DJ in the house!

Diego Jakeman

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Full Name:
Diego Xabat Jakeman

Diego - The name Diego comes from the Spanish origin. In Spanish The meaning of the name Diego is: Hispanic version of James: supplanter; he that replaces.

Xabat - The name Xabat comes from the Spanish origin. In Spanish The meaning of the name Xabat is: Savior.

Date of Birth:
17th March 2004

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
DJ is around about 5"7, he has messy light brown hair and deep green eyes. He dresses in casual most of the time, with faded coloured shirts and faded jeans to match. He usually wears a pair of converses and is always found wearing his family heirloom; a ring

DJ is a very trusting man. He often trusts too quickly and gives out way too many second chances. He will forgive almost anything, the only exceptions being hurting a good friend or someone he loves, cheating on him or someone else and repeating the betrayal too many times. While DJ has more than a couple of one night stands, he is a romantic and, if he has a relationship, falls for a girl pretty quickly.

Sofia Isabella Alvarez-Jakeman.

Samuel Ronald Jakeman

Lola Vanesa Jakeman

Savanna Amalia Jakeman


Area of Residence:
New Zealand

Blood Status:

On his mothers side DJ has a proud Spanish background. Himself and his sisters all have Spanish names. One his fathers side DJ is half Irish and the other half is from New Zealand.

Interests or Hobbies:
DJ spends his free time either taking photographs, he is very interested in photography, or with his sisters. He often likes to have a couple of pints down the pub but he always drinks responsibly. He also likes to make sure he is in shape, working out at nights and often going for runs during the day.

DJ is quite strong physically so is usually capable of winning in a muggle style fight. He is good with defensive magic, shield spells etc. He is also good with healing spells.

DJ trusts too easily, he often gives out second chances and is easily used or manipulated.

Describe your character in three words:
Trusting, Loving, Friendly.

Favourite place to be:
DJ's favourite place to be is on the top of a hill in Spain where half of his mothers; ashes were spread. He has taken some beautiful pictures of his mother and the scenery from there before she died. He also has pictures of his sister up there.

Hogwarts House:

Best school subjects:
Potions, Charms and DADA

Worst school subjects:
Transfiguration and Ancient Runes

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
Possibly go into photography, he hasn't really thought about it much.

Your Patronus memory:
A day out with his entire family on the hill in Spain, before his mother died. They were there for a picnic and Savanna got Jam on her face (She was one and a half).

Your Boggart:
Either of his sisters in pain or dead.

Your Animagus:
A dog.

Mirror of Erised:
Himself surrounded by friends and a family of his own.
Hi there :D
I have a few questions for you about Diego:

Has DJ been in many relationships?
Who is DJ closest to in his family?
What is his favorite thing to take a picture of?
How old was he when his mother died? How did it affect him?
What is his favorite food?
Does he have any scars?
What is DJ's favorite color?
Has DJ been in many relationships? He has been in three major relationships but everything else was just a fling or a one night stand.

Who is DJ closest to in his family? DJ is close to both of his sisters, the three of them are the best of friends.

What is his favorite thing to take a picture of? DJ usually photographs people. Sometimes he takes pictures of nature but he prefers people that look interesting.

How old was he when his mother died? How did it affect him? He was eight when she died. He was very upset and spent almost a year in silence.

What is his favorite food? DJ loves pineapple pizza.

Does he have any scars? DJ has a scar leading from his right shoulder to his left hip from when he was a child. He fell off the swing and cut his back open on a nail.

What is DJ's favorite color? DJ loves the crimson sort of red.

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