Do It Together

Eurydice Nightray

sweet • i want it, i'll have it • spoiled
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 17 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Eurydice rushed out of the Heta Omega Club Room to chase after her cousin. She blames her Heta Omega big sister for distressing Rose. Her cousin was a nervous wreck as it was all the time and she didn’t look okay while they were in the room but Eurydice had made it all a little bit better because the Gryffindor had been kind of fine when they’d figured out that they were going to do this Heta Omega thing together. Then Vanity had to tell Rose to practically go away and now Rose had run off and Eury would have to chase her around! And Eury didn’t really do running very well. Or exercise. She hated it. But she would if she had to! “Rose!” she called out to her cousin. Rose didn’t really look like she was running but since she’d left earlier than Eury had, so she had quite the start and was now quite a distance away. “Wait for me!”
Rose slowed her walk a little upon hearing Eury calling her name. She was a bit calmer now that she was out of the room than she had even in the room. Large groups had a tendency to stress her out and so she tended to avoid them. Maybe it was funny to some people since she had a rather large family, but she also had a room she could run to when she needed it and potions that helped to calm her down usually. She had one in her pocket at all times if she could, though she didn't need it right now, she'd removed herself from the situation. "Eury," she said softly, stopping and leaning against the wall so her cousin could catch up. "You didn't have to leave, we found your big sister so you should stay there with her, you don't have a big sister in real life." Unlike Rose, who has Hina and Yuki and Rica. But they were kind of like big sisters to Eury too.
Eurydice was grateful when Rose stopped. That meant that Eury didn't have to run just to catch up to her cousin because she would really like to avoid being sweaty if she could. She grinned at Rose and made waving motions with her hand. "I don't need an older sister that wouldn't take you with me," she said honestly. She'd never needed an older sister. She was already eleven years old and that meant that she hadn't had an older sister for eleven years and she was fine. Eury had three older brothers who doted on her. "Besides, you're just a tiny bit like my big sister too you know since you're older and all," she said teasingly. And Eury didn't mind that. Rose was cool. And Hina-nee was too. She didn't mind not having older sisters because she had her cousins. She didn't need a fake older sister. "We're still doing Heta Omega together, yeah?"

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