Deal with a Death Eater

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Oh hey it's me!
So like.. case 2 please! :)
Sure thing. ^_^

Now, let's play Deal with a Death Eater!!
Here are the prizes contained in the 18 cases.
Bad PrizesGood Prizes
1 Week (Main Account) SuspensionEternal Nicktator Servitude
3 Days (Main Account) Suspension+10 post count
Main Account Banned Usergroup: 24 Hours+100 post count
Disable (Main Account) Posting: 24 HoursUsername Icon (1 Day)
Main Account Suspension: 12 hours(Different) Coloured username (2 days)
Main Account Post Disable: 6 hoursCustom Username Formatting (3 Days)
- 100 post countDementor Glomps - once daily for a week
- 10 post countArea Closing Extension**
**(Want an area of the board that is set to close to be open a little longer? You can call in this favour and the forum won't be closed for two more days.)
NothingGrand Prize!
[th colspan="2"]Deal With a Death Eater Cases/Prizes[/th] [th]

Now, please pick 4 cases to open and we will get this show on the road!
14 9 12 7
Let's see what is inside those cases!

*opens case 14*.....Area Closing Extension...oh bad luck. That's a huge prize.

*opens case 9*......Dementor Glomps - once daily for a week....That's another piece of rotten luck! Who doesn't want Dementor Glomps?

*opens case 7*....... Username Icon (1 Day)......Seems like you chose all the wrong cases!

*opens case 12*......- 100 post count...well that is a bit of luck!!

Okay so you opened three cases with good prizes and only one with a negative prize. I wonder what the Death Eater will offer you... *ring, ring*..Hello? Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Okay! I will tell him. *puts down phone* Well, the Death Eater has offered you - 50 post count. What do you say to that deal?
What's inside these cases I wonder?

*opens case 3*..... +100 Post Count

*opens case 8*...... 3 Days (Main Account) Suspension

*opens case 11*....... Grand Prize....Oh rotten luck!

Uh oh. I don't think that your next deal is going to be any better....Here is the Death Eater now. Yes... Okay....Yeah...Got it. Okay so here is your offer from the Death Eater. -50 post count and 1 Day Main Account Suspension. What do you say to that?
N-n-no deal!
Thinking 17 & 18 next.
*opens case 17*..... +10 post count

*opens case 18*...... - 10 post count

Not too bad for you there. You still have a few good prizes left though there are more bad prizes up there. Let's see what the death eater has to say.
*answers phone* Yes? Hmm. Okay Mr. Death Eater. I'll let him know. *hangs up phone*
The Death Eater has offered you a new deal.... -150 post count what do you say?
No deal!

OOCOut of Character:
3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18
*opens case 4*....Eternal Nick Servitude...What rotten luck! That really is a wonderful prize to loose!

*opens case 5* Nothing!...Well that's not terrible is it now? :p

It looks like you only have two good prizes left while there are still some really nasty prizes out there. Let's see what the Death Eater says. *answers ringing phone* Hello? Yes...yes... I understand. Thank you. *hangs up phone*

You have been having some really horrible luck. The Death Eater has now offered you -75 post count and a one day suspension of your main account. What is your answer to that?
No deal! :o

Case number 1 next! ^_^

OOCOut of Character:
3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18

In case #1 is...... Disable (Main Account) Posting: 24 Hours !

That's a bit of luck! I wonder what the Death Eater has to say about this turn of events.

The Death Eater is offering you... -150 post count. What do you say to that? ^_^
No deal! :o

Next up I'm feelin' case number six!
*opens case number 6* ..... 1 Week (Main Account) Suspension

Some more good luck! Maybe this will get the Death Eater change his mind.

The Death Eater is offering you -50 post count what do you say?

Next being 10! :woot:

OOCOut of Character:
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18

Okay then. Moving on to case number ten.

*opens case 10*...... (Different) Coloured username (2 days)

Uh oh. You only have one good prize left on the board! There are still three negative prizes to go! I wonder what the Death Eater has to say about this.....

The Death Eater is now offering you 6 hour main account suspension. I think he is liking his odds with what you have left. What do you say to that?

This is what you have left:

Bad Prizes
Main Account Banned Usergroup: 24 Hours
Main Account Suspension: 12 hours
Main Account Post Disable: 6 hours

Good Prizes
Custom Username Formatting (3 Days)

Next, 14.
Whoops. :shy:
13 IT IS!
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