Dannii Merrythought

Dannii Merrythought

Falmouth Falcons Coach | Lion Animagus | In Love
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13.5" Sturdy Mahogany Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
38 (11/11/2011)
Full Name:
- Dannii Jessica Merrythought. Dannii is a variation of the Hebrew name Dani, which means my judge. Her middle name Jessica is also Hebrew and means wealthy. Her last name Merrythought is of unknown origin but means happy, jolly, and kind.

Date of Birth:
- Dannii was born at 6:23 am on Friday, November 11th, 2011.

Current Age:
- Seventeen

Basic Appearance:
- Dannii is a bit taller then average height at 5 foot and 7 inches. She has short, curly, messy blonde hair that frames her face. Her eyes are a deep blue. She has full lips that she doesn't like because she finds them too big, but actually look very good on her. Dannii weighs 135 lbs and has an athletic build from her training for quidditch. Dannii has a few scars here and there and her nose is a bit crooked from when she broke her nose during a quidditch match and she was in such a hurry to get back on the pitch that she didn't let the nurse set it properly before fixing it.

- Dannii is overall a very calm person. She isn't into starting drama for the sake of having drama and doesn't like to put herself out of her comfort zone. She is however very confident when it comes to things she knows she can do. Dannii is kind to most people, unless you do something to upset her. She is also very ambitious but at the same time her laziness stops her from accomplishing her big dreams.

- Ambrose Merrythought-Ambrose Merrythought was born the 15th of July 1979 to Carol and Charles Merrythought. He grew up in Texas on his parents farm. However his mother decided he needed more culture in his life and was sent to Hogwarts in England when the time came. He was a Hufflepuff during his days at school and it was there that he met his future wife Phoenix Rochester. He excelled in History of Magic and Arithmancy. Ambrose went on to become head boy. After school he began work at the Ministry and climbed up the ranks quickly. He soon became undersecretary of the minister. However he still made time for his wife and daughter. When Aurora moved out Ambrose and Phoenix decided to have one more child and they had a daughter named Dannii. The family was very happy living a quiet life in New Zealand until June 13th 2019 when a hired Death Eater, Axel Zhefarovich. Axel was hired by John Seabrook to kill off the Merrythought's so he would be the heir to the Merrythought fortune. However his plan didn't work out when Dannii managed to survive by being hidden by her parents.

Phoenix Merrythought(Rochester)- Phoenix Rochester was born on the 16th of February 1979 in New York City New York. Phoenix's mother had run off to America when she was just 17 and was cut out of her families will. However wishing a better life for her daughter Grace made a deal with her father, Lyle, that if Phoenix was sent to Hogwarts in Scotland then Phoenix would be included in the families will. When she turned 11 Phoenix was sent to Hogwarts and was in the Ravenclaw house. She was extremely intelligent and did well in all her NEWT classes, especially potions and herbology. After school Phoenix began working as a potions professor at Drumstrang. She was however fired as she didn't have the same love of dark arts that they taught at the school. Afterwards she opened her own shop that sold various potion supplies. While being busy with her jobs Phoenix managed to give birth to and take care of her daughter Auror, and then Dannii. On the 13th of June 2019 Phoenix was getting ready to tell her family the good news, she was pregnant again however she didn't get the chance. The Merrythought families alarm went off telling them an intruder was almost at the house. Phoenix just managed to hide Dannii before the death eater stormed in. Phoenix and Ambrose fought with everything they had but in the end they were no match for the unforgivable curses.

Aurora Merrythought- See here

Muriel Seabrook- Muriel was born on October 21st 1934 to Jillian and Lyle Seabrook. Just a few years later her younger sister Grace was born. Muriel and Grace were given everything they wanted as children but were also taught to value money, and how not all people were as lucky as them. While Muriel was completely happy with her life Grace grew tired of it. When Muriel was sent to Hogwarts she was sorted into Hufflepuff. Muriel did well in school while making many friends. Six years later her little sister arrived at Hogwarts and was sorted into Gryffindor. While Muriel was sad that her baby sister wasn't in the same house she was happy to have her at school anyways. After graduation and leaving her little sister behind Muriel met and married John Smith. However John decided to take Muriel's name because it was more prestigious then Smith. A few years later Muriel found out that her little sister Grace had run off to America to have a baby with an ex death eater named Bartholomew. Muriel was sad to see her little sister go and be taken off the family tree but she was happy for her. 11 years past Muriel and John never had children of their own and Muriel was extremely excited when she found out that her niece would be spending Christmas's with her. The two grew extremely close because Muriel saw a lot of her little sister in young Phoenix. The two stayed in contact even after Phoenix finished school and started a family of her own. When Muriel found out about her death she was devastated and took in Dannii without a second thought. Everything was fine for bit while Dannii came to terms with her parents death but then things start going fuzzy. Muriel started getting sick a lot and her family grew worried. One day Aurora came to take Dannii home with her and get some help for Muriel. However John's true nature came to light as he tried to kill all three women. Aurora managed to defeat him but not before poor Muriel suffered permanent memory loss. She now spends her days at St Mungos waiting excitedly for Dannii to come visit on vacation.

John Seabrook- John was born May 15th 1954. His parents didn't care much for him, or any of their children and mostly he was left to fend for himself. John was sent to Hogwarts Scotland with second hand everything and was sorted into Slytherin house. Through out his years at Hogwarts he was teased by his house mates for his poverty. Over the years he grew cold and bitter and began forming a plan to become rich and powerful, then he would show everyone just how wrong they had been. John wooed and married Muriel Seabrook, a rich pure blooded Hufflepuff. The two lived 'happily' for years while John grew to love the good life. However as they grew older John grew greedier and greedier. He was no longer happy with the Seabrook money and power, no he wanted the Merrythought's money also. So he had Phoenix and Ambrose killed and suggested to his wife that they take in Dannii. John began slipping Muriel weak poisons to make her sick and pushed Dannii to find her sister. Finally Dannii found Aurora and she came to take Dannii home with her and get some help for Muriel. However John's true nature came to light as he tried to kill all three women. Aurora managed to defeat him but not before poor Muriel suffered permanent memory loss. John is currently on the run as he owes money to some very powerful people.

- annii owns a ginger tabby cat named Ninja. Dannii named him this because when they first met Ninja pretended to be asleep and then attacked Dannii. For some strange reason Dannii decided to buy the cat that attacked her. The two have a love hate relationship. Some days Ninja is extremely affectionate and others he wakes her up in the morning by clawing at her face.

Area of Residence:
- Dannii has been raised in Christchurch, New Zealand since she was one years old but doesn't spend much time there due to school.

Blood Status:
- Pure blood

- Dannii is Dannii is 3/4 American and 1/4 British. Everyone on her fathers side was born and raised in the United States but her grandmother Grace was born and raised in England until she fled to America.

Special Abilities:
- Dannii is training to become an animagus

Interests or Hobbies:
- Quidditch, drawing and coloring.

Additional Skills:
- Dannii is a skilled flier and has a talent in Transfiguration.

- Transfiguration, Flying, Quidditch, drawing, cloloring, and soccer.

- mall spaces, cooking, cleaning, potions.

Describe your character in three words:
- Athletic, calm, and artsy.

Favourite place to be:
- The quidditch pitch because Dannii spends most of her free time flying.

- Sinclair Blaze.

Hogwarts House:
- Dannii is in Hufflepuff house. Although Dannii doesn't fit a few requirements of the house she is kind and hardworking, as long as it is something she wants to be working on. When she was first sorted she hated her house but has grown found of it and the other Hufflepuffs.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- She wishes to get an O in her transfiguration NEWT and become a animagi.

Best school subjects:
- Transfiguration

Worst school subjects:
- History of Magic

Extracurricular Activities:
- Prefect duties, quidditch, and animagi training.

- Has not happened yet.

Current Job:
- t the moment Dannii is a student and prefect at Hogwarts New Zealand. She has never had a job in her life but plans to be a Quidditch Player after she graduates.

Plans for your future:
- To be a pro quidditch player.

Your Patronus:
- Dannii's patronous form is a Labrador Retriever. This is because this breed of dogs tend to be calm and good around others. They also tend to be very athletic.

Your Patronus memory:
- Dannii's patronus memory is her first Halloween. She dressed up like a princess and her parents dressed up as a king and queen. They trick-or-treated all night, at least what felt like all night to Dannii. When they got home Dannii ate candy until she puked all over her frilly pink dress.

Your Boggart:
- Dannii's boggart is being trapped in a small dark room. Whenever she has a nightmare of this she is usually trapped with the bodies of her loved ones. This is because when Dannii witnessed her mother and father die she was locked in a closet.

Your Animagus:
- Dannii's animagus form is a yellow lab. This is because this breed of dogs tend to be calm and good around others. They also tend to be very athletic.

Mirror of Erised:
- Dannii would see herself surrounded by her family(minus her uncle). They all look happy, loving, and very much alive.
Hi Danni :wub: just a few questions, if you don't mind!?

1. How does Danni feel about being pure blooded witch born in America?
2. Death Eaters of Aurors? How does she roll?
3. What's the relationship like between her and her sister?
4. After graduation will she be pushing onto the muggel world or stay in the magic world?
5. What will she be doing besides qudditch in the future?

Thanks xx
Thank-you for the questions! :)

1. How does Danni feel about being pure blooded witch born in America?
I don't remember anything about America or New York, I was a baby after all. As for my blood status, I never really think about it. A blood status doesn't change what type of person you are, how you're raised does.

2. Death Eaters or Aurors? How does she roll?
Neither. How could I choose Death Eaters after what happened to my family? I would also never be an Auror, I'm not willing to die for a job.

3. What's the relationship like between her and her sister?
We don't talk much but we are close. How could we not be after losing our parents and finding each other? Shes my sister and I love her.

4. After graduation will she be pushing onto the muggel world or stay in the magic world?
I'm defiantly staying in the magic world. Sure muggles have some cool stuff like TV and video games, but I'm not willing to give up magic for that.

5. What will she be doing besides qudditch in the future?
I don't know. I would much rather live life day to day instead of looking ahead. I guess I could work more on my art without the distraction of school.

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