Demelza Rogers

Demelza Rogers

Well-Known Member

- Full Name: Demelza Georgia Rogers

- Birth Date: September 21st

- Current Age: 10

- Basic Appearance:
Long red hair
Green Eyes

- Parents:
Dad: Blaise Byron Rogers; Wizard; 32; works at the ministry.
Mom: Mafalda Jane Rogers; Witch; 30 ; Model and owns her own modelling business.

- Siblings, if any:
Brother: Percival Ryan Rogers; hopefully he will be a wizard; 6

- Pets, if any: None.

- Area of Residence: Canberra, Australia

- Blood status: Mixed blood

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? A tropical Bird.

- What would their Boggart be? A Beetle, in Australia you get huge ones and they scare her.

- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Something large and dominant

- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Proving herself to everyone. Showing that she can do anything

- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The day her brother was born, it was a great day for all the family.

Demelza is a part time model, taking after her mother. She does lots of modelling for clothes and sometimes runway, but this career will be on hold while she attends Hogwarts NZ. People think on first glance that she is just a 'stereotypical model'. But there is a lot more to Demelza, she is quite emotional and also very well educated. She feels that she needs to prove herself to everyone.

Diary said:
Dear Diary...
Today i had two photoshoots, one modelling clothes and another for a magazine. Im so tired, i cant believe my mom made me do both of them. I dont think she understands that im not her. She loves this career she sleeps, eats and breathes it, but i hate it! I cant wait till I can give it up although i dont know when that will be. She's going to keep me doing this for as long as she can. Dad doesnt really have a say in this, he's at the ministry all the time anyway. I didnt even... Oh i've got to go mom wants to talk to me about something, probably organising more dates for shoots. Bye :(


Blaise Roberts (Dad)


Mafalda Rogers (Mom)

Percival Rogers (Brother)
" coming soon *
First of all :woot: someone using the name Rogers :o And didn't put a 'D' in it =))

OK looks like you have a good character here so lets see if I can't give you another push along ^_^
1. Your parents, what are their blood?
2. What are their occupations?
3. Give five words to describe each of them.
4. Five words to describe Demelza.
5. Why would Percival 'hopefully' be a wizard?
6. You don't have any pets, would you like one when you start Hogwarts?
7. If so what would you like?
8. What house do you think would be best suited for Demelza?
9. What house do you think would be least suited for Demelza?
10. What subject(s) do you think you will be good at/not good at?
11. What subject(s) do you think you will look forward too/not forward too?
12. Why would a tropical bird be your patronus?
13. Is their any paticular reason why beetles scare you? Any memories?
14. Something large and dominant? Could you be more specific?
15. You say in the Mirror of Erised you would see yourself proving yourself and that you can do anything, does this mean Demelza get has low self - esteem/confidence?
16. Is she shallow? Being a model you must be constantly surrounded by people telling you how beautiful you are etc.
17. What's her favourite dress style?
18. What's her favourite fashion label?
19. What age did she start modelling from?
20. Is modelling your dream job or would you consider something else after Hogwarts?

OK that's all I can think of for now. Answer these IC or OOC, your choice, and I'll see if I have anything else after you have these answered.
Is that ok if i use rogers? ill change it if you want :)

1. Your parents, what are their blood? They are both mixed blood too.

2. What are their occupations? My dad works at the ministry and my mother has her own modelling firm.

3. Give five words to describe each of them. Dad: Friendly, kind, hardworker, happy and funny.
Mother: Hardworking, proud, Serious, Vain and perfectionist.

4. Five words to describe Demelza. eager, friendly, emotional, hardworking and insecure.

5. Why would Percival 'hopefully' be a wizard?He hasnt shown any signs of magic yet, so my mom and dad are worried that he wont be a wizard. One of my mom's worst nightmares.

6. You don't have any pets, would you like one when you start Hogwarts?In australia, where we live, there are animals they're which are like pets but i would like one of my own yes.

7. If so what would you like? I would like an owl. I have never seen an owl in australia so i think it would be nice to have one, they are handy too.

8. What house do you think would be best suited for Demelza? My mom was in slytherin so i expect she wants me to be in there too, my dad was in ravenclaw and he's not too bothered what house i go into. So i think either slytherin or ravenclaw.

9. What house do you think would be least suited for Demelza? I think that gryffindor would least suit me as im not brave, im quite timid.

10. What subject(s) do you think you will be good at/not good at? I think that i could be good at subjects that require you to work by yourself. I think i wont be too good at history of magic or astronomy.

11. What subject(s) do you think you will look forward too/not forward too? I think that i will look forward to lessons that are outside as im stuck inside a lot. Im not looking forward to lessons that have long lectures/

12. Why would a tropical bird be your patronus? my patronus would be a tropical bird because they are magnificent and they are free, free to fly to wherever they want to go.

13. Is their any paticular reason why beetles scare you? Any memories? The beetles scare me because when i was younger one morning i woke up and there was one on my face, it scared me so much and now i cant even look or think about them.

14. Something large and dominant? Could you be more specific? A animal like a lion or an animal like that, as they are large and dominant the opposite of me.

15. You say in the Mirror of Erised you would see yourself proving yourself and that you can do anything, does this mean Demelza get has low self - esteem/confidence? I know that its hard to believe that i have low self esteem/ confidence being a model, but yes, I want to be a good model like my mom and she tells me that i need to work harder for it. which i am doing but i feel its getting me nowhere.

16. Is she shallow? Being a model you must be constantly surrounded by people telling you how beautiful you are etc. I dont think im shallow, i try not to be anyway. My mom is and i know what she's like I hope im not like that.

17. What's her favourite dress style? Casual, after modelling all day i like to relax in some comfy clothes.

18. What's her favourite fashion label? I like anything, I dont try to rely on labels if anything i like anything but labels. But my mome ncourages me to wear big labels like Chanel.

19. What age did she start modelling from? I started modelling when i was 6

20. Is modelling your dream job or would you consider something else after Hogwarts
Modelling was my dream job but now its not. After Hogwarts i would definately like to do something else.
You have some great answers there, a very well developed character. If I can think of anymore I'll get back to you. Oh and I have no problem with you using the same last name, just found it funny :lol:

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