Dear 'Magical Sorority of Heta Omega'

Athene Perthro

Well-Known Member
Athene trudged the long walk up to The Owlery, a letter clutched tightly in her fingers. The parchment was crisp, the ink green and the handwriting flawless, but despite the attention is had received, it was not an important letter at all. It was simply a letter of declination to a club. The Magical Sorority of Heta Omega club.

Who in their right minds would think that Athene would want to join anything remotely like it? Athene was dumbfounded, and couldn't think for the life of her why anyone would send her such an invitation. She didn't even know what half the words in the club's name meant, for crying out loud! (The word Heta wasn't even in the dictionary. And yes, she did look. However, there were many acronyms for the letters.)

Had she known who Katrina Redding was, or even what she looked like, she would have delivered her reply in person, and given her a piece of her mind. But, alas, if she had ever met a Redding, she could not remember it, so here she was at The Owlery.

She looked over her letter once more.
Dear Katrina Redding and The Magical Sorority of Heta Omega

I am not sorry to say that I am going to have to
decline your invitation to join your club. This is for a multitude of reasons, but I will list the most significant as follows;
Firstly, I translated the name of the club, after much confusion, and meeting with a group of girls to discuss 'Hazard Evaluation and Technical Assistance' and 'the 24th and last letter of the Greek alphabet (Ω, ω).' doesn't really appeal to me. I mean, don't get me wrong, i'm sure it's bucket loads of fun. It just isn't my cup of tea. That, and I have nothing technical that I need assistance with, thanks, nor any hazards I need evaluating.

Secondly, I don't see HOW a meeting of girls discussing HETA and the Greek alphabet can be magical. Unless you mean it to be in the Muggle sense, and if so, I consider it misleading and false advertisement, and it just so happens that I don't support either. At least, not when it's used
against me, as opposed to by me.

Thirdly and lastly, i'm not one for anything where 'girls from all houses' are asked to 'mingle and find support in one another.' I'm allergic to Hufflepuffs.

Yours Truly

- Athene Perthro

P.S; However, if you do (for any obscure or insane reason) feel inclined to persuade me, feel free to give it a shot. I'm sure i'll find it amusing.

She smirked. It wasn't 'in your face rude', so she didn't think she could get in trouble for it.

She tied it to tawny school owls foot with a length of green ribbon. The owl, having been hooting impatiently for the last few minutes, flapped it's wings and threw it's self out of the window the moment the letter was fastened.

Athene didn't bother to stay and watch it go, but instead turned and made the long descend down the stone stairway.
A thin brown owl stood perched beside Katrina. She hadn't been expecting any letters from her family so she assumed this had something to do with the Sorority. She had no owl treats, so there was a slight peck from the owl as it flew off angrily. Katrina glared at the ugly thing as it flew away and she unrolled the parchment. Her eyes narrowed as she read, finally sitting the letter on the ground beside her. That little twerp! Katrina was fuming. She knew in her position of Vice President she would probably be setting a poor example if she strangled the first year, so instead she turned the parchment over and wrote her brief reply.
Dear First Year,

I have no intention of trying to convince you to join the club. I'm sure we wouldn't want members like you who don't want to participate. As a pureblood myself as well as someone who doesn't like mudbloods I can understand your reluctance to join a group that is not all purebloods that would force you to be friendly with people who are below you who you don't want to be around. I would appreciate in the future if you didn't use such a snotty rude tone when talking with me, either in person or via owl. It's not appreciated, and frankly I would expect a little more from a well-bred Slytherin.

As for your complaints about the group; it's merely a place to be away from boys and just be yourself. I've personally not been enlightened as to what the group name means yet, but I assure you it has nothing to do with Hazardous Materials unless you were to join.

A Second Year Slytherin,
Katrina Redding

Katrina walked up to the owlery and sent the letter back to it's sender.
Athene was in [edit] the library when an owl started tapping it's beak on the window. It was a tawny brown, the same she had used to send her letter to Redding. It looks like HETA Omega has replied, she thought with a smirk.

She pulled open the window, and the owl was pushed in by the wind. Her homework parchments began to flutter in the strong breeze, and scattered themselves. She closed the window tight with a snap, and the papers fell to the floor.

Sitting down at the desk, Athene took the letter from the owl and read it. It was messy, and contained a lot of crossing out. However, it wasn't hard to read what Miss Vice-Hazard-Evaluation-and-Technical-Assistance-President had crossed out, and what was written made Athene start. This girl was a Slytherin, and a pure blood, at that.

She took her green ink, and started her reply.

To Miss Redding of Slytherin

It seems your last letter was written in two minds. You should really get that personality disorder checked out. Meanwhile, i'd like to know, simply out of curiosity, if you are so against mudbloods and the like,
why for Merlins sake are you the vice president of a social club. Lets get realistic here; you are a Slytherin and a pure blood. You have your honor to uphold. Does this club not conflict with your own personal interests?
Also, my letter was not snotty, thank you very much. I tried my
very hardest to be polite. If you misinterpreted, which it seems you did, then it is hardly fault of my own.

I'd like to point out that you made a statement of highlighting our age differences, which I must add is a very Slytherin thing to do, and I give you credit. However, haven't I already proved to be the more mature of us, by
not including myself in social events that, quite frankly, disgust me?

- Athene Perthro

PS; If you are going to cross something out, I suggest you do it properly.

Athene couldn't help hoping that her corresponding with the Redding girl would continue. It had proved to be entertaining so far.
She folded the letter neatly, and again attached it to the bird. The animal pecked at her, but she shoved it away.

"Do I look like I run the Menagerie?" she sneered. "I don't have anything for you."

And she opened the window, to receive a blast of wind to the face, and slammed it again. She sighed as she picked up her History of Magic notes. It was going to be a long night.
(((Might I point out that the Slytherin Dorm Rooms are in the dungeons and therefore wouldn't have windows?)))

Katrina had been sitting in her room (actually down the hall from Athene). She was trying to read a book on the Dark Arts, but couldn't focus. She was still fuming that the little first year had the nerve to get an attitude with her. Just as she was giving up on her book and heading down to the Common Room, Katrina heard a soft but steady knocking on her door. With a roll of her eyes, she opened it and saw the same scruffy owl there; another note in it's claw.

Katrina was sure that it wasn't good news, so she walked back over to her bed, letting the owl in and sat down.

As she read the note, she had mixed feelings. The girl was obviously a proud pure-blood, which was good, but she still needed to watch her attitude with Katrina. Turning the parchment over, Katrina got her quill out and wrote:

Young Miss Perthro,

I assure you that the text that was crossed out was something I meant for you to read. Otherwise, I would have just gotten a fresh piece of parchment; I don't make mistakes without thoroughly correcting them.

Apparently you haven't received proper upbringing or perhaps you have no hope for your own future. Something like being a Vice President of a club will look very good when I apply for jobs in the future; and is more likely to get me into a leadership role both now and in my future. I just have enough class to be around those who are not pure and still be civil. It's not a matter of doing what is below me or being 'less mature' by giving myself all the opportunities to succeed. Next year are Prefects selections, and let's be honest, this will look good toward a possible selection for me. Would you rather see a mudblood sympathetic Prefect or someone who will uphold the true spirit of Slytherin?

You are quite mistaken if you believe you are the more mature. I'm thinking of my future and am not going to let a tiny bump in my road like a first year slow me down.

A Leader,
Katrina Redding

Katrina rolled the parchment back up and handed it to the owl. She assumed it was getting used to no treats because it didn't nip at her finger this time; it only gave an angry hoot as it flew back out her door.
((Ooops! I as incredibly tired last night and wasn't thinking right. I edited it to her being in the library.))

Athene was just about to give up on the homework and trudge back to the dungeons when the owl began tapping at the library window again. Athene yawned, but opened the window to let the creature in. She took the letter, but didn't bother reading it. Instead, she packed up her things and left the library.


The following morning Athene woke up to find the letter on her desk. She opened it and scanned it. It was a Sunday, so she didn't have to worry about classes,and could instead write her response.

Miss Redding

I think, had you had money to spend on fresh pieces of parchment, you wouldn't have written your reply on the back of mine. However, there is nothing wrong with being poor. I imagine that that is why you are so adamant on getting a successful education, and thus a good career. I, on the other hand, come from a very wealthy family and have no need to worry about my future. My family have it all worked out for me. I also believe my upbringing has been very proper indeed. I can be polite and show respect to those who deserve it.

However, I do have to say that, from what I have learned of you this far, that you would indeed make a better prefect that some mudblood filth. I wish you the best of luck in getting your desired position next year.

- Athene Perthro

Athene yawned widely, and set out to the Owlery. She enjoyed the walk, otherwise she wouldn't have bothered, as it was nearly a long a journey as it was from the dungeons to the North Tower.

Once there, she spotted the owl they had been using previously. It gave her a indignant look and flew without hesitation to the highest perch. Rolling her eyes, Athene chose a smaller barn owl to send the letter with. It was keen enough for the job, and left immediately.

The wind had calmed down from the previous night.
Katrina glanced over the most recent letter and smirked darkly. So she thinks she's better than me, how cute. Turning the parchment over yet again, Katrina wrote a very short letter before giving it to the owl and telling it to return the message to the sender.
Miss Perthro,

My family is very very wealthy. I wish to have a good education because you have to be smart to have power; though I'm sure your tiny little mind couldn't understand that.

The reason I keep re-using your same parchment is because you aren't worth the cost of a fresh piece of parchment.

Katrina Redding
Athene had waited in the owlery for 30 minutes, to see if a reply would come, but none did, so she made to begin the decent down. However, the moment she turned her back on the window, something hard flew into her back. She turned around to find the barn owl looking up at her from the floor, Athene's own piece of parchment firmly in it's beak.

Trying to make a point, are we?, she thought, licking her lips. She took the letter, and went back to the window to read it.

She grinned. No more age comments. It looked like this 2nd year was beginning to accept how little difference a year made in maturity.

her quill was still in her fingers, and she took out yet another piece of parchment and replied in her usual tidy handwriting.

Miss Redding

Although I may not be worth your parchment, it seems I
am worth your Sunday morning. This, I find far more flattering.
In return, I'd like to take a minute of my own time to reply, as it is only the
proper thing to do.

I'm afraid to say that you and I have a completely different idea of intelligence. You believe that things can only be learned through text books and good grades, while although I know that our dear professors here at Hogwarts can teach us
some things, I believe that the majority of our lessons our learned through life experience.  This is why I complimented you on your prefect plans. I believe that becoming a prefect would be a very valuable life experience.
However, when a new dark lord takes reign, I think he is going to care little for the knowledge of who was vice president of girl clubs.

- Athene Perthro

Katrina was surprised that she was less angry at this letter. She conceded that this girl might be worth a piece of parchment after all, and pulled a fresh piece out and replied:
Miss Perthro,

While you are a student at Hogwarts you will notice that there is little opportunity to learn outside of the curriculum. I assure you that I am doing my own independent study; but rather than run the risk of being expelled for breaking school rules (something which I've already nearly done) I think it's smarter to study in private and continue to succeed in my own schoolwork. My parents have an extensive knowledge of--let's say less than polite magic--that I will learn when I am of age, so I have no fear of missing out on any learning opportunity.

As for a future dark lord (as if there were ever anyone to take Lord Voldemorts place), when and if he or she comes into power don't you think they will appreciate any kind of intelligence? Won't he appreciate someone with powerful connections? With a good education, you can attain great and powerful acquaintances. My parents are very influential in their community and I plan to follow in their steps.

Katrina Redding

She handed the owl the crisp piece of parchment and shooed it out the door.
Athene couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when the owl returned again within 30 minutes, and was further surprised after reading the letter. Not only was it on new parchment, but the writing itself implied that Redding had an interest in the dark arts. Curiously, Athene began to write.

Miss Redding

It seems I have underestimated you. You appear to be far more intelligent than your first few letters made out. I agree that some lessons are best learned in private, and I have already stated my opinion about the learning provided here at school.
when a new Dark Lord takes power, I highly doubt he will care if those magical connections are with Hufflepuffs and Mudbloods. Also, I would suggest you not to get too familiar with them anyhow, for the chance of them being killed by Death Eaters is very high.

After reading your letters I am to believe that our parents and lifestyles are very much alike. I think we have a lot in common.

- Athene Perthro

She sent the letter off with the owl, but stayed once again in the owlery, anticipating Reddings reply.
Katrina read it over and felt the corners of her mouth twitch as if to smile. She wasn't surprised that the girl had an interest in the Dark Arts; it seemed obvious. Katrina quickly got another piece of parchment and began writing:


Yes it does seem like our family and upbringing seem similar. That's a good start.

I'm not saying that the Dark Lord would ask to see my grade card, but through my education I can gain a position of power. This position of power would prove beneficial to a Dark Lord; again if there is one. I'm still not convinced there will ever be an uprising. The current Death Eaters have been thriving well without leadership and I'm not sure that they would be willing to bow to anyone. Don't ask how I know about the Death Eaters; I just do.


Katrina sent the owl back as quickly as she could and then sat back down. She was still in her Dorm Room and sure that the portrait was getting tired of allowing the owl to constantly visit.
Athene smirked at Redding's new signature as she wrote her reply.


I understand that the protection of those close to you are of uttermost importance. I would never tell a stranger of my connections with Death Eaters. Whether such connections do or do not exist, I will leave up to your imagination.
however, I can assume from your last letter that YOU do have such connections. It would be wise to avoid putting that in writing ever again, who knows who could be reading?

I am saying this out of concern for your own safety. Please do not take offense.

- Athene

The owl, not at all bitter about being sent back and forth, flew away eagerly with the letter in it's beak.
Katrina smirked lightly at the recent letter and wrote on a fresh piece of parchment:


I am not going to respond to what you said in your previous letter. What I had said was could have been foolish ramblings of a young girl. Adding credence to it will only make it appear more real.

Instead, I will end this correspondence and hope that we encounter each other in person.


She felt odd being so short with her letter, but felt it for the best. The owl hooted as it took flight.
The letter arrived promptly, as Athene had expected. She found with a jolt of surprise that she was very eager to read it, and snatched it off the owl, opening it with an obvious air of impatience.

She read it over with a smile, and pocketed it. She wasn't going to reply, as there was nothing to say.

She left The Owlery, taking two steps at a time. Perhaps she and Katrina could be friends? The idea sounded absurd, and she couldn't help but flush at the embarrassing thought. And yet, the idea of it gave her a feeling that was not at all bad.

Athene had never had a proper friend before.

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