Damon Winter Smith

Mahogany Wand 14 Unicorn hair. Pttmr =10inches, slightly springy Cedar wood with Unicorn Hair core.
Full Name:
-Damon Winter Smith

Date of Birth:

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
-Black short cropped hair with a long fringe, long, angled mouth. Lower lip slightly more pronounced then upper. Tall. Dark blue eyes. Broad shoulders. Deep soft voice.

-Shy, bit proud

-He lives with his muggle mother who doesn't seem to realise he is there. His father was a wizard but Damon only finds out about that when one of the teachers from Hogwarts arrives to give him his letter and explain every thing to his and his mother, and ends up explaining it only to Damon 'cos his mother took one look at the man and informed him that he could do as he liked as long as he didn't keep her from going to this concert she wanted to go to and left.
His father had had a one night stand with his mother, after which nether him nor her ever thought about the other again.

-He decides to get a cat because he thinks it would be nice to have a companion, and he doesn't think he'll need an owl.
He names the cat Lune for her moon shaped white bib. She is other wise completely black.
Area of Residence:

Blood Status:

-IC "I don't really want to know.."
OOC Halfblood
Special Abilities:
-He is grate with animals

Interests or Hobbies:

Additional Skills:

-He is steady and almost nothing can make him lose his cool

-He is Gay and hasn't figured out that that doesn't make him disgusting yet.
He is shy and people often take that for rudeness.

Describe your character in three words:
-Steady, Big, TeddyBear

Favourite place to be:
-under a tree away from everything else except maybe Lune.


Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
-Get through his first year unscratched

Best school subjects:
-Care Of Magical Creatures, trasfiguration

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:
-Wishing he had the courage to apply for quiditch next year and reading.


Current Job:

Plans for your future:
-He wouldn't mind being able to one day be an animagus.

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:
- When he was 6 years old he found a bird with a broken wing and took it to his next door neighbour(Mr. Bradly King) who he knew was a vet. His memory is of a few months later when he and the neighbour released the newly healed bird after caring for it.

Your Boggart:
-Having all his senses deadened. Can't see, can't feel, can't taste, can't smell, can't hear.

Your Animagus:
-Doesn't know yet.

Mirror of Erised:
-His mother turning to him, and telling him she loves him.

A page from your diary:
- IC - "I read bits and peaces of the books I got from Diagon ally today. It's so unreal I don't know where to begin. I am a wizad. I have a wand. I have wizard books, next year I am aloud to buy a broom stick! That flies around. Literally. Not that she would ever take notis long enough to actually hear me ask for the money. I don't think she's even realised I'm a wizard yet. Though I've told her a million times, and showed her my wand.
But enough about her.
My favorite thing that I got is, is of course the text book for Care Of Magical Creatures class. Magical animals. Wow. Where do I begin!?!?! My brain i
Dammit, I can smell gas and I can hear her talking out side to one of her stupid friends, I swear she's gonna kill us both before I even see Hogwarts. Gtg.
Disaster adverted. She'd forgotten she was cooking again.
Any way. What I love the most out of all that I got(even more than the COMC text book) is what is sitting in my lap right now and making it a bit hard to write anything. My Cat. Lune. For her moon shaped bib.
If I ever doubted that Lune was a magical cat, then I was have been proved wrong when we got home from Diagon ally yesterday.
On our way home I had half heartedly told her about my mum, not truly expecting her to understand, but the shop keeper said that she would, so. I told her how uncaring my mother was about any thing outside of her own world and that when we got home she'd probably make a motion with her hand and say "shoo" the first time she saw Lune, but that it was ok, because as long as Lune moved out of her line of sight when she did it, mother would never notis Lune again.
When we got home, mother did exactly as I said she would, and Lune reacted exactly as I said she should. Bounding up on the Kitchen bench behind where my mother was sitting, talking on her phone. Lune then gave a contemptuous flick of her tail in mothers direction, looking at me as if to say "Good enough?" I had nodded and suggested that we leave her to it, and had come up stairs to put down all my stuff in my room and to show Lune around.
That's pretty much what I did all the rest of yesterday, play with Lune and show her around. I'm so glad I got her, even if it meant I had to get second hand for everything I needed and had no left over money after. I'll have to go over to Bradly's house tomorrow and beg all extra work I can do for him at his vet. I'm going to need any small amount of money I can make if I'm going to survive one year at Hogwarts. I've already told him I'm going to boarding school. I think he'll understand.
P.S I am SO glad I saved most of my money up till now. Otherwise I would have had to accept that charity money Hogwarts gives to poor and orphaned kids. It would have been SO embarrassing when I technically am not an orphan and neither is my parent poor. I new she wouldn't take notis when I asked for the money.
OOC - Lune is a small, fine boned cat. :wub:

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