Dihlana Nasr

OOC First Name
Name:Dihlana Nasr

Age:12 Years old

Blood Line:Muggel-Born

Indian School "Muggel School in Dubia"

What would their Patronus be?
Sibarian Tiger

What would their Boggart be? Dishonoring her family, losing herself as a person

What would their Animagus form be?A Dove

Family: Both her parents are muggels, actually fairly wealthy of those in Dubai.
Her whole family cultural and religion based on Muslim. Everything that surrounds that religion is effected by Dihlana because she can not disgrace her family no matter what. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a school teacher. In her country its the highest profession, though in Dubai there are greater ones besides the one listed above. If Dihlana was to ever disgrace her family, her parents can disown or even worst kill her as they please. It all depends what your parents believe or else your consider nothing but waste. (Still processing)

What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? For the love of fashion, designing the richest outfit ever,

What memory could they use to create a Patronus?At least her parents accepting that she is a witch but most likely it will be a memory of her family gathering. (Again its hard to accept that your a witch and a Muslim)

-It fow now- :)
Hi Dihlana,

-So you are educated in Dubai, where are you from?
(you mention your parents have the best professions in your country, but in Dubai there are better ones)

-What are your hobbies and aspirations? (every 12 year old girl has something)
-(OOC) Can you please explain your reasoning behind your choices for patronus and animagus forms?
-Are you interested in becoming an animagi?
-What were your first reactions to getting your Beauxbatons letter? ((I assume they get letters, too?))
-What were your parents' reactions?
-Do you know of any other Muslim witches or wizards?
-Do you know that Alchemy is though by some to have developed in Arabia (earlier than the time of Mohammed, but still)?
-What's your favourite animal?
-Name ten things you like and ten things you don't like.
-Given the choice, would you give up potatoes or chocolate for the rest of your life?
-So you are educated in Dubai, where are you from?
(you mention your parents have the best professions in your country, but in Dubai there are better ones)

She was at first educated in Dubai till she was given that letter acceptance of being a muggel born witch. Her parents still visit there but they longer reside since her education longer in Dubai. Now they live in France to be closer to Dihlana, they still have the same muggel profession but for them its better since Dihlana is a witch now so being a muggel born had been difficult for her and Dihlana's parents to understand.

-What are your hobbies and aspirations? (every 12 year old girl has something)
At 12 she would most likely love to dress her friends up and practice doing someones makeup. But now a year later she's encounter a few hobbies. A lot has to do with the use of herbology, she loves to study the different plants and ingredients for her Herbology class. When it comes outside of the school curriculum, Dihlana still loves the fashion but she prefers making her own garment and accessories. She loves Indian fashion the most, but Dihlana doesn't just like being know what she makes, she loves to be recognize for her school work than anything else!

-(OOC) Can you please explain your reasoning behind your choices for patronus and animagus forms?
Dove-I believe in the afterlife so when I think what form I would return, the dove always come to mind.
Sibarian Tiger-Its a magnificent creature, IC Dihlana mother owns a few portraits of Sibarian Tigers!

-Are you interested in becoming an animagi?
It would be great to become one, though Dihlana wouldn't care, Transfiguration not her strongest subject.

-What were your first reactions to getting your Beauxbatons letter? ((I assume they get letters, too?))
Dihlana and her parents were confused. They had to go through details to understand why Delilah got accepted as a witch. When they couldn't come with reasoning of her having magic, that's when they accepted Dihlana destiny.

-What were your parents' reactions?
Read Above!

-Do you know of any other Muslim witches or wizards?
Dihlana has yet to come across any, except a few Hindu who she really gets along with back at BB Academy.
-Do you know that Alchemy is though by some to have developed in Arabia (earlier than the time of Mohammed, but still)?
She's heard of that, Ooc I'm actually reading about it or I did an assignment at one point about this, I'm still learning the Muslims/Hindu ways

-What's your favourite animal?
Sibarian Tiger, she wished she own a cub. Though her parents might go insane with that idea.
-Name ten things you like and ten things you don't like.
I would have to get back to you on that xD

-Given the choice, would you give up potatoes or chocolate for the rest of your life?
Potatoes, just because its more engrossing than Chocolate. Yuck Potatoes!

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