Daytona Bradshaw

Daytona Bradshaw

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Full Name: Daytona Portia Bradshaw

Date of Birth: November 27th 2012

Current Age: 15

Basic Appearance: Brown long hair somewhat wavy in style, blue eyes and sallow skin. Clear skin, no blemishes or scars. 5’3” in height but still growing.

Personality: Is friendly by nature, can go up to virtual strangers and introduce herself and attempt to make friends but finds herself easily bored if they can’t maintain a conversation and she hates having to do all the work. Can be a tad lazy where her school work is concerned and also where her relationships concerning her friends or family is concerned. Hates having to maintain any correspondence. Tends to speak her mind when she thinks the occasion warrants it which is fairly often.

Family: Daughter to …
Muggleborn – Archibald Bryant Bradshaw 1974 – present; age = 40yrs
Graduated Hogwarts Scotland; House of Gryffindor – 1994
Occupation: Ex-Quidditch Champion for English National Team years 1995 – 2010
At present – Commentator for national and international games

Half Blood – Marcia Shauna Flint 1976 – present; age = 38 yrs
Graduated Hogwarts Scotland; House of Slytherin – 1996
Occupation: Department of Magical Law Enforcement 1997 – present

Pets: Dervil – Persian cat
Bachau - toad

Wand: Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather:
~Oak has always been respected by nearly all world cultures. Admired for its strength and size it represents strength, endurance and power. Oak helps promote both observation and intuition. Oak provides a very balanced energy and is skewed neither toward the light or the darkness.

Area of Residence: Mile Cross Lodge, Cairn Wells, Derbyshire, England

Blood Status: Half Blood


The origin of the name Bradshaw comes from the Township of Bradshaw in the Parish of Bolton-Le-Moors, Lancashire, England. In the early 13th century this old district of Bolton was called "Bradeshaghe" meaning a "broad wood" or copse. “In 1298, William son of Richard de Bradshagh and Mabel his wife, were in possession of the manors of Haigh and Blackrod, which were Mabel's right as heir of the last-named Hugh le
Norreys. Her husband from his name is supposed to have been a descendant of the Bradshaghs of Bradshaw, near Turton.” Ref: A History of the County of Lancaster, Vol 4

"Of the period 1350 -1500, we have but fragmentary evidence of the Bradshaw family and their activities at Bradshaw, but the name de Bradshaw occurs many times in inquisitions post mortem, marriage
settlements, and indeed law suits."

A very old English noble family all of muggle descent, on discovering that Archie had magical ability, his family disowned him convinced he was a freak of nature. He was taken in by a kind aunt who became his
sole guardian up until he came of age in both the wizarding and muggle world. His aunt since deceased was delighted with his accomplishments but to date no other Bradshaw has offered a hand of friendship. He has
been ostracized from the family tree and been disowned completely. They live now in Mile Cross Lodge, the former home of his aunt who bequeathed all that she possessed to him, having no children of her

Motto: Qui vit content tient assez.

Motto Translated: He who lives contentedly has enough.

Coat of Arms: A silver shield with two black bendlets between three martlets.
Crest: A red hart beneath a vine branch.


ARMS: Per fess wavy Zzure and barry wavy of eight Argent and of the first in chief upon a Rock issuant proper a Castle of two towers Or and in base an Ancient three-masted Ship sail furled pennons flying Gold.

CREST: Out of a Coronet composed of four Fleurs-de-Lis Argent and as many Mullets Or set alternately upon a Rim Silver in front of Flames proper a demi eagle displayed Gold.
SUPPORTERS: On either side a Dragon Gules charged on the shoulder with a Rose Or barbed and seeded proper supporting between the forelegs an Ostrich Feather erect Argent; the whole upon a Compartment of Rocks proper.
BADGE: Upon a Pellet environed by a Chaplet of Roses Or barbed seeded and leaved proper in front of an Ostrich Feather erect Argent a Castle as in the Arms.

Motto: 'CASTELLUM SUPRA FLUVIUM' - A castle on a river
Granted 10th October 1962, to the Flint Borough Council. The castle upon a rock and ship are taken from the ancient borough seal and show that Flint is a sea port with a castle.
The crest symbolically represents the steel industry.The red dragons represent Wales and the golden roses are from badge of Edward I, who founded the town and built the castle. The ostrich feathers are from the badge of the Prince of Wales. They stand upon a rocky compartment, depicting the area's rugged coastline and mountains.

The Flint family has it’s history steeped in both the wizarding and magical world. Bethany Flint disowned from her family tree for marrying a muggle born had four children. Her only son , Marcus met and married half blood witch Ayreis Browning,parents of Marcia Flint-Bradshaw.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scotland
Best Subject: Potions, completely enjoy the relaxing and therapeutic properties involved in preparing ingredients, following instructions and creating something that can benefit many.

Worst Subject: Transfiguration, try as I might I see no reason to turn a beetle into a button or vice versa, I just don't get it and think it's ruddy cruel to do that to something even something as insignificant as a beetle.

Interests or Hobbies: enjoys listening to rock music, wizarding and muggle and has a fascination for muggle formula one race car driving and moto cycle racing.
If it’s extreme she wants to participate.

Additional Skills:
Swift runner – sprints a lot
Slices and dices like a professional chef

She likes everything fast paced, prefers to act than sit around thinking about things. She never lets anyone out of a group. Whenever games were played as a kid and she had to choose team mates, she always chose the under dog first. (mainly as it annoyed everyone else)

She likes everything too fast, never slows down to smell the roses or enjoy the moment; her penchant for act first, think later has gotten her into plenty of trouble. Can be extremely gullible.

Describe your character in three words:
Feisty, Fast and Formidable

Favourite place to be:
The Quidditch Pitch and / or the Potions Lab

Gregor Dowling II, House of Slytherin also from Cairns Well.
Helga Floober, House of Ravenclaw met first day on Hogwarts Express

Hogwarts House:
Started Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 2023
House of Slytherin;
Top of her class in Potions and Herbology in 2024 end of year exams
Noted as one of the most reckless flier from her Flying class and received a ban
For a period of 3 months.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To help her House to win the House Cup
To establish herself as the best in her year (if only at potions)
To win the duelling tournament at the school

Extracurricular Activities:
Has joined the quidditch team as alternate seeker
(has plans to be the seeker)

Your Boggart:
Unable to walk or run

Mirror of Erised:
Achieving all the things from her hopes and ambitions

Okay - you always think your characters through so clearly - but I has questions fur yew.
Double check your maths - your parents were born 4 years apart, but are only 2 years different in age? :p (I'm a nerd for noticing these things)

*Do you wish you had siblings? Why or why not?

*Given the choice, would you like to have been in any other house?

*What did the sorting hat 'say' to you when you started at Hogwarts?

*You don't like Transfiguration because you see no reason to transfigure one thing into another - what about animagi? Do you see the point in that? Would you consider becoming one yourself?

*For you, what's the best thing about being a witch?

*What would your (and your parents') reactions have been if you turned out to be a squib?

*Who do you admire?

*Who do you despise?

*What are you afraid of?

*If you could describe your life as a genre, what would it be and why? (e.g. Western - there's only room in this world for one, with dramatic showdowns / Shakespearean comedy - full of mistaken identities and learning things the hard way)

*Where did you learn to 'slice and dice'?

*Are Helga and Gregor good friends, too, or are they the kind of friends you keep separate?

*Is good dental hygiene important to you?

*What do you think your parents expect you to do/be? What do you think their dreams for you are?
thanks for the questions and thanks for catching that xD had them both down for different years but it didn't add up to other things I had wanted to include so changed the dad but forgot about the mom :doh:

*Do you wish you had siblings? Why or why not?

I guess at some point every only child wishes that he or she had a brother or sister. I remember when Gregor's mom had his younger sister, he was thrilled to bits because he thought it'd get the parentals off his back and it did just a lot more than what he wanted. They were all the baby this and the baby that, that he ended up being like a surrogate brother to me anyhow. He stayed so often at my place over the first few months Trudy was born and I don't think his parents even missed him once. I definitely did want one when I was younger but not so much now. I like having my parents attention firmly fixed on me when I get home. They're pretty busy in their jobs, so I like their undivided attention when I'm home from school.

*Given the choice, would you like to have been in any other house?
I don't think I would have, Gregor's entire family were Slytherin and some of mine were, my mother included. When we were 9 yrs old my best friend did ask me if I wanted to be a Gryffindor like my dad or a Slytherin like my mom and I can remember just shrugging and saying it didn't matter, but it did. He was the only one that I knew going there and I figured if he was going into Slytherin that's where I wanted to be as well. I love there and wouldn't want to be in any other house. I mean, it's got its crazies and it's bullies like every other house but it's still a decent house at the end of the day. Even after all the bad rep it's gotten throughout the years.

*What did the sorting hat 'say' to you when you started at Hogwarts?
Oh crap, trying to remember now... do I have to say it word for word? ... hmmm,
"Your thoughts are murky ... attempting to hide the person you truly are inside;
But I know all, oh yes I do and only in this House you'll discover ... you...
it fairly shouted at the end and gave me a cruel headache <_<

*You don't like Transfiguration because you see no reason to transfigure one thing into another - what about animagi? Do you see the point in that? Would you consider becoming one yourself?
OhMyGosh, like so noway!! I mean yeww imagine turning into some hairy creature for a while and then turning back again. I mean being some animal is just not normal, I know there are plenty who think it's cool an' all and our professor and headmistress has a habit of changing into a cat when she feels the need, whichislike soooo creepy. I mean if it was something cool like turning water into shampoo when you happen to have run out or your pencil into lipgloss if Warrington from Goober Trials happened to show up out of the blue, then sure I could see the point but why mess with my hair and these nails *flashes freshly painted and manicured nails* to change into some mad looking animal.

*For you, what's the best thing about being a witch?
Everything, I can't pin it down you know. I mean that's like asking a fish what's the best thing about being able to swim. I get to fly, to do tons of cool things. Like the other day Pamela Sherkin, this blonde airhead from Gryffindor was walking past myself, Helga and Gregor and she saw this guy she really fancied, so she was like all up in herself you know. Flicking the hair and waddling, I mean come on the girl waddles for Merlin's sake. Anyhow the guy she was simpering at was really cute and he could do so much better so I used a trip jinx on her which was so awesome. She fell right on her face in front of him and her skirt flew up and she was wearing these huge granny sized polka dotted pants. We all just fell about laughging, including Declan Myers. She went redder than a tomato ripening on the vine, bolted clean out of there. Now if I was a muggle I sure as hell couldn't have done that.

*What would your (and your parents') reactions have been if you turned out to be a squib?
Crikey, I seriously don't know. I mean I'd imagine my dad would be pretty ok with it because of his muggle family disowning him, I don't think he'd be as callous as they were you know but I think my mothers family would be well peeved. I could see them shunning me alright but my mom would be ok as well, I hope.

*Who do you admire?
Hmmm I guess I admire Eugenia Smythe. She's the wife of our town council chairperson, Floyd Smythe. He is like about 680 lbs, he's so colossal if he was on a sinking ship kids could sit on him and float to safety no worries; he's got no hair and the yellowest of teeth. When he stands close to you his breath smells of mustard seeds. He also has a nasty habit of wiping his nose just before he shakes your hand. I mean she has to be admired or certified for marrying him and staying married to him for over 30 years.

*Who do you despise?
Elise Kirkle, she's in second year and is also a Slytherin and whenever she sees me and Gregor talking together, she comes over and is all "Hi Gregor, what'ya doin? Fancy doin' somethin' with me?" I mean gag me please!! She tries to be top of the class at everything and she sort of is except in potions which bugs her rotten but if she ever gets a higher grade than me in it I will hex her till the ghouls come home.

*What are you afraid of?
Breaking my legs permanently; I had an accident once, myself and Gregor climbed some trees at old Hodnett's orchard at the edge of our town. When he caught us we tried to climb down as fast as we could but I ended up falling and I broke my leg. It hurt really bad and I ended up in St. Mungo's for three days while the skelegro fixed the bones again. It was the longest three days of my life. I love to run, to jump, to move and staying still at all freaks me out completely. It's as unnatural to me as being an animagus is.

*If you could describe your life as a genre, what would it be and why? (e.g. Western - there's only room in this world for one, with dramatic showdowns / Shakespearean comedy - full of mistaken identities and learning things the hard way)
Hmmm, I guess I would have my life slotted into it's own type of catagory ... comedy, action adventure - non-stop motion, high energy chases, possibly with rescues, battles, fights, escapes, destructive crises; with new experiences or exotic locales all deliberately designed to amuse and provoke laughter by exaggerating the situation, the language, action and relationships. ;)

*Where did you learn to 'slice and dice'?
Oh wait till I tell you; my dad took me to a muggle shopping mall and they had these guys there called celebrity chefs or something, anyhow one picked up this knife when he was looking and talking to the crowd around them and he began to chop the carrot with awesome speed. I mean not once did this guy cut a finger or anything and each slice was perfect. I squeezed my way through so I could get a better look and I seriously thought he was a wizard, I mean how else could a muggle do something that cool? Anyhow, I ended up going right up to the table he was using and he laughed, asked me my name and if I liked to cook. So I told him no, but that I'd love to chop like he could. My dad said he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him, which he could very well have done but it was a muggle shop and people would have noticed a gaping hole you know. Anyhow this guy brought me around to his side of the table and showed me how to hold the knife and then how to hold the vegetable and told me to try. So I did... and gave myself a nice gash as well. Blood everywhere, twas mental. Okay, it wasn't that bad but it hurt pretty awful.

I got a .. band-aid. That seriously made me laugh coz it's like this tiny strip of sticky stuff that they put on the wound and muggles actually believe it heals the wound but it doesn't. My dad had to cast a healing spell on it when we left the chefs. Anyhow, he gave me a gift of what he called a proper kitchen knife and I was to be very careful with it and practice often and then he handed me the box of band-aids as well and told I'd also need those. So I practiced and my dad got really good and healing me.

*Are Helga and Gregor good friends, too, or are they the kind of friends you keep separate?
Good grief, the three of us are inseparable. We met Helga on the train ride, we sort of all converged on the trolley lady at the same time. Even though she had passed our carriage twenty minutes before hand. We got talking and Helga came back to our compartment. She actually lives clear across the other side of England but that doesn't matter because her parents are really cool about letting her use the floo network to come to see us. We were disgusted she got into Ravenclaw but she is the brains of the group after all, so we weren't really surprised.

*Is good dental hygiene important to you?
I think if I had never seen Floyd Smythe's teeth, I could careless one way or the other but my parents actually used him as a means to get me to brush my teeth when I was a kid.
"If you don't brush regularly you'll have a mouth full just like Mr. Smythe's" and it worked, coz I am a regular brusher.

*What do you think your parents expect you to do/be? What do you think their dreams for you are?
My dad is a typical dad and right now he's all - 'whatever makes you happy' but I know that once my OWLs are done, he'll come down on me really hard to choose a career path. So I figure I've got a while yet to worry. My mom though is one of these 'strong women' who was actually very proud of the muggle women who fought for the right to vote and stuff. So she wants me to get a good education and to get a good job afterwards. She doesn't want me settling down too early, I know that much. She wants me to 'live my life first and foremost and worry about children and all that stuff' much later.

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