Danielle Nicolette Warbeck

Danielle Warbeck

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
James {Main}
Birch Wand 14 1/4"
Full Name: Danielle Nicolette Warbeck

Date of Birth: January 28, 2016

Current Age: 11

Basic Appearance:
Hair: Long, and black
Eyes: Amber, and Colorblind. She can see colors, but she mixes colors up sometimes. Like, if something was dark green, she may think its black.
Height: 4 ft. 11 in.

Personality: Nice, Loud, Can be Annoying, Loves to help people

Family: Danielle's Family
Georgia Warbeck: Mother, Muggle, Is Fine with her daughter being a Witch
Tyler Warbeck: Father, Muggle, Hates Magic with a passion, because of this Danielle and Tyler do not talk much. Tyler, is also very rich, he owns a big corporation, but they save their money, so they do not have a giant manor, or mansion.
Pavarti Warbeck: Sister, Muggle, Is Jealous of her sisters Magic

Earless Owl. Named, Glee, Becuase its always happy and singing! Female.
Barn Owl. Named, Baconstrips, becuase it ate Danielle's Bacon! Male.
Persian Cat. Named, Cali, becuase when Danielle lived in California there was a stray Perisan cat. Female.

Area of Residence: California, USA

Blood Status: Muggle Born

Heritage: Italian, and Spanish

Special Abilities: N/A

Interests or Hobbies: Singing

Additional Skills: Can feel peoples hearts, and feelings

Strengths: Giving Encouragement, and Singing

Weaknesses: Making Friends, Her Father, and Her Sister

Describe your character in three words: Loud, Talkative, and Brave

Favourite place to be: Beach

Friends: Fayt Aurelious, Ryan Moon, Gabrylle Aurelious, Tally Amis, Penelope Reynolds, and Alice Hills.

Hogwarts House: Gryffondor for her Courage and Loyalty or Hufflepuff for her Sense of Humor.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: To be Prefect or Head Girl. Danielle doesn't think this will happen though.

Best school subjects: She will like Care for Magical Creatures and Defense Against the Dark Arts

Worst school subjects: She won't care for Muggle Studies or Divination

Graduation: N/A

Your Patronus: Narwhal

Your Patronus Memory: Playing Race, with her Father in Hawaii, on one of his Business Trips he took her on.

Your Boggart: Having No One.

Your Animagus: White-Bellied Caique

Mirror of Erised: Having her Father, Sister, Mother, And Her getting along.

A Page From Your Diary:

Dear Diary,

Why must my sister hate me? I miss the times when we would just race each other, and laugh, and play. But now all that is whisked away to my imagination. All because of magic. Not saying I don't like magic, I love it. But I wish my sister would know I didn't ask to be magic, I just am. And me and Tyler, my father, we don't talk much, he wouldn't even take me on his business trip, to Tokyo, he always takes me on business trip, I think he hates magic, thinks it teared this family apart. But Mom, she is perfecctly fine with the whole magic situation. I'm glad, I have some one to talk to in this Death Trap. Oh, and Tyler's fortune went up a million again, another company invested in his. Woo Hoo, I've been rich since I was born, but we don't spend it very much. We just use it for loans, and taxes, and mortgages, Blah, Blah, Blah, I mean we have over Billions of dollars, I think we can spend some money on clothes and such. Still, I guess after tyler bought, those two vacation homes, in England, and Italy, I'm guessing he wants to wait ot buy this for a while. Oh, well, I'm goint to sleep see you tomorrow.

With Love,
Hey there ^_^
Just some questions for you!

Where does Danielle get her middle name from?
How does Danielle feel another's hearts/feelings?
Why is her favorite place to be at the beach?
How does Danielle feel to be in Gryffindor? Was it what she was hoping for?
Why doesn't she think she will become Prefect/HeadGirl?
Why does Danielle care for CoMC and DADA?
Why doesn't she care for Divination and Muggle Studies?
Why does Danielle call her father by his first name?

Hope these help! ^_^
Hey, thanks for the questions :)

1. She gets her middle name from her Italian Grandmother (Paternal) after she died.
2. She can feel peoples hearts and feeling by just letting everything else in the world, bacically vanish except for that person, and she just feels their hearts/feelings.
3. The beach is her favorite place to be because she made her first friends there. (Fayt Aurelious)
4. Danielle is happy to be in Gryffindor. Danielle had no preference except that she didn't want Slytherin.
5. She doesn't think she will be Prefect or Head Girl becuase she feels she is to carefree and not serious enough.
6. Danielle would like CoMC because she loves animals and nature and she will like DADA because she loves interaction with magic.
7. She won't care for Divination because she loves everything being a surprise, and she won't like Muggle Studies because she grew up with Muggles.
8. Danielle calls her father by his first name because she feels that he really dosn't love her and thats he not her father, so she calls him Tyler.

Thanks again!

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