Don’t have a drowning Incident… K?

Warren Hewitt

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
Don?t have a drowning Incident? K?

<t>It had been a long day for Warren. It started rather lazily, with him on a large comfy sofa chair, but had changed into a miraculous adventure. And all it took was one conversation with a fellow Hufflepuff, Amber. <br/>
The two decided on a fantastic underwater adventure. The goal, to find the amazing magical and muggle plant life which exists under the ocean surface. Of course this poses several problems, like how would one manage to stay underwater or go deep enough to trule explore the lake of Hogwarts New Zealand. <br/>
Warren was rather fortunate. He had began discussion with a herbologist portrait. The painted figure described the magical properties of a plant called gillyweed. He was nice enough to even draw a picture and describe it to Warren (the picture in a picture effect was rather mind boggling to Warren but…. It happened…. I swear). <br/>
Under instructions from the portrait, Warren walked to the potions professor office. He slipped the tip of his wand under the crack of the door, and said “Accio Gillyweed!” Thanks to the images and descriptions in Warren’s head he managed to call the plant’s jar from its shelf. It smashed against the door, and the weed (free from the jar now) managed to slip under the crack of the door.<br/>
All in all, Warren was ready for his sea adventure. He was now just waiting for Amber on the Lacke side.</t>
Amber had spent her time in class being unable to focus on her work, all she had honestly been thinking about was the adventure she would go on after class. The brunette left the confined walls of Hogwarts New Zealand to stroll down to the lake front to meet her fellow Hufflepuff Warren, they were going to swim and examine the muggle and magical plant life that dwelled under the water. Amber had come prepared; she was wearing her bathing suit, an eager smile plastered on her face. Learning about Herbology was something Amber had enjoyed from the start of her magical education, and learning something practical was a wonderful way for her to spend an afternoon. "Hey, aren't you excited?" Asked the brunette, as she approached Warren and put her bag on the ground next to her.
Warren jumped a little bit when Amber began to talk to him. “Aren’t you excited?” She asked.

Warren smiled devilishly and spun around to face her. “Very excited!” He almost squealed. “So, you’ll enjoy this. We will use herbology to learn more herbology.” Warren pulled the long green seaweed like plant from his pocket. “This is gillyweed. If we eat it, we grow gills for an hour. So we have to make sure not to stay too long. After all, I don’t want you to have a drowning incident… K?”

Warren snickered at his joke (as did his narrator). He pulled the slimy plant in half and gave it to Amber. “While jumping in chew on the Gillyweed. Its hard to breath in air when you have gills. So its all about timing. Watch me…”

Warren had absolutely no idea what he was doing. It’s not like he went magical scuba diving often. Or… well… ever. But he decided it would be best to fake it. If he ever didn’t know what to do, faking it was always the best option. Cause if you sounded like what you were doing made enough sense, then the whole world will just accept the fact that you’re right. (As a reader you can now understand why he isn’t a Ravenclaw… That whole scheme really isn’t very wise…)

Warren did a few quick stretches. Pulled off his whit t-shirt, and tossed the plant in his mouth. He didn’t bite down until he was already airborne jumping off the dock into the deep lake below…
The second year nodded intently to what he fellow house mate was saying. All in all, she actually knew what she was doing; Herbology was her best subject, and she had read about Gillyweed before, so Amber wasn't entirely oblivious to what was going on. However, she decided to humour Warren, it would make sure to keep the situation more pleasant. "I won't have a drowning incident." Replied the Hufflepuff, she knew how to swim, and with the assistance of the Gillyweed Warren had handed to her, she was sure to be more than okay.

Amber observed Warren as he jumped into the lake and decided to do the same, he was without a doubt okay, because he hadn't resurfaced yet. Or was that a bad thing? Amber didn't know but she was going to find out in one way or another. The twelve year old did the same as her fellow Hufflepuff had done earlier and put the Gillyweed into her mouth and jumped into the Lake, only biting down once she had touched the water. The Lake was murky and the water was pretty cold Amber swam over to warren and nodded in acknowledgement towards him, letting him know she was okay and ready to explore.
The water was… FREEZING! Well its more likely Warren was just a wimp when it came to cold water. It sent a huge jolt through his body as he curled his back in an automatic response. Of course it wasn’t just the cold that was causing discomfort for Warren. His body was starting to sprout gills. His skin was slowly separating to make the slits for the new internal organs to use. All in all it was an… interesting sensation which came over Warren. It wasn’t exactly pain. But it was definitely not comfortable. The thing Warren had the hardest time dealing with was the webbing between his fingers. He couldn’t look at his hand it was just to… creepy.

However, all of these sensations left as quickly as they came. And soon Warren was breathing underwater evenly. Amber swam towards him and gave him a nod. “She’s ready to keep going.” Warren thought. He tried to speak but noticed that he really couldn’t. He didn’t have an air in his lungs to make sound with. “Guess this will be a silent adventure…” Warren considered. The pair started descending into the darkening waters. Warren was about to pull out his wand when he noticed some very interesting plants.

They were mostly these sacs of green wires. It was stunningly thin stems which coiled all around the plant creating a sphere. This sphere made a bubble of air for the plant, which seemed to be supported weightlessly inside. Between the coils Warren could spot what looked like stunning purple bulbs. They were a soft violet, and they almost look liked grapes with the way they were clumped together.

It was a fascinating sight. Warren never saw a plant, or really any aquatic thing, create a bubble of air for itself. However, the longer Warren watched the strange coil, the more he noticed…. “it is floating!”

Warren looked up and began to swim higher to the other bubbles of green coiled plants he was noticing. The coils looked the same; however, at one point when there was enough sun, high in the water, the bulbs bloomed. And inside were petals with green white and purple lines. Some even had gold sparkles, as if it were releasing pollen throughout the bubble.

“I guess…” Warren began to think. “That the plants start life on the bottom of the lake. They create bubbles of carbon dioxide (cause they won’t have oxygen that low without the sunlight to cause photosynthesis) which eventually make them rise. When they get high enough they start photosynthesis, and begin making seeds with enough stored up sugars, that they can rise up and keep the cycle going.”

It was just a guess on Warren’s part. He was correct, which is great. Though he didn’t have a way of telling Amber what he thought, which was a shame.
To the Hufflepuff, the unusual feeling in which the Gillyweed gave wasn't all too bad, she was intolerant of pain, even the thought of it made her start to cringe, however pain isn't what she was feeling, just more of a pleasant tickling sensation where her gills were appearing. It wouldn't be a surprise to Amber if Warren thought differently about the reaction Gillyweed had, maybe it was different for everybody, or maybe it was just easier for Amber to ignore discomfort. She spent a minute or two just staring at her now webbed fingers. It was all too interesting for the twelve year old, she had the intellectual capacity of a fourteen year old but the attention span of a ten year old, which in some situations was a positive thing, but in that situation, it certainly wasn't because she moved her gaze from her webbed fingers too see Warren observing plants. The second year shook her head and swam over to him, she had missed most of what was happening around them all because her body had changed into something more interesting. Damnit, pay attention, you are here to look at plant life, not stare at your hand. She thought, disappointing Warren was something she didn't want to do. But she had probably just done that, all because she was distracted by something else.
Warren didn’t even notice that Amber hadn’t been following closely. He just assumed she would be, after all the adventure was mostly inspired by her love plants. He was watching some of the air-bubbled-floating plants. He wasn’t sure what to call them, but they were awfully pretty. Especially the ones which sparkled gold due to pollen.

Warren felt the urge to touch the bubble. He always popped bubbles when they flew by in the air, and he didn’t sea a reason not to. (Did you see the pun? Cause they are underwater…). Warren pushed his hand against the bubble. But it didn’t pop like he expected. It was kind of like squeezing a balloon. “Must be magic.” Warren thought. At one poin the pushed hard enough to grab a bit of the vine. He tore off a piece and started to floss. This was one of those moments that only an 11 year old would really find funny.

Luckily, Warren is 11. So he thought he was being as funny as Dane Cook or Carrot Top. Laughing underwater was also very strange. It takes air to laugh properly, but Warren hadn’t been breathing. He didn’t notice how weird it was to not breath until he noticed he wasn’t breathing.

Its kind of like how in real life, you don’t notice your breathing until you notice it for some reason. The opposite is true underwater if you’ve had some Gillyweed. But after you’ve noticed that you aren’t breathing you’re gonna have a lot of problems with it. If you try and breath you only swallow up more water. Which, may actually cause you to drown… Which is ironic cause you have gills. Meanwhile not breathing almost feels painful because your body wants to breathe.

Nevertheless Warren did not start taking it well. He accidentally swallowed some lake water during his laughing fit. And now he was trying to Heimlich it out of himself. All in all it probably looked like he was just hitting himself to Amber.
In her natural curious state, Amber just kept her distance from Warren. It was like her to sit back and let others live their lives rather than live hers, for some unusual reason, Amber solely focused on making other people happy, and sharing their enjoyment was something she loved doing, so Amber continued to keep her distance, only swimming up to Warren when he was drifting away from her. The second year thought it as amusing how interested Warren was with the underwater plant, Amber wanted to know more too, however she didn't quite know how to approach the situation, leaving her in a reasonably sullen mood. The Hufflepuff shrugged and moved closer to the plant, she silently giggled as Warren attempted to pop the bubble the plant was in, what happened next wasn't so amusing, flossing with a plant the dwells within the murky water of a lake? That was not Amber's style, and she frowned at that, the thought it was immature, but what would she know about maturity? She was only twelve.

The twelve year old tilted her head to the side as Warren started to hit himself, he was acting awfully unusually for somebody who had been laughing not a moment earlier. Amber was trying to figure out what may have caused that, maybe he was choking? It didn't make enough sense, but it was a definite possibility, Amber rubbed Warren's back. When Amber had started choking on an odd occasion or two, somebody would always rub her back, and it would always help. Warren's reaction might have been different to hers but she thought it better than the alternative, which was what Warren was doing.

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