Closed Different Continent

Sophie Vittori

drifter • finding my way • candid
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Poplar Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Sophie had always been a wanderer. She loved exploring places and thank Merlin that her parents weren’t really the best at keeping their kids in one place. They weren’t bad parents by any means but her parents had always been more focused on one another to pay attention to the shenanigans of their children. In fact, they were pretty good at enabling it. At this point, she probably should not have been surprised that she’d been allowed to go to New Zealand. Or well at least, she suggested a vacation in New Zealand just so she can see more than just Europe. It was a whole other continent which was exciting, especially since her parents went to school here. In fact, as she stood in Brightstone Village, she could see the castle where her parents attended. It was so cool being able to walk around freely like this since her parents had decided to remain in the inn - not surprising in the least. She was probably too engrossed in her explorations to entirely notice the other person directly in her path that she ended up bumping into. “Désolé!” she apologizes instinctively in French before remembering. “I mean sorry,” she says sheepishly.
Terror Zhefarovich needed to finish his prep for semester two shopping, which he managed to get most of the way finished with. He hadn't really done much socializing lately, except he did take Hinata to the Yule ball, which wasn't that great. It was more of a humor or out of pity. As he was walking, he felt someone bump right into his shoulder, causing the bag to drop straight to the ground, spilling a couple of bottles of ink. Great. He heard some sort of foreign language, and then the girl apologized in English. "Wait a second, did you just speak French?" Terror asked as he knelt down and started to gather his things back into the bag, though some of the smashed ink bottles were not going to be salvageable. Figures. "You need to watch where you are going too. Now I have to replace these." Terror held up one of the broken ink jars.
Sophie winced when she heard the sound of breaking glass. She really should have been paying more attention to where she was going and now she’d inconvenienced someone. Or well a boy. Probably older. She knelt down with him and helped him gather the undamaged item as she nodded. Oui. You speak?” It would certainly be much easier if he did. She could speak English but her older siblings were much better at it. Both her parents spoke English, but they spoke French more, especially her mother. But her father taught them some Japanese too. “I’m sorry. I can,” she paused as if searching for the word, “replace? Yes, I can replace them if you show me the shop?” she offered. It was the least she could do after causing him to break his loot.
It definitely became apparent that this girl did not speak English as a first language, or often. Terror shook his head when she asked if he spoke French. He did not know that language at all. He knew English and Bulgarian, but that was all that he knew. "English and Bulgarian are the only two languages that I know," Terror informed, and he finished gathering everything that he needed into the bag. The ink spill was no longer his concern. She offered to buy some more, though it seemed like she had some issues finding the right words. So, his hunch was correct. He shrugged his shoulders, "It is fine. They were just extras." Terror stood back up and looked over her. She did not go to his school. He'd recognize her. "What's your name?"
“Interesting,” Sophie said befores shaking her head. “I mean interesting. Sorry, I can speak Anglais but it takes a bit to adjust. We don’t speak it much at home,” she says with a shrug as she stands to look. It really was interesting though that he knew Bulgarian. Impressive even. Considering the different continent. “You can speak and write Bulgarian? The have different letters non?” Which was the whole reason she can speak Japanese - not fluently like Lille, but enough to get by. Reading it, some of the basics she could manage. Writing was entirely impossible. “Oh but I must insist. I feel bad for wasting your… boughts” she gestures to the bag in his hands and the spilled ink on the floor. “And it’s Sophie. You?”
Yeah, she was talking in different languages and it was causing Terror some sort of confusion to follow. She mentioned how she could speak English but it might take some time to adjust. So, she was definitely not from around here. "What language do you speak at your place then?" Terror asked, just curious in the matter. This was entertainment for him so he doubted that he would get bored. Plus he felt that there was more to her than meets the eye. Just had not figured out the connection, which was her mom being his dad's ex. "They do. I don't speak a lot of it unless I'm at family gatherings." Terror shrugged his shoulders. English was his main and always would be. He let out a sigh since he didn't think he would be able to convince her to let go of the ink thing. "Fine, I'll let you replace them, Sophie. My name is Terror. Terror Zhefarovich. Don't ask the history behind it."

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