to leave? She wondered almost a little saddened by the thought, almost... It was rare that Kayleigh held a conversation for this long. Amazing some would say, those some who had meet the girl already, had already gotten to her bad side. Realizing that giving this information didn't matter. Who really cared if the boy knew which school she was going to. Maybe it was a very credited school. One of those schools hard to get accepted to. Something Kayleigh would brag about. Even better would be if the boy had attempted to get entrance into the school and failed. Oh how Kayleigh would have a field day with that one. After all this school actually sent her a letter asking for her acceptance. Kayleigh didn't even have to apply that must mean that she was without a doubt wanted and more than worthy. In a way Kayleigh hoped the boy was too, yet at the same time her bragging rights would be diminished if he was. Either way she would find a way to come out on top. A White always came out on top of any situation, Kayleigh without a doubt.

Giving the boy a small smirk, not a smile but surely not one of those I want you to drop dead smirks, she spoke. "I'm going to attend Hogwarts New Zealand" she said a hint of pride occuring in her voice even if she held no pride in the school nor her attending such a place. The only reason she wanted to add that small note was just in case the boy had failed to attend or even never heard of the place. Either way Kayleigh would make it seem like it was the best in the world, best school possible. one that very few got into, but this blonde child had managed. She if nothing else worked, would make up the most convincing story in the world to make it that wonderful. "And the school you are attending would be?" Kayleigh finished off absentmindedly crossing her pointer and middle finger on her right hand. Not an obvious gesture and a gesture that Kayleigh wasn't sure of the meaning. Was she hoping that the boy would attend or not? It seemed she was confused. maybe she was really hoping for just the best outcome possible.

Word Count: 802
Notes: Again I am so sorry for the lateness
I sent you a pm just in case
And your post is not lame
As his gaze was fixed upon the horizon, Tony could only wonder what would happen between himself and this young witch that sat next to him. That is, if she was a witch. The last few moments seemed to indicate that she was, at least. But what if she wasn't, and it was only Tony's mind that hoped she was. He couldn't understand this thought. Why did he care whether she was a witch or not; or which school she was headed to.

Even though he was till wearing his jacket, the air was still content with biting into his skin. Coldness was something he lived with, as well as continuous amounts of rain; so why was he feeling the shivers this night. As the girls words once more graced his ears, Tony heard the word Hogwarts. His eyes widened at this word. His heart rate increased ever so slightly. Hogwarts. This young girl was going to Hogwarts. He knew now his presumptions where correct. Kayleigh was a witch.

Turning his gaze back to Kayleigh, he heard her ask another question of her own. A question he had managed to ask her first. Had she planned to ask him this question earlier, before sharing her own information. This would be something Tony would likely not find out. Deciding it best to answer her, without deflecting the question at least; Tony smiled at Kayleigh, "I shall be attending Hogwarts myself.". As he spoke, Tony remembered the time he was home-schooled by his family ever since he was four years old. "Although, I would prefer not to." he finished. The thoughts of being hurt in a place he couldn't simply walk away from where daunting. Tony knew he could ignore most people at Hogwarts, but anyone who broke his trust would cause him to close up almost permanently.

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