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Full Name: Debilitas "Bob" Aristide
- Birth Date: August 29, 2010
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Debilitas is largely deformed. His left eye significantly larger than the other and his irises are larger than they should be, taking up most of his eyes and leaving very little room for the whites (Like a dog's eyes). His nose is sharp and hooked. His teeth are slightly crooked and sharply edged (hence, he doesn't smile much). His arms are longer than they should be (his fingertips reach past his knees) and his fingers have an extra joint in them, making them longer than usual and creepy looking. Also, his fingernails are hooked and pointed like claws, and though he cuts them on a regular basis, they always end up growing out to full length in a matter of hours.
- Parents:
Mother: Grace Aristide became pregnant with Debilitas at the young age of 15. She was born of a wealthy family. She had known Debilitas' father almost all her life but her relationship with him had been largely frowned upon by the family so they ran away together. When Grace discovered that she was pregnant, she was terrified at first but quickly became excited. It wasn't until her pregnancy exceeded nine months that her terror began to catch up with her again... in all, the experience nearly destroyed her for life and because of her actions and reactions during those several extra months that her relationship with her son is very fragile and uncertain.
Father: Though they never married, Adam Walker did the right thing when he found out about Grace's pregnancy and stayed with her, even through the extra horrible months. He stuck around until Debilitas was seven and then he packed up and left, hoping to regain some kind of life. He wrote to Grace for a long time and always sent as much of his paychecks as he could survive without to her but he rarely came back to visit. In truth he was afraid and somewhat ashamed of the... child he had fathered.
- Pets, if any: A surprisingly intelligent Striated Caracara named Phalcob, which was given to him by his father just before he found out he was a wizard.
-Area of Residence: New Zealand
- Blood status: Muggleborn
(all characters
- What would their Patronus be? A dragon
- What would their Boggart be? A normal, handsome but cruel version of himself
- What would their Animagus form be? A Rook
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
- Birth Date: August 29, 2010
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Debilitas is largely deformed. His left eye significantly larger than the other and his irises are larger than they should be, taking up most of his eyes and leaving very little room for the whites (Like a dog's eyes). His nose is sharp and hooked. His teeth are slightly crooked and sharply edged (hence, he doesn't smile much). His arms are longer than they should be (his fingertips reach past his knees) and his fingers have an extra joint in them, making them longer than usual and creepy looking. Also, his fingernails are hooked and pointed like claws, and though he cuts them on a regular basis, they always end up growing out to full length in a matter of hours.
- Parents:
Mother: Grace Aristide became pregnant with Debilitas at the young age of 15. She was born of a wealthy family. She had known Debilitas' father almost all her life but her relationship with him had been largely frowned upon by the family so they ran away together. When Grace discovered that she was pregnant, she was terrified at first but quickly became excited. It wasn't until her pregnancy exceeded nine months that her terror began to catch up with her again... in all, the experience nearly destroyed her for life and because of her actions and reactions during those several extra months that her relationship with her son is very fragile and uncertain.
Father: Though they never married, Adam Walker did the right thing when he found out about Grace's pregnancy and stayed with her, even through the extra horrible months. He stuck around until Debilitas was seven and then he packed up and left, hoping to regain some kind of life. He wrote to Grace for a long time and always sent as much of his paychecks as he could survive without to her but he rarely came back to visit. In truth he was afraid and somewhat ashamed of the... child he had fathered.
- Pets, if any: A surprisingly intelligent Striated Caracara named Phalcob, which was given to him by his father just before he found out he was a wizard.
-Area of Residence: New Zealand
- Blood status: Muggleborn
(all characters

- What would their Patronus be? A dragon
- What would their Boggart be? A normal, handsome but cruel version of himself
- What would their Animagus form be? A Rook
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
My formal name is Debilitas Aristide but by necessity, I go by another, less decorative name more often than not. If someone were to look up my birth certificate they wouldn't find the name Debilitas anyway. At birth my mother named me Bob. It was the first and only name she could think of, and taking everything into consideration, I was lucky to have been named at all, I supposed. The name Debilitas came later, my mothers way of lessening her guilt over giving her child such an uncreative name. Where her logic came from, I have no idea because, though Debilitas is definitely has more flourish to it, it is an old family name and she didnt come up with it on her own anyway, so where is the creativity in that?
Wow, wrote a whole paragraph about my name. So much for the pretense of having a life worth mentioning. Guess Id better leave this whole journal thing at that for a while before I bore myself to death.