Dominic Thatcher

Dominic Thatcher

Well-Known Member
12 inch, Eucalyptus, Essence of bunyip fang
The Basics

Character's Name: Dominic Woorak Thatcher
Character's Birthdate: 19th november, 2006
Hometown: Noosa, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Wand: 12" Eucalyptus, Bunjip Fang.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw


Hair: dark brown
Eyes: green and blue
Height: 5'5
Other Distinguishing Features: None really.

A Little Deeper

Personality: Dom is outgoing and talkative, yet not particuly loud. He is excitable and has a short attention span. Always on the go. Can come across as childish at times. Eccentric and labelled by others as 'weird' or 'strange'. He is labelled by teachers and elders as rude and disrespectful. Though he is quite intelligent, he often doesn't apply this well in his school work.

History: Dom was born at Nambour hospital in Queensland, Australia. He grew up in Noosa on a house by the beach. When he was 13 his family set off on a round-the-world sailing trip, they visited every continent except Anarctica. Dom's powers becam evident on the boat and whilst in the UK received a letter from Hogwarts UK Dom attended there for six months before his family returned to Australia. Dom wasn't exepted into any Australian schools because of his short attention span and disruptiveness. He was accepted as a transfer at HNZ.

Family: His mother's heritage date back to the very first fleet of convicts to Australia. Her original heritage is Irish, but is now a 7th generation Aussie. His grandfather (dad's side) was a descendant of the Gubbi - Gubbi people (An aboriginal tribe which inhabited the the Glasshouse mountains along the coast north to Hearvy Bay) Giving him and his father both aboriginal heritage.

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