Donnie 'The Dok' Dokken


OOC First Name
Full Name:
Donnie ‘The Dok’ Dokken

Date of Birth:
February 13th

Current Age: 15

Basic Appearance:

I am a force unto myself, I like to rock and I like to roll. When it comes to thrilling heroics I’m your guy, sure I will more than likely screw it up but hey I will look the entire time.

My grandmother, but she’s rather old… and crude and possibly out to get me.

I’d love a pet monkey, the adventures we would have.

Area of Residence:
In West Philadelphia born and raised on the playground is where I spent most of my days just chilling out maxin’ relaxin’ all cool shooting some B Ball outside of school when a couple of guys who were up to no good started making trouble in my neighbour I got in one lil fight and my Mum got scared she said your moving in with your Aunt and Uncle in Bel Air! ...Or something like that involving my Grandmother and New Zealand but why split hairs.

Blood Status:
Half Blood

America. Somehow. Somewhere. Chuck Norris.

Special Abilities:
My imagination is my greatest ability.

Interests or Hobbies:
I skateboard, I wakeboard nobody gets to make me an adult. I will continue snowboarding and play guitar 4eva!

Additional Skills:
I can touch my nose with my tongue. One time I defeated a Balrog with nothing but a paper clip.

Raging personality, good looks, obscure references and who doesn’t love a loveable goofball.

Water, bright lights and feeding me after midnight.

Describe your character in three words:
Very good at math

Favourite place to be:
I love me some Lime light!

I just moved to the country so friends, no… unless you count my Grandmother.

Hogwarts House:
Hufflepuff, because its highly fun to say.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Tame wild beasts, time travel, find love, quick showers, dance, create a rock band, gather all the skills one would need to survive the zombie apocalypse and traverse through parts unknown.

Best school subjects:
Lunch and class clownology 101

Worst school subjects:
Any in which I have to pay attention, write things down or otherwise learn.

Extracurricular Activities:
Do more work within school…? I don’t get it.


Current Job:

Plans for your future:
The future? I don’t even know what I’m doing five minutes from now!

Your Patronus:
Pretty sure It’d be a monkey… Monkey as kewl

Your Patronus memory:
One time I went to McDonalds and ordered a six piece McNuggets and when they handed me the box I could tell by the weight of the box that there was an extra McNugget in there and when I opened the box I was right.

Your Boggart:
Clowns. Wait no porcelain dolls. No spiders. Or maybe woman…. Or Spider-Woman.

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:
Being remembered for something great.

A page from your diary:
*blows dust of the diary before opening it for the first time*

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