December Pearl

OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
December Pearl
No you don't. Stand a Chance.


For a second in my world.

Character's Name: December Pearl
Character's Birthdate: December 13th (16)
Blood Status: Pureblood
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw (Transferred Student from Hogwarts UK)
Wand: Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn

So stand up.

December is of a slim body type, with long legs and arms. Although, she is much shorter than most girls her age with the longer legs. Her skin is of a pale olive color which contrasts against her chocolate colored hair which frames her face, inherited from the Romanian in her from both parents. Her deep set eyes holds her emotions vividly amongst the dark brown color. Her facial features are soft and somewhat delicate. She has a long neck and a heart shaped face. Her nose is straight and slightly smaller at the nostrils. Her lips curve upwards, but are thin and slight. What she loves most about herself is her eyes and hair, contrasting against her skin.

Show em how we do it.

December keeps herself together properly because that is how she has been raised --to be a well behaved pureblood witch. She is never outright mean to anyone, because if she was, then she would be punished at home for being so. Although, she isn't a mean person. She is witty and hopes that many people don't take her all that seriously. She is used to not having any company around in her home so she doesn't mind to be left alone during school. However, deep down she yearns to have someone fill the void she has been missing her whole life.

She is often confused with being snobby, because of her pureblood status --and because she doesn't fraternize with muggleborns. It's not because of prejudice reasoning, but because she has just not been around any. she doesn't usually speak to you if she doesn't know you, but when she does, she can come off as rude from her wit. However, she is a nice person underneath the first impression. She can be stubborn and keeps to her ways. She tries to keep most of her emotions to herself, but she has been told she is very expressible through her face. Underneath all of that though, she is fearful of her future and if she will truly ever have one.

[ul][li]Talking: December loves to talk and speak her mind. And if you get her going about a certain subject, she keeps going until her point is clear to the other person. However, unless it's necessary she will never get up and go talk to someone. She prefers to let the other person initiate.</LI>

[li]Books: December loves to read. Most importantly, she loves the learn. Anything that is included in a book is something she keeps hidden inside of her mind for future experiences. It helps in references during conversation or during her studies at school.

[li]Nature: December is in love with any type of nature. She likes animals to a certain degree, but she most enjoys bright colored weather or deep snow days. Trees intrigue her curiosity and grassy fields consumes her imagination.

[li]Spending Time with Friends: Being the only child in a large home, December has grown close to the idea of having companionship of others. She doesn't oppose to being alone in her spare time, but would rather have friends accompany her. She finds it refreshing and enthralling to have someone to depend on for light conversation or just a laugh.

[li]Spices: December loves the Fall or Winter. Mostly because of the spiced foods, drinks, and aromas that come along with those seasons. However, she enjoys them all year around and often finds herself reminiscing her childhood when smelling spices. [/li][/ul]

[ul][li]Rude People: December dislikes anyone who is rude to herself or others. In most common scenarios it is a pureblood who is the rude offender, simply because they see themselves higher than everyone else. She, a pureblood, finds it rather hard to believe any excuse for being rude to someone.

[li]Crying: During her childhood, December was discouraged to cry at all. It was a sign of weakness in her father's eyes and she immediately stopped doing such things. Since then, she doesn't tolerate crying from anyone: causing her to become uncomfortable, confused, and sometimes frustrated because she doesn't understand why something would effect someone so hard to cause them to show such an emotion.

[li]Quidditch: December despises Quidditch and always has. Being a pureblood, she grew up knowing about the sport but was never interested. But attending Hogwarts Uk, caused her to become very annoyed at the very word. Hogwarts and it's pupils prize anyone who is associated with the sport. She hates the hype and thinks it's ridiculous as to why someone would create their whole life around it. She never attended the games during her time at Hogwarts UK --and won't during Hogwarts NZ-- finding other ways to entertain herself. Ways that are more productive than the sport.

[li]Fake Divination: Since finding out the truth about her mother's death and the curse placed upon her family, December became interested in Divination. However, during the present time, it is quite hard to find someone who is a true seer. In her third year of schooling, she took the class blindly with a lot of hope of finding out her future. However, she quickly found out that it was all a hoax. If a true seer crossed paths with her though, she would welcome them with hopeful arms --after proving they were true.

[li]Violence: December has never been in a violent situation, creating a trauma of sorts with it. But if it happens around her, she becomes very panicked or anxiety ridden. She feels life is very fragile and thinks that anything that can create harm against it, is very ignorant and unnecessary.[/li][/ul]

Habits/Mannerisms: December tries to be amongst her friends in her spare time, so it is of much of a hobby for her. She often visits the library, but only because she needs to good grades. She twirls a lock of her hair when she is bored --often in classes where they are teaching something she has already taught herself-- and then braids it when she is drowsy. She bites her lip when she is nervous, something quite common. She also quirks her eyebrow upwards in a questionable manner while confused. She was born with chronic asthma and it effects her when climbing stairs or running.

Strengths:[ul][li]Witty: In casual conversation or even in an argument, she typically can come up with anything off the top of her head to strike back. Her tongue is quick and she has to have the last word --whether that is a pureblood trait or not.

[li]Intuitive: She is often in deep thought, and analyzes each situation she finds herself in --therefore, she sees things that people don't necessarily see. in other words, she is very observant about mostly of everything. However, she can use it against people if they think they know better than herself.

[li]Book Smart: A reason she was sorted into Ravenclaw --she assumes-- is her love of learning. She reads anything she can get her hands on, whether it's knowledgeable or not --or if pertains to anything related to her life. Over the years, she has learned so much that she often finds herself bored during classes or conversations about them.

[li]Common Sense Smart: Another reason she thinks she was sorted into Ravenclaw: is that she is logical and applies it to everyday life. She analyzes each event occuring in her life, including her past, and uses it to reform a conclusion to the present.

[li]Reliable: Even though this is most commonly a Hufflepuff trait, it applies to her also. Anyone she starts to care for, no matter who it is, she will be reliable till the end of time. She believes that someone should be treated the way you would want to be treated, and she hopes that if in dire situations that people in her life would do the same for her. So she is always there for someone, whether they think they need it or not. For example, her father is never around to be there for her, but she would defend him no matter what the cost.

[li]Helpful: A trait that comes from her loyal side, she will be there for someone who is in distress. She has a sympathetic heart, knowing how sad it can be to live in the world. So if she can help someone think better or do something better, she feels like it's her own obligation --as a person-- to help them.

[li]Responsible: Always quick to take on a job, she makes sure everything is equipped at the end of the day. She never turns an assignment in late or anything in late, for that matter. She is very prompt with everything she does or says and shows it to everyone while living as a Ravenclaw or pureblood.

[li]Independent: She is one to wonder alone by herself from time to time, in order to do things her own way without judgement or temptations. She enjoys the solitude and thinks it refreshing to do such things without anyone to bug or harass her. The feeling possibly comes from her childhood or her home life when she didn't have anyone but her mid-wife to confide in or be around.

[li]Polite: Again, she was raised to have such manners and would never be caught without them --in fear of disgracing her father or their family. She never is shy about trying to teach others manners either, and often reprimands those closest to her for not using the right etiquette.

Weaknesses:[ul][li]Skeptical: Although creative with her thoughts, she thinks logically and is often skeptic over more imaginative things. She includes facts that she has experience or learned about in everything she encounters, whether others think that way or not.

[li]Fussy: When stressed, she can become moody and can often slip from her demises. For example, during finals time she can become snippy with her responses without meaning to and doesn't become regretful until afterwards. Or perhaps when she is in a tight situation, she can become unglued from her normal character. However, that doesn't happen often.

[li]Fearful: Because of her mother dying at such a young age --from the family curse-- she is afraid her asthma will become suddenly worse and kill her. This never used to bother her until she became older and started to realize just how much closer she was getting to the age that her mother had passed. Recently, she has become even more stressed about it and it has haunted her dreams and thoughts on a daily basis.

<LI>[li]Judgmental of Herself: Because she hasn't been brought up in the most warmest of settings, she is often found thinking critically of herself when situations occur. She can slip into a darkness when stressed or when she realizes she is become fussy about something. And the fact that her father is never around to calm her fears, insecure thoughts can be thought and cause her to think badly of herself.[/li][/ul]

When I was just a little younger.


Mother: Priscilla Pearl (35) |Deceased|
Blood Status: Pureblood
Father: Seemore Pearl (35)
Blood Status: Pureblood

The Pearl Family is a long lined pureblooded family, descended from Romania in the 1600s. Since then, they have spread out over the continent. Unfortunately, there is a so called curse upon the family, causing each witch to be born with a health problem that will eventually become more severe and then fatal. No one seems to know where this curse came from, however, there is a passed down rumor that an old witch was jealous of one of the witches of the Pearl family for gaining the witch's lover's attention and cursed the female line. Yet, every female in the Pearl family has passed away to a health occurrence.

Parents' History:
Lookin for a label and a little clean danger.

Priscilla and Seemore were cousins to begin with, living in Romania for their whole life --never meeting each other until one day when they were arranged to marry. During their first meet, they were immediately married and forced to begin trying for a child. Only being 18 years old, fresh out of school, they became stressed from their own parents' quarrel of being the more respectful Pearl family. Deciding it would be best to remove themselves from the situation, they located to England where they could live in peace. Although, unbeknownst to either of them, both of their mothers suddenly died from unforeseen medical reasons. Seemore was appointed a job at the ministry and has since then moved up to a part of the Wizengamot Administration Services. Priscilla became pregnant a year later and gave birth to a baby girl on December 13th --much to the disappointment and fear of the family curse. However, they held hope that things would turn out differently. Finding December a beautiful month, the new parents sought it fitting to name their daughter December. However, Priscilla began having difficulties after the labor with her abdomen. Taking her to St. Mungo's after a rather harsh spell, they found that she had Ovarian Cancer. A few days later, she passed and left her husband and new daughter alone. Thankfully, before hand they had hired a half-blood witch --Marrian Mosley-- to take care of December through the birth and afterwards. Seemore, became frantic and immediately closed off --having fallen in love with Priscilla during her pregnancy. He took on more hours at the ministry and has given Marrian the honors of raising December. He is rarely seen in the house and when he is, he is always shut off in his study with no words to either of the females in the house.

Character History:
Yeah I was trying hard to be somebody.

As a young child, December was very timid and would only cry about her loneliness in private. Ever since she could remember, she had always been alone without her parents. She had Marrian to keep her company, however it wasn't enough for her and she longed to know about her mother and even her father. She knew, even at a young age, her father should be there for her. Although, one day, Marrian caught her crying to herself and quickly informed her that her father would never approve of such emotional response. So December, desperate to not cause her father any grief, she stopped crying completely and hasn't since.

As she grew older, December started to wonder if the reason for her father's absence and coldness towards everything in life, was because he missed her mother. Asking this of Marrian, the older lady told her of the reasons of her mother's death and that she assumed that December's father didn't want to become close to his daughter, in fear of losing her one day as well. This put a large effect on December's outlook on life and helped her accept her father's absence.

At the age of 11, she received her Hogwarts Letter. Already knowing of magic and the fact that she was a witch, she attending Hogwarts most welcoming. Befriending many, she grew accustomed to the way of life at the school. She was sorted into Ravenclaw, apparently much to the glee of her father. He sent her a letter of sorts, replying that he approved of the house. It wasn't lovey-dovey, like most fathers' or parents' letters, but it was enough for December and changed a little of her opinion of him.

The next couple of years were spent gaining house points and becoming closer friends with her peers. She never received any grade lower than an O and she wondered if it made her friends jealous or at least inspired. During her 3rd year, she was able to enjoy her weekends at Hogsmeade Village and she often spent her time their in Honeydukes or The Three Broomsticks.

Her 4th year and 5th year were much of the same, however she noticed many girls of her age changing in appearance and were becoming more noticed by the male population of the school. One by one, they seemed to drift off the friend radar and be consumed with what was supposed to be love. They were practically never heard of again, at least not around December.

Be the cool kid at the party.

During the Christmas Holiday of her 5th year, her father was sent home. From what December had assumed, he was home to recuperate from the long hard hours at work. December had been extremely pleased and no amount of presents could change her outlook on that specific day. Her father had been closed off as usual though, but he had still been there. And that was soon to be her most prized happy memory.

Going back to school, December was surprised to know that her father was still on his vacation of sorts. She had thought that he would be quickly returning to work after the holidays. Putting that thought aside, she made use of her time alone at Hogwarts to practice upon a certain spell she had been interested in for a while. The Patronus Charm. At first it had been disappointing, after reading so much about it, she had thought she could do it no problem. But it was harder than what the books had said.

However, December found herself able to perform the patronus after one afternoon free period locked alone in her dorm room. The key, which she had been lacking for so long, had dawned on her: most happy memory. She thought about how she felt during Christmas, knowing her father was there with her. She let that feeling fill her up and before her eyes a silvery whisp of a fox stood staring at her. It was the first sign of hope of her life.

December went home for the summer and was gleefully surprised to find her father still at home. However, after a few weeks of awkward silences and uncomfortable dinners, December was called into her father's study. She hadn't been in there since she was very small and had rarely spoken with him in her whole life. So when he sat her down in front of him, she was surprised to find out that they were to be moving. A little taken aback at first, December ran over everything she would miss at Hogwarts. But as she really thought about it, she didn't have anything to go back to next year. Her friends were gone, she wasn't close to her teachers. The big old house she grew up in was becoming more gloomy as the years went on. A change would be very refreshing, she had concluded.

The reason for the move, was because her father had been redirected to New Zealand for a Ministry Job. They were to be moving immediately after she had been let out of school and she would be enrolled in a Hogwarts that branched out over there. Excited for the first time since attending Hogwarts UK for the first time, December packed her things with her mid-wife and they were all set off.

They moved to a smaller white house, off the coast of New Zealand and had plenty of bright grassy fields to relax in. Just the appearance of her new home was brighter and December could feel the beginning of a great change soar through her veins. Getting set up in her house was a piece of cake, although her father wasn't even unpacked all the way before he set off for his new job. It wasn't anything surprising to December, however she had been hopeful for him to stay a bit longer and enjoy the new house with her.

Now, December is enjoying her time in her new home before the Hogwarts NZ year to start up. She will be a 6th year and will be meeting new friends and teachers. She is most excited and has even let the fearful taint of the fact she could die soon let out of her mind every once in a while.

Hogwarts UK Information:
I still wanna be the leader of the free world.

Strong Area of Magic: Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, History of Magic, Arithmancy, and Transfiguration

Weak Area of Magic: Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, and Muggle Studies

House: Ravenclaw

Special Features: She has learned to perform a patronus, which takes the form of a fox.

Roleplay Example:
I'm a big dreamer, I'm a believer.

It was sunny for an Autumn day. At least compared to their frequent rainfalls in the UK. But instead of spending her whole day outside in the lovely warm weather, December Pearl had packed early that morning and had set off for the train station. Pushing her way through the station towards her platform, December had finally boarded the Hogwarts Express. Alone.

Her father had had to work that morning, and had left for the Ministry before December had awoke. However, she was used to it by now considering she had taken herself to the train station for almost 4 years in a row. She was 17 now and was beginning her 7th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She had been hoping she would be able to catch up with her friend in their usual compartment that they had spent their rides for every year since 1st year. But her friend was snogging in the compartment of her new boyfriend's compartment.

Not wanting to interrupt her, or be a snog block, December had continued her way down the corridors with her trunk. Running a hand through her long dark brown hair, she peered inside the compartments as she passed. Everyone seemed to be happy and chatting away excitedly about their holiday. She wished she could be that happy about her own holiday. She had only spent her days up in her room, daydreaming about how nice it would be if she had plans. Her friend had spent her summer in France with her family, so along with a new tan, her friend was now friendless at the moment.

However, the upcoming year didn't look too promising either, December thought grimly as she continued to pass full compartments in search for a semi-empty one. She only recognized classmates and how awkward would it be for her to sit alongside them for the many hours of the train ride with people she barely knew outside of classes? Sighing, she finally came to the end of the train in the dining car where most Slytherin's were sitting.

No one really noticed her, at least that was what she thought, and so she found an empty bench in the far back and pushed her trunk underneath the seat before sitting. She took a deep breath and glanced around the room before looking out the large window to her left. Well, here we go. Alone.​

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