Do We Even Need Saving?

Ai Nightray

mum • all of it was worth getting here • loyal
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Redwood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
11/2018 (33)
Ai had long days ahead of her. Classes had already begun and she was grateful for it. If classes never arrived, she was sure she would still be stuck in her room. After the incidents with Conan, the young girl never really had the heart to go out much. She also appreciated that she hasn't gotten any owls from Liam yet, ever since the start of the school year. She did hope though that he wouldn't take anger out on her for the last time they met. It was quite a funny incident though, Liam had gotten mad at the boy who took her away and couldn't do a single thing about it. One should really expect the little unexpected things.

It was close to afternoon and Ai felt bored staying in her room reading her History book. She had been doing it for days and she was sure she looked a bit paler than usual. With a sigh, she kept her book and got dressed, the Hufflepuff knew she needed some fresh air. As soon as she was done, Ai went out of her room, past the common room, down the stairs and out to the Lawn. The girl took a deep breath and made her way to the Lakefront. The lakefront always provided a wonderful view but along came memories that made her chest feel pain. Ryuuji, Conan and her would always spend time here. But now, it was just her. Conan disowned her and her Ryuuji-niisan was too busy because he would be graduating this year. The young girl took a seat on the grass near the water, wondering if she would only feel pain every time she would come to the place.
Jeremiah rubbed his jaw a little as he wondered around the castle silently. After the recent events, he thought it best to avoid human contact for a while. His cheek was still a little raw because of Conan, but it would be fine. He had it checked out by the school nurse and he said that it would be fine in a few days. There was no serious damage. Jeremiah trusted that the nurse knew what he was doing and so believed in his advice. Unfortunately, his jaw was pained and it was difficult to play the violin because of it. Considering he heavily relied on his violin to allow the time to fly by and help him focus on things, this was quite bad. Now he did not have anything to do, but wonder around. It was more uncomfortable for him to play the violin, however, so he decided to not play for a while. It was for the best, even if he was now regretting his decision. The Gryffindor left the castle behind him and tucked his hands in his jacket pockets. It wasn't cold, but the Gryffindor felt naked without a jacket at times. This was one of them. There was a small wind and he wanted to be prepared for it. He looked forward as he crossed the Great Lawn, heading towards the rosebush.

However, once Jeremiah reached the lake, he stopped. It was the afternoon, he had not expected anyone out by the lake right now. The lake was beautiful as always. He understood why it attracted the attention of a friend of his. Ai Edogawa. The Gryffindor approached the Hufflepuff and stood beside her sitting frame. He smiled slightly. "Hello Ai." His eyes wondered to the lake and he rocked slightly on his heels, an irritating habit. He disliked his natural instinct to rock on his heels when thinking. His smile grew when he decided to poke fun at their relationship. "You do not need saving, do you?" Whenever they ran into each other, someone needed to be 'rescued'. It was a natural assumption, but of course, he was trying to create a joke. "The giant squid is not giving you trouble, is it?"
Ai's mind ran through the memories she had of the place. How she and Conan used to play soccer during their first year, how she swam in the lake and got a cold afterwards wherein both Ryuuji and Conan cared for her. Memories came in and out of her mind, ones which were making her want to cry. She took a look around and saw that she was alone, for now, and she surely didn't mind the privacy as she let her mind flow through different flashbacks of her life.

It wasn't long before her alone time was disrupted. She really didn't want anyone by her at this time except her friends, and she sure was in luck as she looked up to see Jeremiah. "Hey there, Jeremiah," she greeted back to him, a small smile showing on her Asian features. Ai couldn't help but giggle at the Gryffindor's question. Surely it was because one of them needed some kind of help whenever they would have an encounter. "No, not today. I do need someone to come sit with me though. Do you need saving today?" she told him, her smile steadily widening before turning her gaze back to the lake and shaking her head. "It has never given me trouble before. It is rather a peaceful creature," Ai explained to him, a sad look in her eyes remembering the last time she swam in the lake.

Jeremiah smiled a little at Ai. She seemed lost in thought, he felt a little sour from bothering her. One should be allowed to rest amongst their thoughts. His smile grew when she did not seem to mind his presence. That was kind of her. He wasn't sure how he would have reacted if he was alone with his thoughts and then bothered. Though, he did quite like Ai. She was a good friend and good company. It was just everyone else that seemed to be around her whenever they met stunk. He was still a little nervous from casting a spell on the boy, that could have really ended up far worse than it had. He nodded and smiled a little brighter when he discovered that she was not in any sort of trouble. Even the squid was being good. Miah had never been bothered by the squid, though he had seen a tentacle or two at some times. It was great to know that there was a creature in the lake. They were great.

Jeremiah looked at the ground and moved to sit down beside her. The lake was quite nice and it would be nice to share the view with someone. Miah folded his arms over his knees. "Are you okay, Ai?" He rested his head on his arms and looked at her. "When I first came here, you appeared to be heavily in thought. When I was arguing with that Conan boy, your reactions to each other seemed a little more personal than you both let on." He left the sentence open, allowing Ai to decide whether she would tell the truth or not. He did not want to pry.
Ai smiled as Jeremiah sat beside her. He has been really helpful towards her during a lot of circumstances, particularly bailing out of a situation. The young girl continued to watch the wonderful view offered by the lake, but was quite taken by surprise by Jeremiah's question. The Hufflepuff thought about it for a second before saying, "I want to be honest with you after the times you saved me so," she paused before giving her response. "No, I'm not okay." Normally she would have said yes, but she shouldn't just lie to someone who had saved her so frequently right? It was like betraying the Gryffindor beside her.

"Was I that obvious?" Ai asked with a sigh as Jeremiah pointed out that she was heavily in thought. Although she did admit that sometimes she would just black out from the world whenever she was thinking deeply and during those times, she sometimes looked like a complete idiot. But when Jeremiah noticed something about her and Conan's relationship. Ai supposed that she would be a hideous friend if she lied about everything, so she decided to tell him the truth. "Conan Edogawa. That's his full name. Conan's my older twin brother," the Hufflepuff told the Gryffindor. It wasn't what Conan revealed that day, but what she was saying was the truth. "We were the closest twins you would see, it even got to RHI during our first year, but it all changed when I got mad at him and his friend when he broke his promise to me," the young girl remembered the incident like it was only yesterday, and she was now telling it like it happened a decade ago.

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