Defence Against the Dark Arts: Upper Years Policy

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The following policy's are to take place from Y46. No exceptions. Don't make me be the bad guy here.

Professor James A. Cade.

1. Respect (your fellow classmates) and Listen (to me. Trust me I know more than you)
2. Participation is the best study aid. You can learn all you want from a book but it won't serve you in the field. Take part in lessons in order to maximise your potential. Lack of participation will not, unless otherwise states, lower you grade. But this class is also about keeping you alive in the real world.
3. You're only in school once. If you have a question ask it, I won't always be here to answer and you won't always be here to ask.
4. Pranks are not tolerated in my classroom. (Though I recommend trying your luck with Professor Styx. His sense of humour is legendary)
5. No foolish wand waving. Perform only the spells I have instructed you to do so.
6. Don't misbehave in my class. I know more hexes than you.
7. My office door is always open for questions, general inquires or just a cup of tea. (Do not ask me about my failed run for Minister for Magic)
8. Have fun. You're only at school once. Enjoy it.

When set, homework is for the purposes of extra credit, it is never mandatory. It is set in the effort to improve your educational experience and provide you the opportunity to earn sweet sweet house points. Homework has no word count, be creative, extra points are available for a job well done.

Make up lessons
If you are unable to attend class for any reason opportunities will be provided for you to make up the material (make up topic) and your grade will not suffer as a result.

Following the sitting of your O.W.Ls (fifth year exams) all students must achieve a minimum of an Acceptable (A) in order to progress to the next year of Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Career Requirements
See below a list of potential careers that require a minimum grade from Defence Against the Dark Arts and what grade is required. Please note, this list is not exhaustive and may be updated at any time. If you have any doubts or questions feel free to call on me in my office.
CareerNEWT Requirement
Auror*Exceeds Expectations (E) or higher
Committee on Experimental CharmsAcceptable (A) or higher
Counterfeit Spells/Objects DepartmentExceeds Expectations (E) or higher
HealerAcceptable (A) or higher
Hit WizardExceeds Expectations (E) or higher
Magical Creatures RegulationAcceptable (A) or higher
ObliviatorAcceptable (A) or higher
Professor**Exceeds Expectation (E) or higher
Quidditch League OrganiserExceeds Expectation (E) or higher
UnspeakableExceeds Expectation (E) or higher
WizengamotAcceptable (A) or higher
Gringotts WorkerExceeds Expectation (E) or higher
* Aurors require one additional NEWT of E or higher in any subject
** Professors require an additional O in the subject they desire to teach
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