Do Roses Float?

Signy Forstrom

giggly | hard worker | farmer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 9 1/2" Rigid Beech Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
4/2031 (18)
After walked up all of the steps it was almost a pleasure to walk all the way back down them. She was done to her last few roses and she hoped she could be finished soon, not that she didn't love it, but it would be nice when it was done. Looking for people was hard. Eventually she found the next girl she was looking for, or so she hoped, "Are you Gabriella Tillington?" Signy asked a girl whom she had been pointed in the direction of.
Gabriella didn't really bother with Valentine's day. She was eleven years old, way too young to even think about romance, and she didn't really have any friends either. In order to avoid the rose-crazed students in the castle, Gabriella went to her favorite place in the school. It was nice and out of the way, and the water calmed her. While there, the last thing she expected was to hear an older student ask her name. She frowned slightly as she looked at her. "Yes I am, why do you ask?"
The girl was younger than her she noted as she approached her. She gave a warm smile at her. The teen took out the pink rose and held it out for the girl to take. "I have a rose for you," the teen was hopeful that she would take it and that she would like it. Roses were beautiful and everyone deserved to get one in Signy's books. There was a warmth to Signy's face as she reached into the basket and pulled out the accompanying note, also holding that out to the girl. She hoped that since it was a pink rose it would be a rose she'd enjoy, one that she would treasure because it was likely from someone who really liked her.
Dear Gabriella,

You seem like a very nice girl. We have met in a class one time and I was blown away by your beauty.
I hope to get to know you better.

Gabriella had no clue why the older girl would talk to her, even with the rose deliveries it wasn't something she had expected at all. She frowned. "Are you sure it's for me?" She asked as she hesitantly took the pink rose. Pink meant a crush, didn't it? She unfolded the note, even more shocked at the contents. She frowned at it. This was odd, wasn't it? To get a pink rose from a boy after a single conversation? It honestly made her a bit nervous. She cleared her throat. "Um, would you say it's odd to get a rose from someone you only talked to once? A pink one especially?" She asked her uncertainly. "Because I think that's what's happening." The message made her a little uncomfortable. She never thought of herself as beautiful, and being thought of that way by someone she barely knew was an odd sensation.
The girl nodded and smiled, "Of course it's for you," she was surprised that the girl wasn't sure she should be getting that from someone that they didn't entirely know. She had to admit it was a little weird but what did she know. "Maybe a little, you can always get rid of it, throw it in the water," the girl suggested, of course it didn't matter what happened once she'd given her the rose.
Gabriella wasn't sure why the girl would be so insistent it was for her. She wasn't the only Gabriella at this school, and certainly any other Gabriella was more likely to get a pink rose talking about her beauty than her. But she did know Liam, and they had talked one time like he said. When the girl suggested throwing it in the lake, Gabriella frowned. It seemed a bit wasteful, but she also sort of liked the idea, and hated the idea of bringing the rose to the castle for the scrutiny of others. "I hope I won't get in trouble for this." She muttered as she detached the note, and then placed the rose in the water. She wondered if it would float or sink to the bottom. It floated for now, but she had no idea if it would stay that way. The note she tucked in her pocket. It felt too disrespectful to toss that too. "Thank you." She told the girl quietly. "I should go."

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