Derish Keith Green Sr.

Dervish Green

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OOC First Name
17 " ebony and phoenix tail feather
Dervish Keith Green Sr.

Character's Name: Dervish Keith Green Sr.
Character's Birthdate: November 5th 1981
Blood Status: Half Blood
Educated At: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Slytherin
Occupation: Unemployed (looking)
Country of Origin: England
Currently Located: New Zealand
Appearance: Quite tall, grey hair (used to be very dark), brown eyes
Personality:Dervish is very difficult to make friends with because he can be quite a snob. The only people he can completely trust are his family because he is a very untrustworthy person.
Wife-Samaire Nell Green-39, Unspeakable, ex-Slytherin, always on her feet, can be a bit of a snob, always wanted a daughter so she loves Angelica but still cares for her sons loads.
Dervish Keith Green Jr.-21, death eater
Woody Samuel Green-17, Ex-Slytherin (HS)
David Mark Green-17, Ex-Slytherin (HS)
Steven Michael Green-15, Slytherin (HS)
Nick Martin Green-12, Slytherin (HS)
Jerrod Darren Green-10
Angelica Lily Green-10
Nieces and Nephews-
Odette Maria Prinze-20, applied for death eater
Anamaria Lucy Prinze-16, Slytherin
Stacy Isabella Rider-19, Ex-Slytherin
Paul Ryan Rider-17, Ex-Slytherin
Jasper Luther Rider-15, Slytherin

Dervish lived in London with his dad and sister as his mum walked out on them. She had lied to Dervish's dad and told him she wasnt a muggle born so when he found out, they got in a massive fight and he ended up beating her so she ran away. Ten years later, he was cucked in azkaban so Dervish had to work for money for him and his younger sister. During this time, he was dating Samaire so when he graduated from Hogwarts, they got married and had their oldest son Dervish Jr. His sister later died because of some muggles so Dervish looks after her children.

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