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Full Name:
Damien Alexandre Lachance
Damien: To tame
Alexandre: Defending men
Lachance: The Luck
Date of Birth:
January 23, 1995
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Damien looks like a dark man, his heavy eyebrows shadowing his dark eyes. His hair is usually somewhat spikey and his face often has stubble. He's not an ugly man, he's actually quite handsome, especially when he smiles. He tends to wear muggle long coats and denim pants over button down shirts or sweatshirts.
Personality: Damien grew up in chicago, and has the slight accent to prove it. He is somewhat jaded, after learning what his father is. He was traumatized by the memory of the fierce beating his father gave him and his mother. He is cynical, since he's seen some of the worst that the wizarding world has to offer as well as the worst of the muggle world, what with growing up in chicago. He does however have a taste for barbecue food as a result of his childhood home. Since he's lost friends in his line of work, he is fiercely loyal and protective of his comrades in arms.
Damien has a softer side that his friends see, and he actually has a sense of humor, something those who don't know him well would swear he lacks. People who've served with him in the field know that while he is serious, he occasionally cracks a joke with a very dry delivery. He also tells great stories of some of his odder missions in the field. His softer side is brought out especially when his is around Martine, his newest friend, and possibly one of his closest. He doesn't know quite how to act around her yet, but somehow hasn't ruined their budding relationship, which he is thankful for.
Erebeth Elmsley: Mother
Father: Cocytus Lachance
Pets: none
"Like I can afford one."
Area of Residence:
Obsidian Harbor
Blood Status:
Mixed Blood
Half French and half English
Special Abilities:
Skilled at silently casting offensive spells.
Interests or Hobbies:
He enjoys reading, muggle music (harder rock, bands like Thrice and a hometown band Russian Circles), and exercise. Unknown to most people, he enjoys muggle board games, particularly Euro-games (games like Settlers of Catan).
Additional Skills:
Skilled hand to hand combatant, he had some formal training in tae kwon do, knowledgeable about muggle life and customs, athletic, skilled marksman with muggle firearms.
Very comfortable in muggle society, very loyal to his comrades, and skilled at combat.
Usually Taciturn.
Describe your character in three words:
Cynical, Intense, Loyal.
Favourite place to be:
In the field, doing his job, or with friends.
Martine Laurent: His first friend in New Zealand, and perhaps something more after the events of Vader Complex. Where will this lead him?
Lex Skyweave: they worked together on a few cases. He relates to Lex's enjoyment of muggle society, and honestly he's a good guy to go on a pub crawl with, partially because of his usefulness in a barfight.
Hogwarts House:
Went to an American school
Best school subjects:
Muggle Studies
Defense against the dark arts.
Worst school subjects:
Arithmancy (He simply didn't like the subject)
Extracurricular Activities:
Dueling club
Your Patronus:
A black raven, or 'Stormcrow'
Your Boggart:
Himself with a Dark Mark and literal blood on his hands.
He knows the path he could walk down, and he doesn't want to... He imagines this is what he'd become if he followed his father.
Mirror of Erised:
Himself with a wife, child and his mother, happy.
Damien Alexandre Lachance
Damien: To tame
Alexandre: Defending men
Lachance: The Luck
Date of Birth:
January 23, 1995
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Damien looks like a dark man, his heavy eyebrows shadowing his dark eyes. His hair is usually somewhat spikey and his face often has stubble. He's not an ugly man, he's actually quite handsome, especially when he smiles. He tends to wear muggle long coats and denim pants over button down shirts or sweatshirts.
Personality: Damien grew up in chicago, and has the slight accent to prove it. He is somewhat jaded, after learning what his father is. He was traumatized by the memory of the fierce beating his father gave him and his mother. He is cynical, since he's seen some of the worst that the wizarding world has to offer as well as the worst of the muggle world, what with growing up in chicago. He does however have a taste for barbecue food as a result of his childhood home. Since he's lost friends in his line of work, he is fiercely loyal and protective of his comrades in arms.
Damien has a softer side that his friends see, and he actually has a sense of humor, something those who don't know him well would swear he lacks. People who've served with him in the field know that while he is serious, he occasionally cracks a joke with a very dry delivery. He also tells great stories of some of his odder missions in the field. His softer side is brought out especially when his is around Martine, his newest friend, and possibly one of his closest. He doesn't know quite how to act around her yet, but somehow hasn't ruined their budding relationship, which he is thankful for.
Erebeth Elmsley: Mother
Father: Cocytus Lachance
Pets: none
"Like I can afford one."
Area of Residence:
Obsidian Harbor
Blood Status:
Mixed Blood
Half French and half English
Special Abilities:
Skilled at silently casting offensive spells.
Interests or Hobbies:
He enjoys reading, muggle music (harder rock, bands like Thrice and a hometown band Russian Circles), and exercise. Unknown to most people, he enjoys muggle board games, particularly Euro-games (games like Settlers of Catan).
Additional Skills:
Skilled hand to hand combatant, he had some formal training in tae kwon do, knowledgeable about muggle life and customs, athletic, skilled marksman with muggle firearms.
Very comfortable in muggle society, very loyal to his comrades, and skilled at combat.
Usually Taciturn.
Describe your character in three words:
Cynical, Intense, Loyal.
Favourite place to be:
In the field, doing his job, or with friends.
Martine Laurent: His first friend in New Zealand, and perhaps something more after the events of Vader Complex. Where will this lead him?
Lex Skyweave: they worked together on a few cases. He relates to Lex's enjoyment of muggle society, and honestly he's a good guy to go on a pub crawl with, partially because of his usefulness in a barfight.
Hogwarts House:
Went to an American school
Best school subjects:
Muggle Studies
Defense against the dark arts.
Worst school subjects:
Arithmancy (He simply didn't like the subject)
Extracurricular Activities:
Dueling club
Your Patronus:
A black raven, or 'Stormcrow'
Your Boggart:
Himself with a Dark Mark and literal blood on his hands.
He knows the path he could walk down, and he doesn't want to... He imagines this is what he'd become if he followed his father.
Mirror of Erised:
Himself with a wife, child and his mother, happy.