decision time

Mark Stone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Birch Wand 14 1/4"
Mark sat by the lake front rather tensely as he waited for his little brother. It was a hot day and Mark had his school shirt on with the sleeves rolled up in attemtp to help him cool down. Normally he would have gone swimming or something to cool but today he had more important things on his mind. Thinbgs such as adopting his little brother. H knew that Logan had not been troo happy with his parents right now and Mark was of age to adopt now and he thought that Logan would like the fact the they could be a proper family now. It was just breaking the news to him that was worrying Mark. He wasn't exactly an expert in saying these sorts of things. Not to mention if Mark adopted him then he would have to meet his dad and he didnt want that. At least he could see Riley and Lowan more this way. They were the most important people in his family now. His cousin and his brother.

Mark had choosen to meet Logan here of all places because this was his favourite place in the school so he would be a little more relaxed here than somewhere else. Also it was cooler by water than anywhere else outside so that was the other reason but it was mostly for Logtans sake. It was the last semester od school and Mark would be leaving soon and then Logan would be on his own, well for the most part. At least he would have a real family to go too. Even if they had the same mother and father. A sigh escaped him as he waited nervously for him to arrive
As Logan made his way over to the lake, he wondered what exactly Mark wanted to speak with him about. It could've been almost anything. Either way, Logan was always happy to spend some time with his brother and he knew he had to take advantage of it this last semester. After this, Mark would be graduated from the school and then they wouldn't see each other at all hardly because Logan was pretty sure Mark wouldn't be heading home to visit.

Lucky him, Logan thought to himself as he strolled closer, his hands in his pocket. He could see that Mark was already at the lake as he got closer and he was glad that he'd chosen this place to meet. The sun was beaming down and it was hot today so being by the lakeside was a way to catch a bit of the breeze, and it happened to be one of his favorite places in the entire school. "Hey bro" Logan said as he got closer and sat down beside the older boy. He put his feet straight out and leaned back on his hands. "What's going on?" he asked with a grin on his face.
Smiling as he saw Logan approach he greeted him. "Alright mate." He said cheerfully. Mark had cheered up recently. He had been so depressed for so long but during the end of his sixth year he ad made new friends and things started to look up and h had gotten closer with his family. They were helping him through it. Not to mention he had Alana back again which was a good thing. "Well there's kind of a thing I need to talk to you about." He said clearing his throat as he shifted his position awkwardly. "Hows home life going for you?" He asked wondering if their mum was paying more attention to him now or even his pretend dad for the matter. He always seemed to work from what Mark heard and he felt sorry for Logan not being able to spend some quality time with them.

Even with so much going in his favour Mark was still nervous. He was basicly asking his little brother to give up the only family he as known for one member he has only known or a few years. It was a big decision for such a young boy, no matter how old he acted he was only thirteen after all.
Logan smiled as he settled himself besides his older brother. Even though it was hot and there were many students out and about, Logan still felt as if he and his brother were in a world of their own. He listened, his expression growing curious when he heard that Mark wanted to speak to him about something. Waiting patiently, Logan was surprised when he asked about his home life. With a shrug, Logan explained, "Mom was actually home for christmas and we actually spoke but then things went back to normal. It was pretty boring actually. I just spent most of the break reading in my room." Logan sighed. It was unfortunate but he was actually fairly used to it all. His mother never had any time for him and he was actually more suprised that she spent time with him on christmas than he was about the rest of the vacation.

"Was your holiday any good?" he asked, hoping that Mark's vacation from the school had been better than his own. He'd always wondered whether his life would have been any different if he and Mark had grown up together in the same home. At least then he would have had someone to hang out with growing up instead of being on his own all the time.
Mark nodded as he listened to Logan explain about his holiday. It didnt surprise him much but at least he had probably had a better one than him, he knew Logan loved to read. It was kind of embarrassing when you little brother was getting better grades than he was but Mark was proud of him for it. "What about you dad, was he still working over the holidays?" He asked curiously. He had not met the man claiming to be Logans dad but he didn't like the sound of him although their real dad was not exactly any better like that. He lied to him his entire life, until recently he didnt even know he had one brother never mind two. Well it was only one now, Justin had just left one time with out a word.

Rolling his eyes sarcastically at Logans question. "Well it was kind of boring as usual. I saw Riley and Lowan but that was probably the highlight of my holiday." He said before sighing. Maybe now was a good time to bring the topic up. "So erm yeah. How would you feel about like living with me?" He said some what nervously and awkwardly. He just didn't know how to say something like this.
Logan shook his head, the sweat beading down the back of his neck slightly. It was really hot outside. "No. I told you he's always working" Logan replied with a huge sigh. He didn't understand the whole point of his mom and dad having a kid if they weren't going to at least spend some time with him every now and then. Being home long enough to wish him a 'Merry Christmas' as they ran out the door wasn't enough. And it wasn't like his family needed money badly. They were doing pretty ok so there really was no need for either one of them to work so much. They were just workaholics.

It was sad to hear that Mark's holiday hadn't gone much better. But he'd seen Riley and Lowan at least, that was always pretty fun. He layed back as he listened to Mark, thinking that he was just kidding. "Man that would be awesome...I wish that could happen" he sighed as he rested his head in his arms and looked toward the sky. It was hard to do with the sun beaming but if he squinted his eyes just right he could still manage to see some clouds.
biting his lower lip as he listened to Logan tell him that his dad always worked. He should have remembered that from the previous conversations, then again he had a few more important things on his mind to remember such things. "Oh yeah right, sorry." He said quietly a he watched him lie back. He looked so much more relaxed than Mark felt right now. He could feel his heart beat in his mouth as Logan answered him. Surly that was a good sign. Linking his hands together as he fidgeted. "I know it would be wouldn't it. I asked Riley's wife about it and she said that we could live with her. She said there was plenty of room in the house." He said before gritting his teeth together nervously. He knew that Riley would have gotten nothing but the best for Adele and Lowan, it wasn't like him to go with the cheap option. "That kind of brings me on the the next topic." He said taking a deep breath before continuing. "How would you feel about me adopting you. It would mean that you would always have someone to spend time with when you were home and wouldn't have to be disappointed all the time." He sad rubbing his hands together as he spoke.
Logan listened to Mark as he continued to look up in the sky. It seemed like Mark had been putting a lot of thought into all of this and Logan realized that he was serious about Logan living with him. "You're serious about this? I thought you were joking..." he said as he sat up on his elbow to look Mark in the face. The guy looked like he couldn't be more serious or nervous.

Logan's heartbeat quickened as Mark continued to speak. Adoption? That was something he'd dreamed about for years, living with Mark. This was an important decision to make and Logan didn't know what to say. He would absolutely love to live with Mark and be able to have a home together, but he didn't even know if it was possible. It took him a few moments and his face grew thoughtful because he was seriously considering it. "I'd love to but...what about my mom?" he asked. Even though his mom was barely home, he was pretty sure she'd notice if he never came home. At least he hoped she would.
Mark jumped at Logan's reaction. Being so nervous he was very on edge and jumpy which was why a simple quick change in position startled him so much. "I couldn't be more serious about it Logan. I have thought long and hard about this and I think its the best thing to do." He said seriously as he took a deep breath. He felt like such a bucket of sunshine right now, could he any more over reaction to the whole thing. All he was basicly doing was asking his little brother to live with him. It was just the fact that the bigger picture was here.

Taking another deep breath Mark counted to three and calmed himself down.He let his heart calm down and he listened to what his little brother said to him. "Leave all of that to me. Il sort everything out don't worry about it." He said with a smile to make him feel better about the situation. He kind of knew what to say to their mum but he wasn't quite sure how to say it. He knew that when the time came he would do fine and Logan would soon be living with him. "So what do you say?" Mark asked with a grin. Now he had sorted the nerves out he was actually quite looking forward to Logan's reply to the situation.
If the situation were different, Logan might have chuckled at seeing his brother so jumpy. He'd never seen Mark like this before and even though he knew why he was acting like this now, Logan wished he would relax. As the words came out of Mark's mouth, Logan found his body relaxing. His brother was serious and suddenly he felt as if answers he had been looking for for years were now in front of him.

Logan continued listening to Mark and he couldn't help but be relieved that Mark was going to talk to their mother. That was not something he wanted to do at all. He wasn't sure whether she would be reasonable or not, but he knew that it made perfect sense. His mom never had time for him and Mark would. That sounded pretty simple. He nodded his head. "That sounds great Mark" He said, a grin spreading across his face. "I'd really, really like that."
Mark sighed in reliefe as Logan said that the idea sounded gfood. So that was the hard part over and done with, it was just a matter of going through the adoption process which he had to worry about now but he knew he would have his brother with him the whole way. "Good im glad you like that. When the holidays come around again you can come live with me and Riley....And Adele and Lowan." He added with a chuckle. It was going to be a full house but there was plenty of room for them all and it was cozy
OOCOut of Character:
I think we can end it here now. Thanks for helping ^_^

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