Dani Cruise

Dani Cruise


Dani Cruise
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Full Name:
- Dani Elizabeth Cruise

Date of Birth:
- 14 November 2013

Current Age:
- Ten years old

Basic Appearance:
- Dani is of average height, but a tiny bit underweight, but this is quite normal as she was prematurely born. She has long, dark, sleek hair that is straight, but has curls through it. She has strong hazel eyes Her fashion sense is more formal then casual, but it's a nice formal, not suits, but dress's and floral skirts. Although unknown to most, she has a faint birthmark on her ankle, but it's normally hidden by boots or make-up. According to most, she has no resemblance of her brother, as he doesn't her.

- Dani's personality is quite a unique one in the sense that she has different sides to her that can be triggered by different events or things that go on in her life. Generally speaking, she is brave, confident and understanding. However if people begin to corner her, emotionally, she will bite back, and strongly. This was because of some events that happened sometimes when she played outside her house sometimes, with muggles. She is much like her mother and father in this sense, as they they attended Hogwarts Scotland, and were both Gryffindors, however her brother Hufflepuff.

- Bronwen Llewelyn-Bowen (nee. Hartop): Maternal Grandmother|Half-blood|Gryffindor Alumni
- Ianto Llewelyn-Bowen: Maternal Grandfather|Half-blood|Hufflepuff Alumni
- George Llewelyn-Bowen: Maternal Uncle|Half-blood|Slytherin Alumni|Deceased

- Sarah-Jane Cruise (nee. Yates): Paternal Grandmother|Pureblood|Beauxbatons Alumni
- Patrick Cruise: Paternal Grandfather|Pureblood|Beauxbatons Alumni
- Emma Maddern (nee. Cruise): Paternal Aunt|Pureblood|Gryffindor Alumni|Married

- Lauren Cruise (nee. Llewelyn-Bowen): Mother|Half-blood|Gryffindor Alumni|Welsh
- James Cruise: Father|Pure blood|Gryffindor Alumni|American
- Romeo Cruise: Brother|Half-blood|Hufflepuff Alumni

- Bobble
Bobble is a St. Bernard dog, that she keeps at home and her parents look after it when she's not there. They have had it for five years so far, and is close family pet.

Area of Residence:
- Dani was born, aswell as her brother in Salt Lake City, America. While Dani and Romeo were young they moved to New Zealand, as they had heard about the opening new school, and they're parents had wanted them to have a fresh start. So they moved into a reasonably large house outside Auckland.

Blood Status:
- Half blood

- Half American and Half welsh.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Dani has various interests and hobbies which include, much like her brother fashion, dance and theater. As she wants to go into acting and possibly fashion she'd like to persue in her brothers footsteps. Although she also loves sport and would like to take part in many sporting events at Hogwarts.

- She is confident, brave and courageous and this give her the upper-hand on her social life and making friends. She has a sense for style and colour and can easily pick-out good combination's. She also has a very honest face, and can use it to her advantage if she wanted.

- Her strongest weakness is that she can get very emotional about things, especially when it comes to animals. And she would do anything to protect a hurt animal, she feels she has a strong connection with them. She can also be quite gullible at points, especially if its coming from an older student or an adult.

Describe your character in three words:
- Sly, Brave, Courteous

Favourite place to be:
- Upwood, England
- This is where her paternal grandparents currently live, and she loves it there, because of the garden and how she can just walk around for hours. They live next to a church, in which Dani would always crawl through a hole in the fence and just go around and look at each of the graves.

- (None yet)

Your Patronus:
- Beaver

Your Patronus memory:
- Unknown, as of yet.

Your Boggart:
- Unknown, as of yet.

Your Animagus:
- Polar bear

Mirror of Erised:
- Being successful in life and having everything she wanted; a family, love, money, joy.

Hey Dani, here are just a few questions to help you develop your character.

1. Does Dani like her name?
2. Is there a story behind her name?
3. Has she always had a more formal fashion sense or has this stemmed from somewhere?
4. Which house is she hoping for when she joins Hogwarts?
5. Does she like living in New Zealand?
6. Does she prefer England or New Zealand?
7. Why is her Patronus a beaver?
8. Has she always had a close connection with animals?
9. What is her dream for Hogwarts?
10. What's her favourite food?
11. Why is her animagus form a Polar Bear?
1. Does Dani like her name?

Yes. Dani likes her name. Although her parents chose it because it was an unusual and uncommon like her brother's, who is called Romeo.

2. Is there a story behind her name?

Not really. I briefly explained this above.

3. Has she always had a more formal fashion sense or has this stemmed from somewhere?

It's stemmed from her upbringing. Her mother always ushered her to wear formal clothing and act very lady like. Which she does very well.

4. Which house is she hoping for when she joins Hogwarts?

She's hoping for Slytherin, she wants to stray away from family tradition. She wants to become closer to her uncle, who was in Slytherin so she can learn from him how to act in the house.

5. Does she like living in New Zealand?

She doesn't really feel a difference, since she was around three when they moved, she doesn't quite remember what it was like in Salt Lake City. But from what she has seen of the city she was born in, it's a lot more cultural here and not so domestically dominated.

6. Does she prefer England or New Zealand?

New Zealand. It's more commercialized and not as rural (where she currently lives, anyway).

7. Why is her Patronus a beaver?

She's committed, and she's also quite intelligent, much like a beaver is when building a dam.

8. Has she always had a close connection with animals?

She has. When her family get on her nerves. She feels the need to talk to animals. Because they never say anything back, and she can say anything to them and know no one would ever find out.

9. What is her dream for Hogwarts?

To become someone who is recognized by everyone else. Being part of the popular crowd and also to achieve grades which she can be proud of and not let her family down, as she knows that her brother achieved good grades and she can't let her education slip.

10. What's her favourite food?

Pasta. When she tried it in a muggle Italian restaurant once she become so attracted to it. She demanded it every Saturday from her mother.

11. Why is her animagus form a Polar Bear?

She's strong minded, focused and has her eyes on the prize. Which when a polar bear is hunting, it uses this qualities to capture it's prey.

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