Danielle Warbeck

Danielle Warbeck

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
James {Main}
Birch Wand 14 1/4"
The Basics

Character's Name: Danielle Warbeck

Character's Birthdate: 28th, January 2016

Hometown: Barcelona, Spain

Current Town: San Diego, California

Blood Status: Muggle born

Wand: Birch Wand 14 1/4"
Birch is a powerful wood, and combined with dragonstone it forms a brilliant master piece of a wand. It is designer for duelling and attacking, not for the faint hearted it is capable of performing the most power spells out there.

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor


Hair: Black, wavy.

Eyes: Golden Amber.

Height: 4 ft. 11 in.

Style: Fashionable. Likes to dress up for going out. Has a variety of pretty dresses. When not going out though, jeans and a nice top.

A Little Deeper
Personality: Danielle is very clever and has a good sense of justice. She often gets in trouble, but is still smart. She works very hard and likes to be the best in the class. She has a fiery temper when people upset her or get on the wrong side of her. Words that come to mind when talking about Danielle is, Crazy, Psycho, Funny, and Good-Hearted. She can be caring to people she knows and loves. She is very creative and loves to be in the center of things. She is good-natured and fun-loving!

History: Danielle was born in Spain, and lived there for 5 years. Her father is very rich, and very nice. Her mother is sweet and caring. Her sister is a Spoiled Daddy's-Princess. But her sister was still nice to her. Her family, had many friends, and was a huge help to the community so most people liked her family. When she was 5, she moved to California, because her father thought it was more safe, because the Crime-Rate in Spain was going up. Her father bought a huge mansion, that's where she lives in now. When she started school people made fun of her because she could only speak spanish, and she had no friends and was an outsider. This went throughtout all her years in school. They were the worst to her! She eventually got used to their antics though. When she turned 11, she found out she was a witch. Her sister threw a tantrum, saying she wanted magic. Her father then said to Danielle to give Parvarti her magic. Danielle ran upsatirs and locked her door. Her father now doesn't talk to her very much. But her mother was fine with her having magic.
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Behind the Character:
Hello, My names is James, and I'm 13 (almost 14) and I live in New Jersey. Before you say anything like, "Oh No its the Joisy Shore!" - I'm not anything like those people - at all. Anyways, I love Harry Potter, and this site is awesome, I've made some friends on here :D. I know this was lame, but I hope you like my character.


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