Dexter Lesley

Dexter Lesley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Dexter Miroslav Lesley
First Name Meaning:
Right-handed, fortunate; one who dyes.
First Name Origin:
Latin/Old English
Middle Name Meaning:
Peace and glory
Middle Name Origin:
Last Name Meaning:
Garden of hollies
Last Name Origin:
July, 31, 2022.
Place Of Birth:
Current Area Of Residence:
Hogwarts New Zealand.
Birth Parents:
Vojtek Lesley nee Chernozemski (father) Kaylee Lesley (mother)
Bulgarian and English
Dexter knows English and Bulgarian fluently, as well as a little French and Russian.
Dexter, when home, returns to his strong Bulgarian accent. When at school he makes a conscious effort to conceal it in order to be understood.
Blood Status:
Dexter is a mixed blood, with veela and wizard blood surfing through his veins. He is neutral about his heritage, not finding it something that is not that important to who he is.
Sexual Orientation:
Dexter is open-minded on the topic.
Relationship Status:
Dexter is in a committed relationship with Mandalyn Love, and has been for over a year.
Good Habits:
Dexter is very friendly and approachable, as well as quite confident.
Bad Habits:
He forgets to listen and can be quite impulsive.
Noise and crowds.
Dexter does not like silence, nor does he like mean people.
Interests and/or Hobbies:
Dexter has discovered a new interest - duelling.
Ice cream should be served at breakfast.
Ruling Planet/s:
The Sun
Life Pursuit:
To Lead The Way
Radiant Energy
Secret Desire:
To Be A Star
About Starsign Leo:
Leo's are born fortunate. Charismatic and positive-thinking they attract not only an abundance of friends and opportunities, but manage to survive life's stormy times with style and good humour. Once a Lion is committed to a relationship, they are totally devoted and faithful. Should their heart or trust be broken they never forgive or forget. For a Leo, when a relationship is over, really over, it is over for good. There are three levels of soul-evolution of the Leo's. The highest is represented by the Sphinx; wise beyond their years and great teachers to others. The second is the Lion, King of the Jungle, ruled by ego but always protective and sustaining of those they love. The last is the Lion Cub, immature and undeveloped, frightened by anything new. These Leo's cling to others. They can't bear to be alone.
Dexter is quite sure he's a male.
Dexter does not weigh himself. However, by appearance he is not overweight, nor is he underweight.
Dress Code:
Slytherin robes. If not that, then muggle clothing, usually jeans and long shirts. If it's winter, however, he wears slippers, a beanie, and refuses to remove his bed attire.
Dexter burns easily and bruises quite badly. His skin is soft, prone to being damaged if he is not careful, and can become quite dry in the sun. He takes very good care of his skin.
Dexter's hair has a natural wave. It is quite thick, blond and longer at the front than back. He usually has it swept backwards. It has never been dyed.
Bright blue, and quite expressive.
Distinguishing Marks:
A small birthmark on his lower back.
Blood Type:
AB Positive
Health Status:
Niclas Gillis
Educated At:
Hogwarts New Zealand
Hogwarts New Zealand House:
Feelings Towards This Outcome:
Dexter loves his house. His favourite animal is the snake, and he loves reptiles. He is not a fan of mammals, or birds.
Wand Description:
Current Job:
Additional Skills:
A werewolf
Patronus Memory:
His fear of werewolves.

History(Before School):
History(During School):
History(After School):
List Of Rps:

I can hold my breath, I can bite my tongue
Oh, did I almost see what's really on the inside?

Character Name
Dexter's full name:
Dexter Miroslav Lesley
Reason or meaning of name:
Dexter is of Latin origin, and means to be right-handed, fortunate; one who dyes. Funnily enough, Dexter is left-handed. His first name was picked because of his parents' tradition of naming their children with names starting with D, and they liked the thought of having a Dexter. His middle name is of Slavic origin, and means Peace and glory. He was named after a work colleague and friend of his father's. His last name is from his mother's side, and is Scottish, meaning Garden of hollies.
Tommy's nickname:
Reason for nickname:
Dex is just a diminutive of his first name, Dexter, and is used by most people with equal frequency of Dexter. He has no preference between the two, and happily responds to both.
Birth date:
The thirty-first of July, twenty twenty-two, at five in the afternoon. He was a healthy baby, weighing 7.5kg.

<SIZE size="50">I can stay awake for days, If that's what you want
All your insecurities All the dirty laundry
</i><SIZE size="50"></B>
Physical appearance
Nicolas Gillis
72 kgs
Body build:
Slim. Dexter is not an overly muscular young man, but he is not overweight. He is a little on the lighter side.
Shape of face:
Dexter has a rectangular face, with high cheek bones, and a shallow jaw with a weak chin. He has softly set eyes, and a medium set, pointed nose that has been broken once from roughhousing one day with his brothers. His teeth are nicely set from having braces in youth to fix a slightly forward protrusion and his has small, gently curved ears.
Eye color:
Light blue. Dexter's eye colour is quite typical to his area, and are quite expressive.
Glasses or contacts:
Dexter wears reading glasses.
Skin tone:
Dexter is not one for sunlight, being quite pale, and he burns very easily.
Dexter has never dyed his hair, and this has worked to preserve it. It is a pale blond that lightens in the Summer time and turns wavy when wet. Because of its thickness, and tendency to knot, he keeps it short with it remaining out of his eyes at all times. He prefers to do little with his hair, believing that less is more.
Dexter's voice is rather quiet, and very level. He keeps his voice very controlled, trying not to cause it to raise or bring about too much emotion. His accent is Bulgarian, but from his exposure to New Zealand, his accent has began to slip a little, and he makes a conscious effort whilst at school to cover his accent in order to fit in. He can speak English, and Bulgarian fluently, whilst he is proficient enough in French and Russian.
Physical disabilities:
Usual fashion of dress:
Jewellery or accessories:
Dexter is not one for jewellery and has no piercings.
Blood Status:
Dexter is a mixed blood, with veela and wizard blood surfing through his veins. He is neutral about his heritage, finding it something that is not that important to who he is.
Blood Type:
O Positive

I can fake a smile, I can force a laugh
I will love you unconditionally, There is no fear now
Favourite Colour:
Dexter just can't pick.
Least favourite colour:
See above.
Dexter prefers uplifting music.
Dexter likes anything that's cooked.
Dexter is not much of a reader, but loves mystery novels.
Form of entertainment:
Hanging out with friends.
Dexter is a huge duelling and quidditch fan.
Mode of transportation:
Dexter failed his apparition class, and so can only tag-along, travel via private vehicle, and port-key.
Most prized possession:

I can dance and play the part, If that's what you ask
Let go and just be free, I will love you unconditionally
Optimist or pessimist?
Introvert or extrovert?
Daredevil or cautious?
Logical or emotional?
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?
Disorderly and messy.
Prefers working or relaxing?
Confident or unsure?
Animal lover?
Dexter loves animals.

But I'm only human, And I bleed when I fall down
Come just as you are to me, Don't need apologies
Dexter enjoys cooking.
Plays a musical instrument?
No. Dexter plays no instruments.
Plays a sport?
No. Dexter participates in no sports.
How would Dexter spend a rainy day:
Dexter would be planning for a sunny day.
Nervous tics:
Dexter smiles when nervous.
Usual body posture:
Dexter has good posture, and always appears confident.
Dexter tends to be rather stoic during speech.

I'm only human, And I crash and I break down
Know that you are worthy, I'll take your bad days with your good
Type of childhood:
Dexter comes from a large, friendly and kind family. He has five older siblings, and two younger siblings, and the entire group of them get along, as well as numerous cousins in which to play and spend time with. He had a happy, bright childhood punctuated by travel and play. His mother was a stay-at-home mother, and he spent a large majority of his time with her.
One snowy owl named Borislava.
First memory:
Most important childhood memory:
Childhood hero:
Dexter's childhood heroes were his parents.
Dream job:
Dexter would love to be a potioneer.
Dexter has attended Hogwarts New Zealand since he was eleven, and was sorted into Slytherin House. He very much loved his house, and was proud to be a Slytherin. He became Head Boy in his seventh year.

Your words in my head, knives in my heart
Walk through the storm I would, I do it all because I love you.
Current location:
Dexter is currently switching between Hogwarts New Zealand, and his home in Bulgaria.
Currently living with:
When in New Zealand, he remains at the school, and during short holidays with family. The long break between years is when he returns to Bulgaria to live with his more immediate family.

You build me up and then I fall apart, 'Cause I'm only human
So open up your heart and just let it begin
Drives and motivations:
Immediate goals:
Long term goals:
How Dexter plans to accomplish these goals:
How others will be affected:

I can turn it on, Be a good machine
Acceptance is the key to be, To be truly free
<B>Good personality traits:
Dexter is very friendly and approachable, as well as quite confident.
Bad personality traits:
He forgets to listen and can be quite impulsive
Most common mood:
Dexter's most common mood is happy.
Sense of humour:
Dexter's greatest joy in life:
Dexter's greatest joy in life is brewing, and making others smile.
Dexter's greatest fear:
Dexter has a fear of werewolves.
He could never imagine being one, and the thought of accidently becoming one frightens him.
Dexter is most at ease when:
With his family and friends.
Most ill at ease when:
He is alone.
Enraged when:
Dexter has never felt angry before, and is not entirely sure what would draw out these feelings.
If granted one wish, it would be:
Dexter's soft spot:
Definitely his family and partner, Mandalyn Love.
Biggest regret:
Dexter doesn't have anything he regrets.
Biggest accomplishment:
Dexter's darkest secret:
Dexter's darkest secret is his fear of werewolves.
Does anyone else know?
Not to his knowledge.

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