Damn Ball

Alexander Fields

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Elder 15 1/2" Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Alex was sitting down at the lake, thinking about what had happened at the Yule ball, it was pointless how he went off at Alex Cullen, he had pretty much ruined everyone's night and it made him feel worse that he angered Kiera so much. He couldn't help it that he felt so angry and worked up over what was going on. After all anger was a natural thing, it isn't healthy if you never feel anger, aggression is the feeling you have to control and stop it from showing. Looking at the ripples in the lake, he smiled, it was relaxing sitting down here and looking out amongst the water.
((I'm assuming this is set after break...))

Kiera had just arrived back from her Christmas holidays. She was dressed in a simple off white dress with heels. Her long honey brown curls fell down her shoulders, making her look very much like an angel. On her finger, was a beautiful pink diamond engagement ring. It was a sign of her commitment to James. Even though the pair had been married over break, it was a secret. No one would be aware of the private wedding besides those in attendance. Instead, she would tell everyone she was engaged to James and the wedding would be in August.

Kiera saw Alexander Fields sitting by the lakefront. She was still upset with him for ruining her last moment with her Alex. She was sure that now that she was wearing this ring, all chances of friendship or even civil communication would be down the drain. Kiera sighed. She was missing her husband already. Kiera walked to where Alexander was. "Hi. Care if I join you?" she asked.

Alex was shocked when he heard a familiar voice, the voice of Kiera Kingsley coming over towards him, he didn't know what to think. Maybe he was in trouble off her, or maybe he was about to be forgiven for being a complete A$$ hole on the night of the yule ball. Looking up at her he smiled. " Sure you don't even have to ask." He said noticing the ring on her finger, looks like Alex decided to Propose to her. All the luck to them, he thought as he moved over a little bit to give her some room to sit down next to him. " How have you been?"
Kiera sat down on the ground in a lady like manner. She was wearing a dress after all. Kiera smiled at him but only for a moment. She rolled her eyes at him. "Well thanks to you, my last dance with Alex was ruined. I doubt he will ever talk to me now." she said with a hint of sadness. It still upset her that she couldn't find her balance. To have James, she had to give him up, something that broke her heart. "But since then, I'm good. I got engaged." Kiera told him with a giant smile. It was clear she was utterly happy and content. James was hers forever and nothing could change that.
" I'm sorry about that, I should have used more self control, if there is any way I can make it up to you I will." Alex said puzzled at her next statement, she was engaged, but she wasn't talking to Alex Cullen, it seemed odd, but it would have to be to someone else. " So who is the lucky guy then?" He asked knowing it would probably be James Potter, the kids had been spreading rumors about it for some time now.
Kiera accepted Alex's apology. She had never been one to hold grudges against her friends. She smiled at him. "Apology accepted. Just don't get into anymore fights in front of me. I would hate to have to show you up." she teased, laughing. Kiera was very good with her wand, especially since she spent most of her free time studying spells and course work. "Oh...um. I'm engaged to James. James Potter. He asked me when I went to his house for Christmas. We told his family as well as my family and they are happy for us." she said, knowing that it was true. "I really do love him and he loves me." she marveled. It was very obvious that Kiera loved James deeply.
" Congratulations, Im so happy for you." Alex said genuinely. he was really happy for her seeing as she was a good chick and she deserved to be with someone who loved her and treated her right. " yeah well you mightn't have to worry about that, I mightn't be here for long." he said looking out at the water.
Kiera smiled as Alex congratulated her. She knew not everyone would be as nice about the news. "Thank you. I really am happy." she said. Kiera was happily married to her soul mate. Kiera frowned at Alex's next sentence. "Where are you going?" she asked confused.
" Well I might be getting expelled, I had a fight with Professor Styx, I was walking away from him after a argument and he attacked me, so I lashed out back and for my own good Artemis, the little half goblin girl knocked me out, so I wouldn't get hurt." Alex said. Looking at her with a smile on his face, if he did get expelled he would miss her. He would miss everyone.
Kiera looked confused at Alex as he said what he had done. Kiera frowned. "What did you do that for?" she said not understanding. Kiera knew Artemis and liked the girl. None of it made sense to her.
" I have no Idea why I done it, I kind of just snapped and I couldn't deal with anything else other then lashing out at someone, and he just ticked me off that little bit more then everyone else. I feel bad for what I done, I really do." Alex said looking from out in the lake to over at Kiera and back out towards the lake.
Kiera listened with an open mind. She tried to hold her tongue as best she could. Being the Head Girl, she could hardly condone that type of behavior. Kiera personally didn't understand it. She wasn't the type of person to easily lose her temper unless provoked. "Well, I'm sure there will be consequences but maybe it won't be so bad." she said hopefully.
" Hope fully not, I don't really want to get kicked out of here, I have so many friends it will be hard as just to leave at the end of the year." Alex said looking around at the lake, there where still a few people out, but not as many as there where usually.".. But anyways, what did you get up to on the holidays?"
Kiera nodded her head. She didn't want to say much more on the subject of expulsion so she just let it drop. At Alex's next question, a smile flashed across her face. Over break, she had gotten married. Kiera could hardly tell Alex that though. She would only tell him part of her break. "Well I went with James to visit his family. He wanted me to meet them all." she said with a smile. It had been slightly nerve racking meeting the famous Potters. "Other than that, I just spent time with him." she said happily.
" That's cool, me and Maddie got engaged, it was a bit of a shock, I bought the ring with a plan on just having it for if the right time came along and it just did." He said with a smile, he was glad he was engaged, but he didn't know why they where so early in the relationship. " James seems like a nicer bloke then Alex no offense."
Kiera frowned as Alex said he and Maddiie were engaged. She found this extremely odd. When she first met Alex, he didn't have a girlfriend and now he was engaged? It was all too soon in her opinion though she wished the best for the pair. When Alexander brought up her Alex, she glared at him. "Alex is wonderful. He is forgiving and kind and perfect. I'm the one who ruined things for us. He was just retaliating because I hurt him." she said defending her ex-boyfriend. Part of her heart still loved Alex and it cut her like a knife that they were no longer friends. "If I was going to blame someone, I would blame Maddiie. Alex Cullen would never have kissed her if he had known she had a boyfriend." she said, her voice rising slightly with anger. "He wouldn't do to you what James did to him." she said, her face falling, empty of all happiness.That was exactly what Alex would think. He had been her other half for a year. They often had the same thoughts.
Looking down Alex began to feel bad about bringing Alex up, he was trying to cheer, her up even more then she already was, she was happy about her and James and he was just saying the truth, James did seem as though he was a better person then Alex, but that was his opinion. " I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up." He said looking out into the water not being able to look at Kiera.
Kiera's temper began to cool as Alex said he shouldn't have brought up Alex Cullen. "No, you shouldn't have." she said hotly. It still hurt Kiera inside about all she had put Alex through. He had been good to her and she had let him down. She tried not to dwell on it, turning her thoughts back to James. She loved him and considered herself very lucky to have him. Kiera began to feel badly for snapping at Alexander but she wasn't going to apologize. He shouldn't keep holding a grudge on Alex Cullen.
It wasn't Alex's fault that he didn't like Cullen it was because Cullen was a deceiving Bastard, and he treated him like crap. Supposedly, he should rip im apart, but knowing the mess, he preferred not to. " So how are you going with your fighting? " He asked remembering about him teaching her how to fight with her hands and feet.
The rest of Kiera's anger towards Alexander faded as he changed the subject. She had never been one to hold grudges. Kiera let the small fight go, glad Alex had not chosen to fight her back. Kiera smiled as he turned the subject back to physical fighting. "I haven't been practicing really but I remember how." she told him. Kiera had been busy with her wedding and gymnastics training.
" Yeah you probably would have laughed at Aleyha, testing the strength of a piece of wood on the back of my head, just to see if it was strong." Alex said as he smiled, his sternum still hurt from where Art headbutted him, but over time it would heal. Not really remembering whether he had told her before he said it again. " Did I tell you about me being a animagus now?"
Kiera was slightly confused as to what he was talking about. She didn't know anyone named Aleyha. Kiera decided not to comment on that as he switched the subject. Kiera laughed. "No you didn't tell me but I saw you." she said dryly. "Remember? You changed in front of us at the Yule Ball." she reminded him.
" Yeah, it would have kind of freaked yous out juts a little bit, me being just normal one minute to being able to change the next." Alex said with a smile as he laid himself out on the ground and looked up at the sky, he had no idea what he was going to do for the rest of the day other then sit aorund and do nothing.
Kiera shrugged. She didn't really think changing shapes was all that strange. One of her best friends was a werewolf after all. Kiera had even thought about going through the training of becoming an animagus. She shook her head."No, not really. My mom is an animagus too. She changes into a cat." she said smiling. "Plus my friend Bruin could change into a bear." she said, remembering the incident after the gossip magazine in the Great Hall.
" A bear that would be kind of cool." Alex said remembering about how he had killed a few bears out in the forest for attacking him. He hoped that it wasn't her friend who he had slain, in cold blood with Kala as a witness. Leaning right down he grabbed his toes and pulled them back a little bit, stretching his calf muscles which where going to sleep.

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