Dervish Green Jr.

Dervish Green Jr.

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
15" Pine and dragon heart string

- Basic Dervish Information

- More Dervish Information

- History

- Family

- Wand

- Photos


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The Basics
Character's Name: Dervish Kieth Green Jr.
Nickname: Derv, Junior
Name Meaning:
Dervish: Fixed, constant (Indian)
Kieth: Place – unknown meaning (Scottish)
Playby name: Viggo Peter Mortensen
Name Meaning:
Viggo: Battle, war-like (Scandinavian)
Peter: Rock (Greek)
Character's Birthdate: 1st September 2003
Hometown: South Kensington, London (England)
Current residence: New Zealand
Blood Status: Half blood
Blood Type: A+
Heritage: English (a few other accents in his voice due to other areas he’s lived in).
Wand: 15" Pine and dragon heart string
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Occupation: Librarian (death eater)
Pets: None


Hair: Sandy brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 6’ 2”
Shirt Style: Button up
Jacket Style: Anything
Trousers Style: Jeans
Hair-do: Short and straight.
Shoes: Trainers
Dominant hand: right
Other Distinguishing Features: Emotionless eyes most of the time.


A Little Deeper
Five Words: Loyal, smart, resilient, cruel, protective
Personality: Dervish is a very kind, caring person (when he wants to be) but he has very fast mood swings. The smallest things can put him in a bad mood for the rest of the day and nobody wants to be around him when that happens. He flips completely. It’s not as easy to get him in a good mood when he’s in a bad one but it’s been done so it’s possible. Derv is very protective over the people he cares about. If someone dared lay a hand on people like his mum or sister then he would show him why they should stay away.

Talents and likes
Magical talents: Transfiguration, defence against the dark arts, history of magic
Other talents: Reading, dark magic
Weakness: Can sometimes be confused by his feelings
Likes: Family, reading, practicing magic
Dislikes: Feelings, seeing his mother upset, muggles
Best subject: Defence against the dark arts
Worst subject: Charms
Favourite place in the Hogwarts grounds: Library
Least favourite place in the Hogwarts grounds: Main hall
Patronus: Wolf
Boggart: Disappointing his father
Goals: Dervish never had a major goal. The only thing he wanted to do was live up to his father's standards and make him proud of his oldest son. Now Dervish Sr. is dead and Junior just goes through everyday thinking of what he would do if his dad was still alive. How he would please him and make him proud.
Good habits: Getting jobs done on time and to standard (usually above standard).
Bad habits: He is a bit of a perfectionist.
Loyalties: Family


Sign: Virgo
Element: Earth
Ruling planet: Mercury
Symbol: The virgin
Stone: Sapphire
Life Pursuit: To do the right thing
- Modest and shy
- Meticulous and reliable
- Practical and diligent
- Intelligent and analytical
- Fussy and a worrier
- Overcritical and harsh
- Perfectionist and conservative


Chinese Year
Personality: Occupying the 8th position in the Chinese Zodiac, the goat symbolizes such character traits as creativity, intelligence, dependability, and calmness. Comfortable being alone to ponder the workings of their inner minds, goats enjoy being part of a group, but prefer the sidelines rather than the center. Their nurturing personality makes goats excellent care-givers. They’re quite and reserved because they spend much time absorbed in their thoughts.
Home and alone is where goats feel most comfortable. There they can express themselves artistically, whether it’s by painting, cooking or participating in whatever artistic endeavors they enjoy. goats prefer the couch because there they can relax and explore their minds. They don’t need elaborate furnishings; only items reflecting their desire for art.
When traveling or seeking entertainment, goats prefer groups or venues that hold many people. goats spend money on fashions that give them a first class appearance. Although goats enjoy spending money on the finer things in life, they are not snobbish.
Health: Perhaps because goats are basically serene, they tend to have fewer health problems. Their fragile exterior hides the fact they’re typically very healthy. When they’re happy, they’re healthy. When goats become unhappy, especially as a result of romance, they quickly become sick.
Relationships: goats tend to be private, so it can take effort to get to know one. The goat is the one who will decide when and with whom it will share its personal life. As a result, most goats have few “close” friends, yet they’ll work hard for those they love.
Career: Perhaps because goats are basically serene, they tend to have fewer health problems. Their fragile exterior hides the fact they’re typically very healthy. When they’re happy, they’re healthy. When goats become unhappy, especially as a result of romance, they quickly become sick.

Before Dervish was born.
Dervish and Sam went to school together at Hogwarts Scotland. They were always very good friends but never dated until their fifth year. Sam got pregnant with Dervish just after they graduated so they decided to get married and move to live in London together. Over the next few years (while Sam had four more children) they moved to live around the world. They spent time in France, Spain, Russia, America, Canada and Australia.


The New Family.
Not long after Lily and Jerrod were born, Sam and Dervish Sr.’s sisters and brother-in-laws died. They were going out for a meal together and the restaurant burnt down killing loads of people. They left behind four children. Sam and Dervish were the closest family they had so Sam said she’d take them in and look after them.

- Family

Dervish had a hard childhood sometimes. He loved spending time with his parents but his dad was a death eater so it was like he had to live up to what his dad wanted. Plus, most of the time it was just him and his mum as his dad was always off working and then there was also times when his mum had to work as well so he was taught to be independent at a very young age.
Most of his childhood was spent travelling around the world. His parents didn’t like being in one house for too long and his dad always said it was too risky. He liked seeing all the different cultures but he felt like the minute he got settled in one place he had to move again. It was frustrating but he coped with it.

- None

When Dervish was three, his mum gave birth to Woody and David. It made him get even more frustrated because even though his parents were barely ever around, when they were, he was then centre of attention. Now was different. No one had time for him anymore. Everyone was too busy with the babies. This happened again when he was seven. Steve was born and not only was Dervish ignored most of the time but when his parents paid attention to him, they were only asking him to look after his brothers. Derv was never an attention seeker but he didn’t like being ignored all the time.

- Family

Anger Management.
Dervish first started realising he had anger problems when he started going up to his room with the purpose of smashing things. He didn’t know fully why he was angry. He had a family that loved him and relied on him to be the responsible oldest brother but there were times when got angry and just started smashing things. This got worse when his magical powers started coming out with anger.

- Family

Off to Hogwarts.
Dervish didn’t know much about Hogwarts. He was going to be the first of his siblings to go there so all he knew about it was what his parents had told him from the years before when they had gone there. He was nervous about going and he’d spent the weeks before trying to teach David and Woody how to do the jobs he’d always done. He suddenly felt very unneeded and spent most of his time in Hogwarts taking out his anger on the other students.

- Family

Becoming a Death Eater.
Dervish had spent his life looking up to his father so he made sure he got the grades he wanted whilst in school and graduated with grades that made him smile like a Cheshire cat. He knew that he wanted to be a death eater like Dervish Sr. so he immediately signed up and got accepted as a death eater in training. He felt amazed that he’d been accepted but this was his sign that he needed independence. He moved away from his parents (who were living in Sydney) and went to live in New Zealand to be closer to all the death eater action.

- Family

Living in Hell.
There were a few months where Dervish Sr. practically lost his mind. No one knew why, he just seemed to become a completely different man and he wasn’t against hurting anyone in the family. This made Derv step in. He was the only one anywhere near close enough to being as strong as his father. Nobody in the family went a week without a new cut or bruise where they’d been beaten by him and Derv felt it was his responsibility to try and take some of the blows for them.

- Family

Meeting, Marriage and Pregnant.
During this time, Dervish met Cloe. He’d never had friends before. Only ever his family. But Cloe changed him. He met her in a pub when he was looking for a one night stand. He always had a wall up to block people from his emotions but she got through his wall and made him emote to her. He got so close to her that he proposed and they got married. It didn’t take long for her to get pregnant and suddenly Dervish felt like he had a purpose.

- Family
- Cloe

Pregnancy, Birth and Death.
Around about the same time that Cloe got pregnant, Sam got pregnant again. She was overjoyed to be having another child now that some were leaving the house. So was Dervish. Not only was he going to have a baby of his own, he was going to have baby siblings…again.
Cloe gave birth. Twin boys; Rio and Rhys. They were identical and looked loads like Derv. He couldn’t believe that they were his but he had to because there was no denying it. They looked exactly like him. Although, this was when Derv Sr. died.
The whole family went to have a family picnic and he’d said he was too busy and couldn’t make it. Everyone had a great time together until they got back home. Sam opened the front door and saw him dead on the hall floor. Junior immediately went into action. His heart was racing from upset and anger but he had to keep the rest of his family safe. He walked into the house and looked around all the rooms before letting the rest of his family in the house and even then he only let his mum and older little brothers see their father. Siblings like Lily and Jerrod wouldn’t have been able to cope seeing him like that.

- Family
- Cloe

More Anger Management.
The death of Dervish’s father had sent his anger back up to uncontrollable. He idolised his father and looked up to him for answers to everything. Who was he meant to talk to now?? Cloe didn’t know the answers to the questions he had and he didn’t trust the other death eaters enough to talk to them. He ended up spending every evening in the pub getting completely drunk then he went home and beat Cloe.

- Family
- Cloe

The feud started when Sam went to the Rouge house and blamed Tracy Rouge for the death of Dervish. She saw it that everything had been fine before that woman had arrived but now was different. Tracy had married Jay, watched Jay go to Azkaban, then watched Dervish’s death. Sam went to her and yelled at her for being the reason her husband had died and Jay went to Azkaban. This made the Rouges, Caines and Kalforoviches hate the Greens. Derv didn’t get himself involved until he heard that Shaylah Rouge had beat up Lily and Jerrod.

- Family
- Cloe

Just after that, Sam gave birth. She had twin baby girls; Bellatrix and Rosalinda. Dervish made sure Rhys and Rio spent a lot of time with the girls as they were similar ages and he hoped they’d be friends. He didn’t want his sons turning out the way he had. That would be torture for them and him.

- Family
- Cloe

There were a few times when Dervish got so drunk that he went out and got so drunk that he ended up sleeping with other women. He saw no point in telling Cloe (as he didn’t even remember them) until he did it while he was still completely sober and felt himself falling for another woman. That’s when it ended. Cloe walked out the house with Rhys and Derv stayed in his flat with Rio before moving to a bigger house with the money he’d earned working at the local library.

- Family
- Caysi

New Meetings.
Dervish fell again. He started flirting with Melody, hoping to have a one night stand. He kissed her and felt something different. He ran. Derv had just got out of a bad relationship and he didn’t want to risk it again. That is, until he bumped into her again…and again…and again…
They started hanging out together and he ended up saving her when she ended up getting too drunk and woke up in the middle of nowhere feeling very ill and looking very dirty.

- Family
- Melody

Family Tree


Dervish Green
Birthdate: 5th November 1981 (deceased)
Occupation: Death eater
Blood type: Half blood
School: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Slytherin

Samaire Green
Birthdate: 28th July 1983
Occupation: Unspeakable
Blood type: Half blood
School: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Slytherin​

Woody Green
Birthdate: 12th December 2005
Occupation: Brotherhood
Blood type: Half blood
School: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Slytherin​

David Green
Birthdate: 12th December 2005
Occupation: Architect
Blood type: Half blood
School: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Slytherin​

Steven Green
Birthdate: 8th February 2008
Occupation: Unoccupied
Blood type: Half blood
School: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Slytherin

Nick Green
Birthdate: 30th April 2011
Occupation: School
Blood type: Half blood
School: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Slytherin​

Angelica “Lily” Green
Birthdate: 2nd June 2013
Occupation: School
Blood type: Half blood
School: Hogwarts New Zealand
House: Slytherin​

Bellatrix and Rosalinda Green
Birthdate: 18th October 2023
Occupation: N/A
Blood type: Half blood
School: N/A
House: N/A​


15" Elder and dragon heart string
Elder is written to be among the most powerful of all the
wand woods. It symbolises regeneration and it is believed
to be a cure all within magical circles. It is also beneficial
in times of transformation and change.

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