Dervla O'Finaghty

Dervla OFinaghty

New Member
OOC First Name
Yew with Unicorn Core, 10 inches, Slightly Springy
Basic Information​

Full Name: Dervla Clodagh O'Finaghty
Reason/Meaning of First Name: Dervla means "Daughter of the Poet"
Reason/Meaning of Second Name: Clodagh (CLO-dah) is the name of a river in Ireland
Reason/Meaning of Last Name: O'Finaghty means "The White Field"
Age: 11 (Currently)
Birthdate: September 29th 2026
Birthplace: Galway, Ireland
Wand: Yew with Unicorn Core, 10 inches, Slightly Springy


Hair Colour: Medium Brown
Hair length: Medium and wavy
Eye Colour: Blue/Green
Height: 4'5" (Currently)
Weight: 65lbs (Currently)
Blood Status: Half-Blood


Stubborn: Dervla comes from a long line of rich Slytherins. She's used to getting her way and will do anything to make sure.
Intelligent: She is very clever and smart, she gets good grades and can back up her arguments (Many) with her intellect.
Solemn: Dervla may sound quite mean, but she's really just a focused, serious type of person.
Introverted: She keeps to herself most of the time, preferring a small group of friends than a large one.
Kind: Dervla is kind, to people she likes at least.


Merlot the Barn Owl: Merlot was given to Dervla when she was 10 little by her father as a responsibility act for turning double digits.


<B>Favourite Colour: Dark Green
Favourite Animal: Horse
Favourite Food: Chocolate-dipped Strawberries
Sports: Quidditch Little League
Instruments: Cello
Siblings: One younger sister (I will create her later)
Dislikes: Bad grades, bugs, dirt
Fears: Spiders and certain heights
Favourite Season: Spring
Favourite Weather: Drizzy rain and warmth.

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Dervla was shocked to find out she wasn't a Ravenclaw and she's afraid to tell her parents.
Patronus: Horse. This is not only her patronus because it's her favourite animal but because it describes her. She is calm and smart, doesn't talk much. But when she is angry, she will rear up like a horse. But, she is caring and kind like a horse, for the people she likes.
Patronus Memory: Scoring the last bludger in the last second of a quidditch little league game to close a win.
Bogart: Teacher telling her she's failing her classes
Amortentia: Dewey Grass, cucumbers and melon.

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