Davina Lesley

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Davina Lesley

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
This is my darling Davina Lesley. She is none too bright and she wears glasses to make her look smarter, but she is a nice person and she makes up for her lack of brains through her enthusiasm and interest in fashion. She may not be good with books, or learning in general, but she knows a lot about fashion and she wants to be a designer when she grows up. She is one of a set pair of twins, the other being Damita Lesley. They are rarely apart, but on the rare instances when they are, Davina would be rather more spritely then he sister and tends to handle it better, though if she encounters something that reminds her of her twin, she usually gets a frown on her face and likely gets sad. Davina knows she is not smart and protects her sister Damita from being hurt. Damita isn't as observant as Davina and so she has not yet figured out her lack of brains. Davina is easy to get along with, enjoys watching Quidditch, but wouldn't play the game. She likes to talk about colours and styles and is prone to stepping into her own world when she sees something she likes. She often carries around a sketch pad, that she uses to draw designs for clothing and shoes. She is very pretty as she is a part-veela, so sometimes that helps her along, but alot of people, especially in her home city Varna, did not like her family for this. Davina's older brother Dexter is a second year Slytherin and though she is sad to not be with her brother, she feels that the green would have clashed with her eyes, which are blue.

What she needs: Davina needs anything and everything really. Friends, Enemies, Love Interests, Finals, anything. I could even go for a mentor like relationship if some-one is up for that. With Friends:, it could literally be anyone who would like her, she is incredibly nice, (which is a differeing quality to her other siblings, except for Dex and Damita) and anyone who would get along with her, would be her friend. She never has a bad word to say about anyone, but she is extremely loyal to her family and protective of her older twin sister. Enemies: This one is easy as she is rather dumb. Most of what people say to her goes in one ear and out the other without her brain comprehending it. Although she does take steps to pretend that she has understood what was said to her. She has a particular problem with large words and complicated sentences. Love Interests: Unless some-one pointed out to her that she likes someone, or that they liked her, she would not even notice. Not having ever encountered any feelings different from friendship, or love for a family member, if she had a crush on some-one, she wouldn't know what the feeling was. So any potential love interests/finals, would have to take this into account.
Hey boo :hug:

I can offer Ferdinand as a friend/mentor type thing. They probably wouldn't be good friends, more acquaintances. He would be able to help her with anything school related, if she wants help with her grades etc. Maybe he could help her feel more bright? or at least help her appear that way. Hopefully you understand what I mean.

Haha, yeah I totally get it. She could use all the help she can get. So I will get onto this one soon too. Ah! So many things with you, gosh :wub: I'll skype you xD
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