Damon Theodore Kyle

Damon Kyle

Comic Book Illustrator / Lost
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 1/2" Unyielding Mahogany Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
January 1, 2020
"Memories sharp as daggers...

pierce into the flesh of today..."

The suicide of love took away all that matters
Heaven ablaze in your eyes
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[name] Damon Theodore Kyle
[etymology] The first name Damon means to tame which gives off the impression of an introverted, mysterious person. The middle name Theodore means a gift from God and it would give off the impression of a funny, honest and interesting man. The surname Kyle means the narrow channel. Putting the name together, and it shows that it is indeed fitting to his character, especially the impression and meaning of his middle name. He actually likes the meanings of his names, and finds them to be very suiting, and thanks his parents.
[origin] The origin about the Kyle family can be found going back many generations, much of which would be magical and muggle alike. When it comes down Damon's family, he is the only known Kyle left, and he doesn't know much about his family's origins. Most of them were very sporty people, and very optimistic as well. Damon's happiness and such would come from that family. His mother's side was the Verdelet family, and there is no information about them at all.
[nicknames] Damon does not have any sort of nicknames at all. His name is the shortest that it can get.
[alliance] He has not chosen an alliance.
[birthdate] Damon was born on January 1st, 2020, in a local hospital where he was delivered around two in the afternoon.
[age] He is currently sixteen-years-old.
[gender] Damon is a male.
[sexual orientation] Heterosexual means that Damon is attracted to the opposite sex, which would be females. Right now, he has nothing but mindless crushes, and he does not have a single interest in females at all.
[dialects] Damon actually only knows one language, and that would be English. He has never learned his native language, which is a mystery to him.
[hometown] The city that Damon was born in was Orhei, Moldova, which is where his mother came from. However he has no memory or recollection of where he was born, after he was raised all over the continent of Europe during his toddler years, before switching over to the United States, where he considers the town of Ringgold, Georgia his home.
[residency] Damon currently living in the Zhefarovich Manor. It is in an unplottable location, where the only people that can access it are those that know where to find it. There are many other family members and ghosts that live there in the Manor.
[heritage] His mother was half British, half Moldavian while his dad was completely Romanian. That would make Damon to be one-fourth British, one-fourth Moldavian and one-half Romanian.
[blood status] He actually does not know his blood status at all, and not knowing his parents, he considers himself to be an unknown blood. He knows nothing of blood status. However he is truly a pure-blood, a first in his lines of family, according to the standards that are held on the board.
[blood type] A positive is his blood type. There is a belief in Japan when it comes to blood types and personalities. With type A, the best traits are earnest, creative, sensible while the bad traits are fastidious and overearnest. When it comes down to this belief, it somewhat goes with his character.
[wand] The wand that chose him was the Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust. Coconut is a perfect wood for spells involving handy work and is brilliant for defensive magic, the star dust adds an effect of mystery, and a mystical power to make powerful spells, even stronger. This wand is not for the quiet or shy. So, the alliance of the wand will not be won over so easily.
[current year] Sixth Year
[health status] Damon is perfectly healthy.
[allergies] He does not have any allergies.
[pet] Damon has a laughing Falcon named Falco, and he is extremely loyal to Damon.
And buried the remains in an unmarked grave in your heart
We're standing still in time
[five words] Happy, Ignorant, Optimistic, Weird, Hyper
[personality] The personality that Damon has is a very bright, almost sunshine type of personality. He is kind, sweet, almost as hyper as someone that was constantly on sugar, and just a good guy to be around. He is unbelievably happy when it comes down to life, because he has never had a reason to be brought down to earth. There isn't much that does not bother him at all. He is rather ignorant about magic and a lot about the things in magic. He doesn't really know when someone doesn't like him, and when he doesn't know that, he doesn't know when to stop talking either. He is very bright, and he is very optimistic. He is often weird with the way he acts, because he has so much laughter, and can even laugh at the bad marks he can get. He is so happy, that it would be labeled as weird because he is rarely not smiling. He has a lot of energy, and it shows in his personality.
[beliefs] Life for today.
[boggart] His boggart would be his parents, and them telling him that he was not wanted, and that they faked their own deaths just to get away from him.
[fears] Damon does have fears, but he likes to keep them hidden. For example, he does suffer from claustrophobia, the fear of being in confined places. He also fears things like firearms, and explosions though that excludes fireworks. He also fears that no one will like him at all, and that he will be the reject at school, though that would be impossible. He does fear death. And he does have a fear of roaches.
[likes] Damon likes a lot of things, one of which would be people. He loves people, and he loves being around people. He simply adores it. He loves talking to people, no matter what. He also tends to love sports and loves to play them, no matter what they are. He also loves the fact that he is magical, so he loves everything that is magic. He loves just about everything, so he is a very diverse type of guy, that can be seen doing anything and enjoying it.
[dislikes] There definitely is not much that Damon does not like. He does not like bullies that hate on others for no reason at all. He also does not like people that act like they don't care about anything at all, because there are loads of things to care about, and he also tends to dislike it when people act like they don't care about living at all. Oh, and he does dislike vegetables to an extent.
[goals] He actually does not have any goals.
[good habits] He has good hygiene and puts others before himself.
[bad habits] Damon does not know when to stop talking, at all.
[strengths] While Damon has a big heart, and it would be a very powerfil strength of his, he is quite young still. While he has a love for everyone and everything, his strengths are not apparent. They will definitely become more obvious as he grows older and wiser.
[weaknesses] Damon tends to have a weakness to anything that catches his attention, showing that he has a short attention span. He also tends to have a weakness to getting so excited, he doesn't watch where he is going, and trips or does something that would label him as clumsy. As he gets older, his weaknesses will show more.
[loyalties] His loyaltie rest with the Hufflepuff house.
[magical talents] Since this is his first year, he is not showing any sort of magical talents as of yet.
[other talents] Because of going to a muggle school, Damon tends to be good at science, and math. He has the ability to solve difficult problems with a creative mind. He also tends to have talents with muggle sports because of his energy levels. More will come as he ages.
[patronus form] He doesn't know what a patronus form is, let along what it would be.
[annoyances] Actually, there isn't anything that will be apparent to get on his nerves because of how he is. However when several people judge him, all at once, and won't talk to him and stuff, it will get on his nerves especially if he cannot understand, and no one will explain it to him.
With the venomous kiss you gave me
The blood on our hands is the wine
[chinese year] Being born in 2020, it makes Damon a Rat. People born in the Year of the Rat are noted for their charm and attraction for the opposite sex. They work hard to achieve their goals, acquire possessions, and are likely to be perfectionists. They are basically thrifty with money. Rat people are easily angered and love to gossip. Their ambitions are big, and they are usually very successful. They are most compatible with people born in the years of the Dragon, Monkey, and Ox.
[zodiac sign] Damon is a Capricorn, the goat. Being a Capricorn, it makes him practical, prudent, ambitious, disciplined, patient, careful, humorous and reserved. All of which he is, but on the downside, it makes him pessimistic, fatalistic, miserly and grudging. All of these traits aligns with the rule of the Capricorn, and they fit closely with Damon's character, except that he is not pessimistic at all. What a Capricorn likes are reliability, professionalism, knowing what you discuss, firm foundations, purpose, and they also dislike wild schemes, fantasies, go-nowhere jobs, ignominy and ridicule. The colors that are associated with Capricorns are brown and most dark colors. The startstone of the Capricorn is black onyx.
[cardinal sign] A capricorn is a cardinal sign, and a person that is this sign are associated with initiation, creativity and leadership. This is somewhat true.
[interpersonal sign] Also being a capricorn makes them have a transpersonal sign which makes them principally aware of and concerned with humanitarian and existential concerns. This is also true to Damon's character.
[planet] The planet that rules Damon's character is Saturn. Saturn is the planet that in earthly life serves to signify restrictions and obstacles someone must face if their personal goals are incorrect for them or they have a karmic debt that needs paying. Saturns placement in the chart can indicate areas in their life that they will need to be particularly diligent about trying to change or work with. Thus Saturn has been called both, the planet of fate and the Lord of Karma. Saturn symbolizes the course of time and patience, tradition, and experience. At the best of times it helps to consolidate, and at its worst it restricts the persons efforts. Someone under the rule of this planet makes someone knowing in limitation, restrictions, boundaries, practicality and reality, crystallizing, and structures, as well as being self-disciplined, responsible and reliable. On the downside, it also makes someone morose, cold, miserly, indifferent and rigid.
[element] Being a Capricorn, Damon's element is Earth. An emphasis on this element indicate a practical, cautious, and pragmatic approach to life. In the majority of cases there is the need to build solid, 'real' material success, for example, home and career succeess. Earthy people may benefit from connecting to the earth element via gardening, pottery, facial mud packs. Long range planning and the determination to succeed are strong traits for this element, as is melancholy, greed and fear if taken too far. A person with a lack of earth may find it difficult to live in the 'real' world and to keep themselves grounded. Their expectations in general may be a little unrealistic. Though Bryce does not really fit the profile of being 'earthy' however some of the traits do fit him which are lively, truthful, straight-forward, just, upright and virtuous in their dealings with other people with the downside of being aggressive, egocentric, non-caring, center of attention and thinking they are never wrong.
[birthstone] Damon was born in January, making his birthstone the Garnet. The garnet was once thought to be connected with the blood. This stone is supposed to protect the wearer from nightmares and offer guidance through the dark.
I'm killing loneliness
We offer as sacrifice
[martial status] Damon is currently single, and he is not looking for a relationship.
[whom] N/A
[past relationships] None
[innocence] Damon has yet to lose his virginity.
[past sexual partners] None
[turn ons] This is unknown.
[turn offs] This is also unknown.
[aphrodisiacs] This is unknown as well.
[the perfect female] He does not have an ideal female yet.
[the perfect date] And he does not have an ideal date yet.
With the warmth of your arms you saved me
Come on and show them your love
[playby] Tyler Blackburn
[natural hair] His natural hair is a dark brown, and it is fine though it is easy to get oily. He keeps it longer than most boys, and has it grown down to his shoulders. It is naturally straight, but it has a touch of waves to it. He does not keep it nice, but he can keep it brushed if he feels like it, which he often does not.
[eyes] His eyes are a brown color, that could be resembled to chocolate. When one looks into his eyes, they will see happiness, something that never lacks, and his energy. He shows all of his emotions with his eyes. The meaning of his eye color is a strong and rich color that has connections of earth-energy, creativity, simplicity, strength, endurance, and fertility. Initiates into spiritual orders often wear brown robes to indicate their humility, simplicity, and stability.
[height] He stands at a height of four feet six inches, and he is still growing.
[weight] He weighs about about eighty pounds.
[complexion] His complexion is a good beige, and he tans rather easily. His skin is very smooth, and soft to the touch, almost like a baby's skin.
[scars] Damon has a rather deep scar on his shoulder, from falling.
[birthmark] It is a dark spot on the back of his neck.
[smile] His smile is bright and cheery, and one could see it for miles and miles.
[body build] Damon is very skinny, and somewhat lean. He will grow but it is hard to tell if he will be muscular or not.
[body modifications] He does not have any piercings or tattoos.
[dominant hand] His dominant and wand hand would be his right hand.
[style] His style is basic muggle. He wears very bright colored tee shirts, and blue jeans. He doesn't like wizarding clothing, but he would wear his Hufflepuff robes very loosely. One would say that his style is very laid back and casual, and he does keep his pants above his waist. He loves sneakers, especially some that are really colorful.
I'm killing loneliness with you
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
[school] He is currently attending Hogwarts New Zealand.
[hogwarts house] He was sorted into the house of Helga Hufflepuff. This was his sorting post:
Damon Kyle could not be more excited for getting placed into a house with others. He had recently been placed in a wizarding home where he was being fostered. Sure, he did not mind jumping from one house to the next, but it was awfully fun for him though. While he knew nothing of his family members, if he even had family, where he had come from, there was nothing out there that he knew about, Damon was still the happy guy that he had always been, and always would be. He loved everything and everyone, but he did some weird things. He was a weird kid, and there was nothing wrong with it. Damon loved being himself and if anyone had a problem with it, then they could kiss his rear end! Damon looked around with his brown eyes, his long hair almost messed up, but he had brushed it just for this occasion. It was very special, because he was going to be sorted. His foster parents told him a lot about what houses were what, and he truthfully did not care where he ended up. He just wanted to be around people, and make as many friends as he wanted to. Could he make a lot of friends? It was possible, because of how lovable personality. His last name started with a K, so he knew that there would be a wait. Once the names were being called out, Damon could feel the excitement building in the pit of his stomach. Oh he could just feel his heart beating, and it was amazing. Soon enough, he heard his name, and Damon politely excused himself through the potential students to make his way up to the front. He plopped down on the stool, nearly missing the stool altogether, and he felt the hat upon his head. Damon made sure to shut up his thoughts, so that the hat can decide.
"Undoubtedly a HUFFLEPUFF!"
[special titles and awards] He has not won anything as of yet.
[extracurricular activities] He is not in any clubs.
[favorite subject] Charms
[best subject] Potions
[loathed subject] There isn't one.
[worst subject] Astronomy
[favorite professor] Professor Snow and Professor Zhefarovich
[loathed professor] There is not one.
[grade average] Outstanding
[owl grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
History of Magic: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Defence Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
History of Magic: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding

[newt grades] Not available
[graduated] Due to graduate June of 2038​
"The killing loneliness that turned my heart into a tomb...

nailed to a cross together as solitude begs us to stay..."

We disappear in the lie, forever
For your soul, my love
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[adopted father] Benjamen Tenebrion Zhefarovich
[born] November 25th, 1993
[blood status] Pure-blood
[title] Nefarious Savant of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Potions Dealer; Scitorari
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Ravenclaw Alumni, Prefect and Head Boy
[playby] Alexander Skarsgard
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[mother] Lasandra Olivia Verdelet-Kyle
[born] April 6th, 1999
[blood status] Unknown blood
[heritage] 1/2 British, 1/2 Moldavian
[seeing] Robinson Nicholas Kyle
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Gryffindor Alumni
[playby] Selma Hayek


[father] Robinson Nicholas Kyle
[born] April 6th, 1998
[blood status] Unknown blood
[heritage] Romanian
[seeing] Lasandra Olivia Verdelet-Kyle
[occupation] Professional Rugby Player
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Aaron Eckhart


[older brother] Samouel Elijah Kyle
[born] November 1st, 2017
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/4 British, 1/4 Moldavian, 1/2 Romanian
[education] Durmstrang
[playby] Tom Daley
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[adopted sister] Alaska Riin Zhefarovich
[born] December 25th, 2019
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Italian, 1/2 Bulgarian
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin
[playby] Clemence Poesy
[roleplayer] Jessye
And denounce the power of death over our souls
This endless mercy mile
Damon Theodore Kyle was the source of love between a young married couple named Robinson and Lasandra. However not long after their New Year's baby was born, there was a terrible accident. The house was struck by lightning, and caught the house on fire. Luckily the nursery was away from the flames, and he was rescued. He was placed in a Moldova orphanage because his parents were supposedly killed at the same time, and he didn't have any other family to go to. Deciding to go through foster care, sending him from continent to continent, before he was placed in the care of a nice American family from the United States, and he ended up in Ringgold, Georgia. While he went to a muggle school, he learned more and more, though he never let his situation get him down. He moved from foster home to foster home but it was not until he was eleven, when he was moved into the Jerards, and he received his letter to acceptance in Salem and Hogwarts New Zealand. The Jerard family decided to move to New Zealand, and they brought him along after much paperwork. He soon went to school, and he was sorted into the noble house of Hufflepuff. His first year went by fast, and he was the top points earner in his house. In his second year, it was a repeat and he made a few friends. The summer going into his third year, he was finally adopted, by Alaska's father, making them adopted brother and sister. To his request, he kept his last name.
"As secret words are said to start a war...

with the venomous kiss you gave me..."

With the warmth of your arms you saved me
We're crawling side by side

[first year] Years 2031-2032
Snap Crackle Pop
Loosen the Noose, Love
Becoming Friends
[second year] Years 2032-2033
Hitting a Wall
[third year] Years 2033-2034</FONT></SIZE>
The killing loneliness that turned my heart into a tomb
With hell freezing over in our eyes

<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="times new roman">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Navy - Killing Loneliness by HIM; White - Rip Out The Wings Of A Butterfly by HIM
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​

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