Daniel Aragorn

Daniel Aragorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
15 1/2" Sycamore Wand with an Essence of Banshee Hair

The Basics
[Character's Name:]
Daniel Ryder Aragorn
[First name:] Daniel: Judgment of God
[Middle name:] Ryder: Knight
[Surname:] Aragorn: Nobel Warrior
[Character's Birthdate:] February 11th 2010
[Hometown:] Ackerly, Texas.
[Current location:] Brightsone, New Zealand
[Blood Status:] Muggleborn
[Wand:] 15 1/2" Sycamore Wand with an Essence of Banshee Hair
[Education:] Salem Wizarding Institute (Half of First Year) Homeschooled for the remainder.
[Occupation:] Writer
[Martial Status:] Taken by Lola Mason

Shaggy short dark brown hair
[Eyes:] Brown
[Height:] 5'9"
[Style:] Example 1
Example 2
Example 3

[A Little Deeper
Creative, Quiet, Respectiful, Smart, Friendly

[History:] Daniel grew up in a small town in Texas with his parents and was an only child. He had a somewhat normal childhood but from a young age it was obvious he had a bit of an OCD which led him to be an outcast and shy. All of this added together made him the perfect target for bullies. It had got to the point where he didn't want to go to school even though he actually enjoyed it and was quite smart. His homeschooling was great, he loved that he got to spend all his time at home, especially the days his mother was off and they would spend most of the day in the kitchen baking.

Life was going well until he got a letter with a different postmark that he didn't recongise, plus the fact that he never got letters made it even more strange. Reading a letter about how he was accepted into some sort of magic school made him roll his eyes and throw it away, putting it down to some sort of prank. A few weeks after receiving the letter a representative from the so called school arrived at his door step and talked to Daniel and his parents, explaining to them all about the magical world and just what Daniel actually was, a wizard.

So Daniel attended Salem Institute and found it hard to get accustomed to being in an actual school setting again. Although it didn't take long for the bullying to start again, this time with the added pressure of being something called a mudblood. At the Christmas holidays when Daniel returned home he discussed with his parents how he wasn't happy there and after talking to the school they set up a private tutor for him to continue his magic studies at home. At the end of his 3rd year his father had received a job offer, in New Zealand.

Despite there being another wizarding school near their new home Daniel still didn't want to go to an actual school and continued his home schooling. Being in a new area his parents hoped that it would help their son be less shy and maybe even make friends. Their prayers were answered in the form of Lola Mason, a student at the local school. The two met during one of the weekend breaks where the kids from the were able to visit the local village, which also happened to be near Daniels home. The two were quite shy but helped each other come out of their shells and after being friends for a while mutual feelings started to surface and after sharing a kiss while sharing christmas presents, Daniel started to think about Lola more and more and on the following valentines day he sent her a puzzle which asked her to be his, in true valentine style. Although it wasn't until the next Brightstone weekend until he got his answer, the two have been dating since.

After Graduating Daniel started to peruse his dream of becoming a writer, an author. He has made a few short novels that were published in books with collections of short stories but he has yet to get a full novel finisehed, let alone published.

[Mother] Emily (Reed) Aragorn
[DOB] March 4th 1986
[Blood Status] Muggle
[Occupation] Baker
[Education] Muggle Schooling

[Father] William Aragorn
[DOB] June 6th 1898
[Blood Status] Muggle
[Occupation] Sells insurance
[Education] Muggle Schooling

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