Donnelle Lacusky

Donnelle Lacusky

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And like a rose's thorn, spiteful, she'll tear you apart, raging and wild, born to be known;


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FULL NAME;; Donnelle Julie Lacusky;
NAME MEANING;; Is of a Scottish and Irish origin, meaning 'World mighty' and 'brown-haired fighter';
AGE;; 11 years of age;
STAR SIGN;; Capricorn;
DATE OF BIRTH;; 12 January, 2017;
BLOOD STATUS;; Half blood;


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STAR SIGN;; Capricorn
STONE;; Garnet
LIFE PURSUIT;; To be proud of their achievements
CAPRICORN SECRET DESIRE;; To be admired by their family and friends and the world at large
DESCRIPTION;; The sign of the high roller, Capricorn is regarded as the zodiac's top, but also quiet, life and business achievers. But, there are two very different types of Capricorns.

The first is represented by the mountain goat, always climbing higher and higher; never content until reaching the top. The second is the garden goat, with little adventurous spirit or ambition-happy to remain within a small domain, refusing to budge unless it is pushed. Either type of Capricorn, however, is patient and persevering. They reach their goals because they know the longest journey commences with a single step and that the first step is always the most difficult.

The one thing a Capricorn must always try to do is balance work with play; otherwise they can become too one-sided and work can replace true personal emotional fulfilment. Continually climbing the eternal mountain of success, Capricornians rise to the occasion when faced with a new task or deadline. Even if something comes to a grinding halt, their ambition to reach the ultimate keeps them moving forever onwards and upwards (prompted by the strict influence of ruling planet Saturn). Although conservative and cautious, Goats are willing to try unusual approaches on their road to success in business or in love. Romantically, they desire a permanent relationship with someone who'll give them the affection they crave (and often neglect to give themselves!)

The rulership of Saturn - the planet representing responsibility, structure and hard work - ensures that Capricorns in their truest of expression, are ambitious, practical and superb organizers. Although many Capricorns are borderline workaholics, this doesn't necessarily make them dull or gloomy! They have an offbeat sense of humour, which seems to erupt at the most unexpected moments. Their motivating force in life is success, money, status, authority and - although many might not admit it - love. By nature Capricorns are cautious when entering a new love relationship, but once they feel 'safe' with their partner, the cool exterior melts away to reveal a sensitive and loyal heart beneath. As a friend, Capricorns can be relied upon to provide the strongest and most sympathetic pair of shoulders in the zodiac...



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EYE COLOUR;; Brown. Slightly hazel from her Mother, dark brown from her Father.
HAIR COLOUR;; Strawberry blonde. Her mother had blonde hair, her father brown.
HAIR STYLE;; Long, wavy, sometimes curly
HEIGHT;; 5"2
WEIGHT;; 110lb
FASION STYLE;; Donnelle is most often seen in jeans and a woolen jumper. She loves her white, holey jumper which her Grandmother knitted for her. She likes black jeans, preferably skinny, but all jeans seem to suit her. She rarely wears jewlery, but wears a watch, and sometimes a small pendant which belonged to her mother. She loves white clothes too, and will most often be wearing a white, tank style top. Her other favourite clothes are green, strap tops and long sleeved green tops.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES;; Donnelle has freckles, which are almost always covered with make-up. She has small, defined cheekbones, and, being japanese, a small petite face in general. She has a hazel streak in both eyes, probably given to her by her Mother's hazel eyes. Her father, apparently, had dark brown eyes.


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Donnelle is a mean spirited, short tempered and ambitious young girl who has been traumatized by her past in such a way she feels she must take her anger out on other people to make herself feel better. Rules don't apply to her, and if someone should think they do, she'll make sure they understand what she means. She'll do whatever she must to get what she wants, and though she's not spoilt, she often acts this way. She loves to see others suffering, and would only help them if they happened to be her best friend - which would be rare. Donnelle has trouble making friends, and when she does, she struggles to keep them. She rarely looks out for people, only thinking about herself. She wants a lot out of life, and is willing to work for it, though. Her dreams and ambitions mean a lot to her. If she can't get her own way, she'll throw a tantrum like a spoiled brat. She used to tear the wallpaper off her bedroom walls, and scream as loudly as she could until people took any notice of her. She also does not quite understand the concept of money, and she believes that it does grow on trees. If her enemies have something she wants, she has to have it too, no matter how expensive, and usually, to stop her from throwing a fit in the middle of the shopping center, her Grandparents will easily give in and buy it for her. Donnelle has a lot to learn when she attends Hogwarts.

Donnelle was born and raised in a small town in New Zealand, near the coast. Her Mother, Xi Yang, was Japanese, and her Father, Geddon, was English. Her Mother and Father met in New Zealand when Xi Yang was on vacation there, and she moved to New Zealand to stay with him. A year, to the day, after meeting, Xi yang was expecting her first child, who was to be Donnelle. On 11th January, Xi Yang was rushed to hospital, though her labour took so long that Donnelle was actually born on the 12th. Geddon had taken time off important work to be with the whole family. Donnelle was christened Donnelle Julie Lacusky. Her Father had chosen her first name, as he had wanted her to have a Scottish Heritage name after his own father, who was Scottish. Whilst Xi Yang dissaproved, it was easier if the child had an English name anyway. Julie was chosen by Xi Yang, who loved that name anyway. Donnelle had a normal childhood for a long time, and was a happy and healthy toddler and baby. Donnelle attended primary school, though in year 3, disaster struck.

Geddon would often argue with Xi Yang about pointless things, and when Donnelle was 7, he left the household, moving countires. To this day the family have no idea where he is. Xi Yang was devestated, as was Donnelle, but it meant more to her Mother, who stayed in bed for most of the day, every day, until Donnelle finally coaxed her out of her room. Thanks to her, Xi Yang didn't have a breakdown. Unfortunately, something else did happen. Xi Yang was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor which also left her paralyzed, and she was insistent that she shouldn't have Magical treatment, as she was Muggle-born herself. So Donnelle nursed her Mother for 6 months, until she died on the 1st Jaunary 2027. The mourning of her Mother was a long and tireful process, but she had known it was going to happen soon, so it wasn't a shock, at least.

Donnelle was then sent to her closest relatives, being her Father's parents, and she loved staying with them. They were nice 'nice' set of grandparents, the one that buy the comics and sweets, and knit clothes for your Barbies. Donnelle was pretty happy staying there. She didn't know, at this time, that she was magical, although her Grandparents often tried to hint it to her. It's difficult to hint something so complex. On Donnelle's 11th birthday, she had been opening her brand new keyboard (She has a talent for the piano), when the birthday mail came. She had hopped up to get it, unaware that she was about to find out a life changing thing, which her Grandparents already knew. When she opened the letter, she didn't understand, and had hidden it in her room till her Grandparents had questioned her about it a few days later. She didn't know how they knew she'd got a letter - until they explained.

Donnelle's reaction was.. Interesting, to say the least. She had been puzzled at first, eager to learn more. And then angry, angry that nobody had told her before. It had been for her own good, who knows who she would have blurted out to. Her best friends couldn't keep secrets anyway. But she didn't care about those things, she was mad at everyone from keeping it from her. She was completely ungrateful. After everything that had happened, they were sending her to some 'Magical' boarding school? Donnelle wasn't having it. However, after a long chat with her Grandparents to make her see sense, she decided that actually she would go, as her own school was pretty dull, and she wanted to be away from the people who were making her cross. What better an opportunity? Now hat Donnelle was quite liking the idea - though she was still upset - She decided that no, she wouldn't be a goody-goody with the great grades and who was the teachers pet. After all that had happened in her life, she deserved to be bad. Just a little bit, she decided.


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25% Irish;
10% Scottish;
5% Chinese;
30% English;
30% Japanese.

Donnelle's Mother is Partly Chinese, partly Japanese and partly English. Donnelle's Father is partly English, Partly Irish and partly Scottish.
Donnelle now lives in New Zealand.

Donnelle could also be partly American, but the family has never traced their family tree back far enough. If she was, it would be on her father's side.




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COLOUR;; Dark green. The colour reminds her of darkness, and unlike any other dark colour (except black), it has a sinister feel about it. It probably became her favourite colour when she was in Primary school, and she started colouring everything in green - and wore green clothes. Her mad obsession with the colour, did however die down when she grew older.
FOOD;; Chinese food, chicken chow mein. Jam on toast, honey, kiwi. She has grown up with Chinese food her whole life, and so naturally enjoys eating this the most. Jam on toast to her is comforting, though she hates butter, and so only has Jam. Donnelle has rather a sweet tooth, and honey is a particular favourite of hers too. She also has this on toast. Kiwi is her favourite fruit, and one of her favourite foods, as she loves the tanginess of it.
MUSIC GENRE;; Rock&Indie. Her Mother had always tried to bring her up with pop and classical music, and, the rebellious girl she is, Donnelle decided she would not take any notice, and opted for a completely different style of music, which she found she enjoyed listening to anyway, and rock became her favourite music genre.
FILM GENRE;; Horror&Romance. Donnelle enjoys the thrill and suspense in horror movies, and despite being too young to watch most, she finds a way to secretly watch them. Obviously her Mother dissaproves the enjoyment she gets out of watching gore, but seeing as she's clever about it, she rarely finds out. She also likes romance, though not as much as horror or thrillers, mainly because of the actors in it.
NAME;; Francesca. It was also her great Grandmother's name, and she enjoys the sound of the name, and the way it rolls off her tongue when she says it. She wants to rename herself this when she grows up, though she will probably go off the idea when she realizes it's too girly for her, and that Donnelle sounds much tougher.
PLACE;; Her bedroom. She feels safe here, away from all the noise and annoyance of her grandparent's chatting, and she spends most of her time here.
POSESSION;; Her Mother's pendant. She has kept it since she died and has promised herself never to sell or get rid of it. She loves it to pieces, and if anybody should try and take it from her, she would throw a tantrum.
MOTTO;; Sometimes you can get splinters even from sliding down a rainbow

Donnelle hates anybody who thinks they know better than her. She hates the colour pink, and anything similar, like purple or light blue. She hates gadget based films and pop music. Her least favourite food is chilli, surprisingly, as it is often found in chinese food. She finds it too hot for her taste, even mild chilli.


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[li] To befriend anybody who adopts the same attitude as she does</LI>
[li] To grow up a rich and popular person</FONT>
[li] To attend Hogwarts</FONT>
[li] To torment sombody for her own amusement</FONT>
[li] To find a boyfriend who she can trust, when she is older</FONT>
[li] To see her Mum again</FONT>
[li] To find out more about her father</FONT>
[li] To have a brother or sister


<LI>[li] Being bullied herself, unlikely as this may be
[li] Being caught in a fire
[li] Getting bad grades at school
[li] Having girly-girls want to be her friend</FONT>
[li] Being put in Hufflepuff at Hogwarts
[li] Having rumours spread about her
[li] People realizing she's insecure
[li] Making a fool out of herself

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HOUSE;; N/A, but she is a hopeful Slytherin
WAND;; None yet, but she will go shopping soon
PATRONUS;; A wolf, as she feels as though she somehow connects with them
PATRONUS MEMORY;; Her Mother, playing with her when she was younger
ANIMAGUS;; A serpent, as they are easily disguised in the undergrowth, sly and cunning
BOGGART;; Herself, being teased by girly girls. She is embarassed by this fear
FAVOURITE LESSON(S);; Donnelle's favourite lessons will be Defence against the Dark Arts and Potions, as these are things she is interested in. She enjoyed the random outcomes of mixing potions, and she loves the idea of Dark Arts in general, so thinks she will enjoy these lessons the most.
WORST LESSON(S);; Donnelle's worst lesson will be Herbology. She is an indoor person, and she will absolutely hate having to spend a lesson in a greenhouse working with screaming mandrakes. She will even consider skiving when she is supposed to be doing this lesson.

<FONT font="Times New Roman"> | F A M I L Y |


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NAME;; Xi Yang Kikuchi
AGE;; Would be 39
PERSONALITY;; Xi Yang was the most loving, supportive
Mother that Donnelle could have asked for. They got along,
and they cared for each other like nobody else could. Xi
Yang was ambitious and eager, and was a former Slytherin
Prefect at Hogwarts. This was until she was diagnosed
with a rare form of brain tumour and died when Donnelle
was just 9 years old, creating a whirlwind of sorrow.

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NAME;; Geddon Lacusky
AGE;; 40
OCCUPATION;; Works for the Ministry of Magic
PERSONALITY;; Not much was known about Geddon,
but when he was still in the family, he was always
drawn back from the family, not giving Donnelle much
attention, nor helping his wife, Xi Yang, with any work
around the house. When he left work, everybody had
guessed something was wrong. Geddon had been having
an affair with somebody else, and he soon afterwards
moved out, and Donnelle hasn't seen him since.

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