Dan Adams 2

Dan Adams

Well-Known Member

The Basics.
Full name: Dan Joshua Adams.

Birthday: 28th April 2011.

Current age: 24.

Favorite subject: Potions.

Worst subject: Every other one but potions.

Educated At: Hogwarts Scotland, transferred to Hogwarts New Zealand.

House: Gryffindor.

Place of birth: Scotland.

Current Living Place: New Zealand.

Hair: Quite tall, dark skinned, very short black hair.

Eye’s: Brown.

Height: 5ft 6.

Clothes: When Dan isn't in his Hogwarts Uniform, he is usually found wearing a hoody of some kind, usually with the hood up. He will be seen wearing out some ripped jeans or some baggy tracksuit bottoms. Dan is occasionly spotted wearing his baseball cap around, which he finds adds to his 'bad boy image.'

Dan has a secret charm if you get on the right side of him. Having been a bit of an idiot in the past, Dan is learning how to make friends, and struggles socializing, especially with other guys, but he is trying to improve his social skills.


Dan is from a half muggle, half magical family. From the moment Dan was born, his parents didn't want him. His older brother Troy was the only child they had wanted. Dan was purely an accident. His dad beat him until he was 10, when his parents threw him out on the streets, for hitting his mum. He was homeless for 3 Years, and in that time, Dan learnt to look after himself. However, his brother, Troy, had now flown the nest and had a home of his own. Dan was found by Troy, who offered him a place to stay at his. Dan accepted but only on the conditions that he went to Hogwarts Scotland for 2 Years. Dan was hated by both Professors and Students at Hogwarts Scotland. Having gotten himself into many fights with other students, and lots of arguments with Professors, Dan decided that it was about time he got away from Scotland. But Dan never actually left until he made the biggest mistake of his life. He hit a Professor. This got Dan expelled, which was when he decided to move to New Zealand, where he attended Hogwarts New Zealand.

Dan's time at Hogwarts was traumatic for him. He was both a bully and a trouble maker, and enjoyed winding-up the Professor's there, but did manage-to strike-up a unique student-teacher bond with Professor Cyndi Weasley. Dan was annoyed when he was informed that his Older-Brother Troy had moved-to live in New Zealand.

Changed Man.
Dan had a blooming student-teacher friendship with Professor Cyndi Weasley. She understood Dan, and having reached breaking-point in a detention with her, Dan agreed to try and sort his life out. He realised that his life had become a mess, and part of that mess wasn't his fault, but thanks to his actions it was made worse, and Dan was determined to try and change his life around. He lonhed to be a nicer boy who had friends, and hoped that one day he would settle down with a girlfriend.


Mother: Trish Adams.
Trish didn't beat Dan, but she never liked him from the second she had given birth to him. They argued throughout Dan's childhood. Dan always pushed it, but he crossed the line when he hit his mum, and got himself thrown out.

Father: Joshua Adams.
Josh would beat Dan for no reason. Dan was hated by him for just purely being alive. Josh would sometimes push Dan down the stairs, and whip him. They constantly fought, and during one massive fight between Dan and his dad, Trish, Dan's mum got involved, which is when Dan hit her and he got thrown out for it.

Brother: Troy Adams.
Dan was always jealous of Troy for being the wanted son in the family. However, Troy always wanted to get along with Dan. When Troy moved out, he missed his brother, and happily offered to take him in when he found him on the streets. Dan didn't really want to have to stay with his brother, but it gave him somewhere to sleep. Troy found Dan a place at Hogwarts Scotland when Dan was 13, and he stayed there, and also with Troy until the age of 15, when he moved to New Zealand, with Troy following just three months later.

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